Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter series.
A/N: According to my friend, I'm going to lose all my readers if I don't update ASAP.

"Hermione, it'll be alright," Draco whispered into her ear, his arm around her protectively as they walked to the Hospital Wing. Almost all the students were in Hogsmeade so there was no danger of being seen, not that Draco cared.
"Draco," Hermione said, ignoring the pain in her lips, she had to say this to him, "Don't fight them. For me."
Draco sighed and said, "I promise, I won't fight Potter or that idiotic Weasel. Just don't talk, it must hurt you." Hermione just nodded.

Madame Pompfrey, when she saw Draco bring Hermione with swollen lips, thought immediately, that boy must've done something to her. Of course being an adult with a teacher status at Hogwarts, she couldn't jump to conclusions and kept her lips pursed while Draco explained. She just nodded and helped Hermione swallow a potion. She'd get the real story from Hermione after her lips deflated. The medicine put the drinker to sleep while it deflated the lips.

"She'll wake up in an hour," Madame Pompfrey said briskly. "Now out!"
"Thank you, Madame," Draco said politely, not his usual sneer, to the surprise of the nurse, and left.

He walked back towards the library because Hermione had left her stuff there. His thoughts were revolving around Hermione. She had kissed him. She wasn't repulsed by him. He was overjoyed. Don't celebrate yet, the voice inside him said snidely. Her friends would most definately not approve. She will leave you for them. That kiss meant nothing.

"Malfoy," a voice said angrily in front of him. Draco was so imersed in his thoughts he didn't notice the angry red-head in front of him.

"Malfoy," Ron said again angrily.
"Hmmm?" Draco asked vaguely, still not realized who was in front of him or how angry that someone was.
"Expelliarmus," Ron cried out.
Draco just had enough time to realized what was happening and dodged the spell. He pulled out his wand ready to aim with deadly precision but then Hermione's words came into his mind. He had promised not to fight the red-head.
"Stupefy!" Ron shouted, taking advantage of Draco's idleness.
"Protego!" Draco said quickly, putting up a protective shield.
"You coward," Ron said, red in the face, "Come and fight me."

He shot another spell and Draco again put up a protective shield. Draco tried once or twice to disarm him, reasoning that disarming someone wasn't really fighting, just defense. But Ron was in a fighting frenzy and soon tired out Draco while he still had ample energy. Draco crashed into the wall, lying below it in an odd angle. His wand was just out of his reach. He tried to get it but Ron had got it by the spell "accio".

"What spell did you put on her, you git," Ron spat.
Draco straightened up and said, "I didn't put a single spell on her. It's because of her that you are even breathing right now. Now give me my wand."
Ron kicked him in the stomach. "Tell," another kick, "me," a harder kick, "what", kick, "spell", Draco groaned, "you," kick, "put", Draco closed his eyes in pain, "on," kick, "her!"
"N-no, spell,"Draco murmered before slipping into unconsciousness.
Ron, his anger coolling slightly, just realized what he had done. He could be in so much trouble for this. Crimson blood trickled from his head. He placed Malfoy's wand in Malfoy's pocket and ran to the common rooms.

What did you do? Are you nuts? You are going to be in serious trouble, the voice inside him screeched. Ron assured himself that he did what he had to do. Hermione was under a spell. Possibly a love potion? She could have actually fell in love with him, his voice said softly, she could have wanted to kiss him. She can't have, Ron thought defensively. She did break up with you, the voice reminded him. Is it possible she fell in love with him? There is no way, Ron though happily, Malfoy was so mean to her there is no way she fell in love with him. People can change, Ron. Not a Malfoy, Ron decided happily. He would go get Harry and they would squeeze out whatever spell Malfoy put on her. With that happy thought he slowed his pace and planned to take the short cut to the common rooms.

"Harry," she said in a soft warning manner. They were in corridor that was the shortcut to Gryfindor tower. People rarely went there.
He leaned forward and kissed her again. When they broke apart he said, "See, you know as well as I do this is right. Nothing can stop us."
"I'm still nervous," she confessed.
"Don't be," Harry said comfortingly. "Hermione said he didn't suspect us."
"I just hate hiding," she said crossing her arms.
"Me too," Harry said taking her arms and kissing her lips again. Little did they know, they wouldn't have to hide any longer.

Ron entered the corridor, his mind plotting and scheming. He looked up and saw a kissing couple. He saw a mess of fiery red hair and dark black hair. His sister and best friend. Kissing. His sister and his best friend. Kissing. He was so angered and hurt he couldn't think coherent thoughts.

"You!" He yelled. "First Hermione and now you two!"
Harry and Ginny broke apart, guilt written all over their faces.
"Ron--" Harry began.
"NO!" Ron screeched. "She's my sister Harry."
"Ron--" Ginny began, using all of her self-control not to hex her brother into oblivian.
"No, Ginny," Ron said angrily. "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because we knew this is how you would react to it," Ginny said equally angry now.
"Listen, I"m happy for you two, really," Ron said trying to calm down. "I'm just mad that you two didn't tell me and I had to find out by seeing you two snogging each other. Really, what kind of brother did you think I am, Ginny? Who you date is your choice." As long as it isn't some slimey Slytherin, he added silently.
Ginny's face lit with joy and then shame. "I'm sorry, Ron. I was just...We were...It doesn't matter..."
"We just felt that you wouldn't approve," Harry said grinning sheepishly.
"Really? How old do you think I am? Just no snogging infront of me," Ron said making a mock disgusted face.
"Then..." Ginny hinted.
"I need to talk to Harry," Ron said defiantly.
"See you later, Harry," Ginny said giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Harry watched her leave. He was glad that they wouldn't have to hide anymore. "So what is it Ron?"
"I saw Hermione," Ron began slowly, "kissing Malfoy."

