The rain beat down on Kyouko's shoulders, soaking through her clothes almost instantly.

'Nooooo! I wanted to make it home and make popcorn before it started! Now it might be over before I get there!' Kyouko silently lamented to herself. Then with a determined glint in her eye, she pedaled harder until her bicycle increased to dangerous speeds. She really didn't want to miss her precious storm.

*Batan* The door slammed closed behind her and she stripped off her soaking shoes. She felt along her body in the dark gently, noting that her entire body was soaked from the rain. 'It's a bit like getting cleansed by nature….' Kyouko giggled softly to herself. 'If it's nature's blessing, then the clothes are really only in the way…'

Suddenly Kyouko had a naughty thought. If the clothes were in the way, and she lived alone, and the windows were still closed like she left them this morning… All of that added up to being the perfect opportunity to completely strip at her door and wander around naked for the first time in her life! After all, if she didn't change clothes soon, she'd get sick, so it would really be killing two birds with one stone. Kyouko blushed and toyed with her clothing as she glanced around guiltily.

Kyouko abruptly stood up straight. 'I am an independent woman living by myself. I will not be limited by my modesty in the comfort of my own home, especially when it could help me avoid getting sick!' So she resolutely grabbed her shirt and began stripping her clothes off. She held the cold, soaking garments at arm's length and walked quickly to the bathroom to avoid soaking the carpet in the hall too much. She hung them over her tub, and walked back out into the hall nude.

Almost immediately she looked over into her living room and noticed something horrifying. The blinds were open! She always made sure to close them when she left the house. Then an even more terrifying sound penetrated the fog of her mind and she saw a light under the kitchen door. 'Someone's here! How could I have missed seeing the light when I looked around earlier?'

Kyouko completely panicked. To get to her room she would have to go past the kitchen and whoever was in there. It didn't occur to her to wrap herself in a towel, and as she dithered about what to do, the kitchen door flew open to the sound of the most mortifying voice she could imagine in this situation.

"Kyouko-cha…" Ren's questioning voice trailed off as he took in her birthday suit and immediately dropped the popcorn bowl. His jaw dropped open while a devil and angel chibi of him appeared on each shoulder. The devil version made V sign with his arms and squealed that it must be their birthday. The angel stood at a podium and began thanking various entities. "I'd like to thank Sawara-san for making me think Kyouko-chan was afraid of storms that day not so long ago. If not for him, we wouldn't have come to surprise Kyouko-chan with dinner tonight. I'd like to thank the rain for coming on this very special occasion. I'd especially like to thank Kyouko-chan for making all my dreams come true tod-"

"EGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Kyouko's horrified scream cut off all of Ren's scattered brain's attempts to process this unexpected situation and she seemed to teleport past him and into her bedroom. She couldn't get past without brushing him though, and as he felt the slightest brush of her naked hip against his leg, his nose decided to add a little color to the festivities. It began to bleed.

"You pervert! Did you see me? You saw, didn't you…?" Kyouko's voice changed from the traditional high pitched squeal of a school girl to the demon voice of the undead. Her head peaked out of the door showing only one haunted eye in typical horror movie fashion as Ren stared, fruitlessly searching for the beautiful vision he had been ogling just a moment ago.

Unfortunately, all of his suave character deserted him, not to mention his Japanese, and he condemned himself with an English "Ummm…." The image of Japan's Number One Heartthrob standing in her hall with a nosebleed would later be something to laugh at. Today it was the cap to her mortifying night.

Kyouko's screech was truly powerful as she processed that he'd seen everything "YOU~!"

"You can't just barge in there like that Mogami-sa-" The secretary's fearful yet determined voice echoed through the President's office as his office door slammed open. His secretary, a man he had employed for years, was struggling to stop his LoveMe Number One from coming in, and failing dismally. Kyouko was walking slowly, dragging the secretary behind her, while Tsuruga Ren trailed behind the two of them meekly with a hand covering his nose. Her face was a terrifying sight to behold.

"President… You started this…" Kyouko's voice was deep, as though it came from the pits of hell. "You gave him permission to enter my home…. Disrupt my plans… Thanks to you…" Her face looked like some Yakuza extorting money at this point. "I'm no longer pure!" The President dropped his remote controller and gaped at Ren. Ren rapidly shook his head in denial but didn't remove his hand from his face or offer an explanation, and Kyouko continued her monologue. This time she appeared to be a teary eyed maiden. "I can never get married now! The world will undoubtedly know of my shame! I can never look anyone in the eye again! I've been utterly ruined!" Her face once again took on Yakuza quality. "And it's all THAT. MAN'S." cue finger pointing at Ren, "fault! He did it with your blessing! So DO SOMETHING!" She ended her rant at a yell, as the President, Ren, the secretary, and Sebastian all stared at the distraught female.

