Almost two months later all that was left of Nikki's ordeal was a slight scar on her stomach, Harry had asked her to move into his house permanently and Nikki had said yes but had told him that she was keeping her own house for the time being in case it was needed at some point, Harry had agreed to this.

"You know.." Nikki started as she finished wiping up the dinner things and put the wiping up cloth back on the dryer "Things are going to be a bit different soon"

"Oh really?" Harry asked as he walked over to her and placed his hands on her hips thinking that she meant about her moving in with him permanently, he leant down to kiss her but Nikki shook her head and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Yes, because in a few months you are going to be a daddy Dr Cunningham" she told him and looked him in the eyes to see his reaction.

"I'm what?" he whispered in shock "I'm going're...God Nikki that's brilliant" he laughed and leant down to kiss her, this time she let him do it and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck to pull her closer to him "You're amazing do you know that?" he asked when he broke away and leant his forehead on hers.

"You helped you know" Nikki chuckled and absentmindedly fiddled with the hair on the nape of his neck "I didn't do it all by myself"

"Yes have to carry the..our baby so really you are the amazing one" Harry told her and kissed her again "Wow, I'm going to be a daddy" he breathed and Nikki smiled and nodded "and you" he kissed her on the nose "Are going to be a mummy"

"Yes we are" she replied "I take it you are happy about it"

"Of course I am" Harry laughed "Were you scared to tell me?" he asked quietly

"Not scared as such" Nikki shrugged "I mean we were trying for a baby, it was just a shock to me that we got pregnant so fast and I thought you may want to wait until we are actually married"

"Will you stop going on about thinking we have to be married to have children" Harry told her "We don't okay?"

"Okay" Nikki nodded "And speaking of getting married can we get married after the baby is born? By the time we get everything sorted out I will be the size of a small whale and I don't want that in our wedding photos"

"Of course we can wait, as long as I come out of it with you as my wife I don't care when we have it as long as you are happy. And you won't be the size of a small whale you will be pregnant and beautiful"

"Flatterer" Nikki mumbled against his lips as she kissed him again "Flattery won't get you anywhere Harry, but it will help"

Harry chuckled and started to run one hand up the front of Nikki's blouse and she shivered when he started to kiss her neck.

"I think..." he pressed tiny kisses on her skin and moved the blouse away from her shoulders as he undid the buttons "We need to go and celebrate" he moved away from her causing Nikki to moan at the loss of contact "But before that I have something for you"

"Oh?" Nikki asked slowly and Harry nodded and grinned as he took her hand in his and led her from the kitchen and into the living room where he reached into his jacket pocket that was flung over the side of the sofa and pulled out a box. Nikki let out a small breath when she saw this and Harry have her an almost shy smile and opened the box and showed Nikki the ring that was nestled inside.

"Will you marry me?" he asked again and Nikki nodded as she let the tears slip down her face and flung her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him fully on the lips.

"That's three times you've asked me now and the answer has always been the same" she told him as she drew back and let him take her left hand in his and slip the ring onto her finger "It's beautiful" she whispered as she looked at it properly and Harry gave her a watery chuckle before clearing his throat.

"Only the best for my beautiful fiancé" he told her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him "I love you"

"And I love you" Nikki replied and kissed him once again before he took her hand again and led her out of the room and upstairs to celebrate both cases of good news.

Ta da! All finished! XD I had to finish it on a high note, I couldn't just leave it hanging about what happened afterwards. lol!

And I've already started on another fanfic which will be completely different to this one I can assure you now, so keep an eye out for that. I may even upload the first chapter tonight at some point. :D