She stretched out her limbs. She racked her brains to remember what exactly happened.

"Glad to see you woke up, ," Madame Pompfrey said down to business.
"How long was I here?" Hermione asked, yawning.
"Only an hour," The nurse replied.
"Hmm... felt much longer," Hermione muttered. She gingerly felt her lips. "May I leave now?"
"Of course," Madame Prompfrey replied. "But before that, could you inform me as to what happened to you?"
"Ron cursed me," she said bluntly. "Have a good day, Madame," she said stiffly and left the hospital room.
"They're at dinner right now," Madame Pompfrey called out to her, puzzled.

Hermione walked quickly to the Great Hall. She scanned the mass of students for a certain Slytherin. When she didn't spy him at his usual place she began to worry. She decided to walk along the path that he had used to take her to the hospital wing. The sight she saw sickened her. Draco was crumbled on the floor at an awkward angle, blood pouring from his wounds. She rushed to him and healed the gaping flesh wounds. Her hands lovingly caressed his face, brushing his hair back.

"Renervate," she whispered, pointing her wand at his chest.
"Hmm?" Draco murmured as he slowly drifted into reality.
"What happened?" She asked him softly.
"You asked me not to fight them," he said looking into her eyes, "So I didn't. Too bad you didn't tell them not to fight me."
"They did this?" She whispered, disbelieving her friends would do something so cruel.
"Weasel," he said in monotone.
"You could have easily defeated him in a duel," she said confused.
"You asked me not to fight them," he said simply.
"You let him do this to you so as not to break your promise to me?"
"I love you too much to break a promise," he said embracing her.
"I'm sorry for--"
"Shh," he commanded. "You shouldn't have to apologize for the envy of your friend."
"Then what should I say to this?" She asked him, biting her lip. "You let yourself be beaten unconscious for me."
"You should say that you love me," he said smiling gently. "That's all I need: your love."
She answered him with a kiss.

"You did what?!" Harry yelled at Ron.
"The foul git deserved it!" Ron defended.
"Maybe," Harry admitted. "But you could be in so much trouble if this reaches the professors!"
"I know I know," Ron said mournfully. "But do you think I could get away with it as an attempt to save Hermione from his love potion or spell or whatever?"
"Love spell..." Harry muttered.
"Hermione obviously loves me, Harry!" Ron said enraged. "Of course he put a love spell on her!"
"Ron," Harry said tired. "I, I don't think Hermione loves you."
"Of course she does," Ron countered. "Are you saying she could possibly love that git?"
Harry shrugged. "Of course she does," a voice inside him said solemnly, "that night changed everything, and you know it." But she can't. He's Slytherin! "A Slytherin who showed her more kindness than you two did." Those words hurt. "Hey, I'm a figment of your imagination or conscious or whatever" Then..I...banish...you? "Ha ha, nice try." Okay, now is not the time! "You're the one arguing with yourself," the voice said none to innocently. Hmph. "You have to tell your friend, he deserves the truth," the voice said softly.

"Ron there's something you should know about Hermione's parents' death," Harry began nervously.
"What?" Ron snapped, that event brought him foul memories of Hermione being alone with Malfoy.
"They're not dead."

"Hermione, why?" Draco pleaded. I told you she'd refuse your advances. No, she can't.
"Draco," Hermione said stroking his cheek, "I love you, but I, I can't."
"It's because I'm a Slytherin, isn't it?" He asked angrily.
"No," she whispered. "it's because I can't let you get hurt by him like that again."
"Hermione, your words hurt me more than any blow the Weasel could give me," he said fiercly.
"I'm sorry, Draco. It's too dangerous," she said trying to pull away but he held her tighter.
"Dangerous?" He said hoarsly, "You're bloody- friend-of-the-Boy-Who-Lived. You're in danger as we speak."
"You're right," she murmmured. "And I can't put you in the same danger."
"Good-bye, Draco," Hermione said pulling away. He had finally loosened his grip; admitting defeat. "I truly am sorry."
"So am I," he whispered darkly, "that you killed the love we could have had."

20 Years Later

"You'll miss the train if you don't hurry, dears," Hermione chided.
"Relax, sweet-heart," her husband said laughing. "Rose will never ever risk missing Hogwarts."

They were married and had children, yet she still couldn't bear it when he called her endearing names. She craned her neck, scanning the crowds for Harry and Ginny. Instead, her eyes locked on a gentlemen clad in black. His silver eyes and blonde hair made her heart stop. It reminded of her crime.

Her husband had spotted Harry and Ginny and waved his arms so they could see where they were. Ginny teased Ron and her children chatted merrily with his. Harry had seen the look of sorrow cross Hermione's eyes and the masked expression of the blonde man. Hermione nodded to Harry, confirming his suspicions, and he nodded back; letting her know they were both thinking of them time she comitted murder: The day she killed the love she could have had with Draco Malfoy.

~The End~

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