Abruptly Ren straightened up. He removed his hand and coughed into it, ignoring the drying blood obvious on his face. "Actually, Kyouko-chan, I am fully willing to take responsibility for my actions. I would be honoured to marr-" Kyouko's scream cut him off. "WHO WANTS A PERVERT FOR A HUSBAND?! YOU HENTAIYARO!" With a sword inscribed 'Hentaiyaro' and 'Who wants you' stabbing into him, he fell silent and allowed Sebastian to clean his face with a wet cloth. Honestly, he fell into a pit of despair, but he deserved it.

"Now, now, Mogami-kun. Perhaps you could explain what exactly this 'hentaiyaro'," Ren sank deeper into his pit, "did to you, and what reparations you feel would be appropriate….?" The president coughed discreetly to hide his glee at Ren's plight. Kyoko stood up straighter and looked over the shoulder of the President as she thought.

"I have no idea what to do about this situation, except to tell you how wrong it is, and how I can't believe what has happened." Tears pooled in her eyes and she continued. "I thought I was alone in my own apartment, b-b-but he was actually there… and he witnessed the most shameful moment of my life. The moment I gave in to a horrible, earthy pleasure that I should have abstained from." The tears poured from her eyes and her voice was shaking as the men fixed their fascinated gazes on her. None could imagine what earthy pleasure she could have been tempted into indulging. "I knew better than to do it, and I know I was wrong, but I thought that since it was my own home, and I was alone, that no one would ever know about it." She met Lory's eyes for a moment before turning cherry red and dropping her gaze. Her voice trembled and became so soft as to be a whisper. "Can you imagine my horror and shock when I realized a male specimen had seen…what…wha…" Kyoko broke into sobs and Lory quickly wrapped a blanket around her and stared at Ren in an enthralled kind of horror.

"Ren…. What did you see her do..?" Lory's voice was quiet with a reverence for this incredible confession his LoveMe member had made. Ren blushed from his forehead to his fingertips and his eyes glazed. Sebastian, Lory, and the secretary all stared, shocked to see the consummate professional at such a loss for words. Then their gazes swung to the girl crying as though her world had ended. "He… he saw something I would never have knowingly shown him…. I'm so ashamed! He's seen so many, and I know mine isn't that great, so to show a playboy like him… I can't believe my life has been ruined by a moment's temptation!" Kyoko's softly cried words sent a wave of shock through all the men.

Ren burst out of his daydream. "That's not true! I…It's true I've seen many women, but none have ever affected me as you did! Your pearly white skin! The hair clinging to your neck in sexy swirls! Your delicate body's shape is amazing! The dusted color of your…" At this point Ren's nose began bleeding again and he trailed off in remembrance. Lory's mouth dropped open in shock. "You saw her topless?"

For a moment, Ren forgot himself and he smirked and replied in English. "That's not all I saw…" When Kyoko flinched, he came back to himself just enough to try to reassure her, still not noticing his nose's state. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Kyoko! I will treasure the memory of your silky thighs, your toned arms, and your bountiful dark curls hiding that treasure trove so well!" Kyoko's eyes widened in horror at his words, and the other men immediately began imagining her body as Ren described it. Sebastian clapped a hand over his eyes and began reciting a nursery rhyme to get the idea out of his head. Lory looked Kyoko up and down for a moment before he blanched at his own debauchery and looked away. The secretary however began drooling ever so slightly and going dreamy-eyed.

Ren continued, heedless of the destruction he was causing. "Your breasts are so milky and perfectly perky! They're the perfect size and your waist tucks in just enough to make me want to wrap my arms around you always. Believe me Kyoko, you're beautiful! You have no reason to be ashamed! Your knees have the cutest little dimples when you stand, and your calves are so shapely that I want to just trail my fingers along them until you purr from the touch. Your toes are adorable and just long enough to make me want to suck on them one by one until you moan for me!" Kyoko's face flushed and her horror faded slightly to a fascination of what he was saying. Sebastian groaned quietly and flushed, unwillingly enticed by the comments. Lory gaped at Ren with a mix of amazement and horror, while the secretary was cherry red and drooling at the ideas Ren was putting into his head.

