Thanks to Lillypad1 for giving me this idea, I hope to do it justice but I apologise if I dont. XP.

Summary: A grave of English bodies is found in a remote town in the Scottish highlands, the conservative residents of the town will only let a married couple perform the autopsies so guess who the home office send? While there, Harry and Nikki have to confront their feelings for each other, especially considering that men are considered dominant in this town. How will Nikki react to that?


The ten year old boy laughed as he ran as quickly as he could away from his father who was chasing him over the hilly paddock that backed onto their farm. He looked behind him and laughed when he saw the grin on his father's face and turned around again but tripped suddenly and fell flat on his hands and knees.

"Are you alright son?" his father asked in his strong Scottish accent as the older man reached his son. The young boy went to nod and get up but he caught sight of something just in front of him.

"What is that papa?" he asked and reached over to pull the loose soil away and let out a terrified scream as he saw what was underneath.


Leo couldn't help but smirk when he looked out of his office at his two unsuspecting co-workers who, instead of doing the work they were paid to do, were arguing over something one of them had said. Leo had no desire to find out what they were arguing about or who started it, he felt as though he was working with his children. That thought made him feel very old. He had just come off the phone from talking to the powers that be at the home office and was about to break some news to Harry and Nikki. Standing up he couldn't help but wonder how they would both react to the news.

"Well as it looks as though you are not doing any work today" he said as he walked out of his office and both adults, although Leo wasn't too sure they had actually grown up, jumped slightly "I have just been on the phone to the powers that be at the home office and they have a case for you"

"Is it big?" Nikki asked and Harry chuckled from where he was perched on her desk, no doubt in Leo's mind that he had started the argument "And no sick innuendo from you thank you"

"Would I?"

"Yes" Nikki and Leo answered together and laughed at the pout on Harry's face.

"Anyway it's in Scotland..."

"Scotland?" Harry asked incredulously and shot Nikki a look as she shrugged at him "In case you didn't know that is way off our radar"

"Yes I know that" Leo replied as he rolled his eyes "But the Scottish authorities want us, well you, up there because they are the bodies of English citizens"

"What do you mean 'well you'?" Nikki asked suspiciously and a smirk appeared on Leo's face making both Harry and Nikki slightly nervous.

"Well the town where the bodies were found they have...customs and regulations. They are still a traditional town with their own..well, traditions and we intend to respect them" Leo explained "The town elders have agreed to let pathologists in as long as they are a married couple, and I mean a male/female married couple"

"Right so you are telling us this because....?" Harry asked slowly and Leo just smiled and looked from him to Nikki who looked like she had worked it out.

"As home office pathologists the home office thought that you two were the best candidates for the job" Leo replied and laughed loudly at the shocked looks on both his friends' faces "I agreed of course so you'll be leaving first thing tomorrow"

"Hold on" Harry said loudly as Leo turned away from them to walk back into his office " aren't even married"

"Well then let us hope your acting skills are up to standard" Leo grinned before he walked away from them.

Harry turned to Nikki who just shrugged and put down the pen she had been fiddling with. Harry suddenly grinned.

"You do realise we are going to have to share a bed" he stated and Nikki had to force down images that arose in her mind and a blush that formed on her cheeks "Probably the only suitable man to ever grace your bed" he joked and Nikki threw a pen at him as he laughed loudly.

Hope you liked the first chapter, it's only short to let you get the feel of this new story.