"Your arches are perfect, and your fingers are so small. You have the perfect body Kyoko! Never doubt the attractiveness of it! I love everything about you, including your body. Just imagining it again makes me want to trail my fingers all over you, measure you with my tongue, and mark that milky skin in areas where only you and I would know, as well as in public areas to tell all others that you're mine! I didn't mean to see it, Kyoko! I'm so sorry that you showed me your body before you were ready for me to see it, but I could never regret this wonderful event. Please, don't punish me for accidentally taking this gift before you were ready!" Ren's puppy dog face was marred by the bloody nose that had finally stopped bleeding, but the sincerity in his eyes was unmistakable.

Kyoko flushed as Ren continued to stare at her. Lory looked between the two of them before venturing the question on his mind. "How did you catch Mogami-kun nude, Ren? Did you walk in on her in the bath, or..?" Ren shook his head in denial. "No, I wouldn't do that. She was standing na…ked…" He trailed off for a minute in bliss before shaking his head and continuing. "naked in the hall when I came out of the kitchen with popcorn for her. I heard her come in the door but wanted to surprise her with dinner, so I didn't call out to her. Now I wish I had. She didn't notice that my shoes were in the door, and for some reason she wasn't clothed, but… I don't know why…." Ren trailed off in consternation. He had no idea why she would be naked in her hallway after coming home.

"Mogami-kun…? Why weren't you dressed?" Lory softly questioned the mortified girl. Kyoko covered her face with her hands as she admitted to her terrible secret. "I was soaked from the rain…and I've always wanted to walk around naked at least once, and just be free. I thought to kill two birds with one stone, so I stripped my wet clothes off and started to head to my room." Kyoko choked for a moment on her words, she was so embarrassed. "I was only going to wander around in such a shameful fashion until I had taken a bath. Please, please understand. I thought the blinds were closed, and I was alone. I would never have brazenly stripped for a man like that! I didn't know!" Kyoko started crying softly again. "Now I'll never be able to marry… I'm a fallen woman!" All the men blinked at this conclusion. Lory patted her shoulder consolingly and said "That's not true at all, Mogami-kun. You have to do more than be seen naked to be considered 'fallen' by anybody in this day and age!"

Kyoko peeked up at him. "I do? What makes you a fallen woman then…?" Lory blanched and the other men flushed at the idea of explaining the concept of sex to this obscenely naïve young woman. Lory coughed. "That's not something you have to worry about dear. I know you didn't want Ren to see you, but I don't think any lasting harm has been done to either of you, has it? What do you want for reparation? Though, I don't think there's much we can do…" Kyoko gave him a deadpan look. "Make him forget it. I can't live knowing that he knows what I look like without decent clothing… Make him forget it…." The demon-like voice surprised them all. Lory swallowed hard and asked "How do you expect me to make him forget it?" Kyoko had a nearly fanatical gleam to her eyes. "I don't care… Drug him, hit him, kill him, but don't let him know what I look like!"

Ren coughed and drew Kyoko's gaze. He met it firmly despite the redness covering his face. "I refuse to forget that vision, Kyoko. In the natural course of events, people in love relationships eventually see each other naked. You've seen me naked. Consider this returning the favor. I will eventually get you to willingly show yourself to me, and afterward we'll laugh at your modesty now." Kyoko blanched and stared in a horrified, half hysterical way. "I love you, Kyoko. I will be your boyfriend and hopefully husband before one of us dies. You show husbands this kind of thing. I won't ever think of you as a loose or fallen woman for an incident like this. I will praise you and thank my lucky stars, because damn, this must be fate telling me not to give up on you, but I will never hold it against you. I'm too happy to have seen such an amazing thing. Please, just calm down and let us continue our relationship." Lory stared between the two, bemused at Ren's audacity, and Kyoko's horror.

Lory clapped his hands. "All right love birds. This incident is just an accident. Think of it as jumping the gun accidentally, and try to let it go, Mogami-kun. If nothing else, you can get revenge on him for being in the wrong place at the wrong time," I think Ren would disagree with that assessment though. "And when you achieve your vengeance, this incident will be cleared between the two of you. Now, it's very late, and I have work to do, so kindly take yourselves off to bed, would you?" Lory shook his head and walked back to his desk.

The secretary straightened up and began shepherding the two actors from the room. Ren was looking at Kyoko, worried about the ideas Lory had spouted. How would she get revenge for this? Kyoko, for her part, was looking very thoughtful, but giving no sign of her plans. Sebastian followed the others out of the room, worried at the way the secretary kept looking at Mogami-san. After tonight, she would probably rise in many men's estimation, if the secretary had anything to say about it. Sebastian sighed, knowing there was little he could do about it. At least the subsequent battle would be entertaining, if the look on Kyoko-san's face meant anything.