Hey guy's I know I havn't Updated in who knows how long , but It has made me want to continue so much when I havn't update people still tell me to hurry :D

Well this is a 2,000 chapter Just for you guys , Hope you like it : )

The rain coat- Brooklyn Blurs

Bella prov

We took our time walking back to the Cullen's house, silently sending emotions to each other. In a way I felt really sickened about the Family and there decisions concerning Jasper. It wasn't his fault he was the weakest link in the whole family. He had spent many year living off more then his fair share of human blood, then dramatically changing his diet, It must have been difficult.

I took his hand as a friendly gesture , feeling his warm skin under my delicate touch and hummed a silent tune. With me and Jasper we didn't need to fill up our time up with conversation. It was what made me like him even more then I already should, which was very , very bad.

" That a nice chune darlin , what you humming to?" Jasper question , his eyebrows rising into a sorta cute smile. I couldn't help but smiling in return , I guess that was one fact that the humans got true, smiling really is contagious. Spending just this small time with Jasper really did help me figure out somethings, I mean , I want to see the world , Look at the pyramids even if it is dark, I want to do things with my life even if I do have forever.

"Just something I was listening to ages ago, nothing that you would like " I winked in amusement. Well I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like it right? I remember being told I always had horrible taste in music which didn't really offend me like it did other people. Everyone has a different Type of genre.

"Well how about I be the decider of that , sing a bit for me and I'll try to guess it" Jasper grinned , So i started.

" You got the blue blood on your hands

I know its my own

You came at me in the midnight

And showed your soul"

" Very nice I must say , if the artist is as good as the singer I just heard I wouldn't mind that song" He smirked back , I was definitely glad that I could not blush because I would be as red as a tomato at this moment. I straightened my back and walked ahead hopping my emotions were poised and hoped he wouldn't know how much those words effected me. I skipped away letting go of his hand , smiling to myself in happiness.

" Wait Bells I'm sorry If I hurt you" Jasper called out , I smiled at how cute he sounded but quickly shook that feeling off, Hes has Alice , Bella!" I looked back at his topaz eyes and winked , hoping he knew I was joking and ran off " Last one there has to do Emmet laundry for a week." Believe me that is the worst kind of torture possible , Worse then eating the food I used to think was Delicious but now ghastly and disturbing.

I felt like I was flying as my dangly feet just touched the ground , feeling light and the most free I've felt in ages, To me Forks really wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.

I laughed out loud as I felt Jasper coming up behind me trying to over take the position of first place. I dodged the lively , green tree's , switching my position from left to right to left again so he wouldn't trip me.

I could just see the house in my perplex view then everything went down hill and I was grabbed around the waist heading for the ground. It felt like everything was in slow motion as I was turned around facing the stranger as my back landed on the ground carrying Him with me.

" Gotcha" He smiled against my neck ,smiling in accomplishment, He trapped me from getting up , not that I would any way. I giggled like a creepy school girl having talked to a boy for the first time , as Jasper laughed out loud at my humorous nature. I looked up into his eye's and everything felt normal, accomplished , and mushy.

He's not yours to have Bella , I yelled to myself

Doesn't mean you can't have a sample of what's to come, that stupid annoying voice reasoned.

No I have Edward ,

And that means what exactly , My head taunted.

It means I should just stick to what I can have he is just as good as any man out there, I explained

Still he isn't what you want , The voice then went away leaving me breathless.

Alice's, Alice's, Alice's The annoying voice said in the back of my head but for once

For once I was going to agree with this stupid voice and go with the flow.

I wanted to do something drastic something just for me. I kept looking from his lips, to nose to his eyes , Everywhere then back to his lips. His body felt amazing against my skin as I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to secretly pull him closer to me.

" Bella" He breathed out , I looked back in his eyes hoping he would understand what I wanted and accept.

He moved his face slightly closer, Bring us close by just millimetres, Jasper was the only thing going through my head. He wrapped his muscly arms around my face tilting my face closer. It seemed like we were there for minutes looking into each others eyes asking a million unanswered questions at once.

I breathed in some much needed fresh air. I reached up to stroke his blond curls twisting them with my fingers and folding them behind his eye's to see his face more.

" Bella , jasper" Oh shit, We both looked up in union to see the intruder, damn this is so not going to be good, trying to explain this.

Where so screwed!

Edwards pov

Just as Bella and Jasper sprinted out of the house , everything dropped including all of us. I looked all over the house to see almost everything was broken in all the down stairs area , starting with the kitchen and ending with all the hallways. Esme chocked a sob back, at the devastation of her antique vase smashed into pieces on the ground.

It was the only real belonging that she had of her real family. And now it was gone never to be repaired. The windows were smashed leaving shards spread across us like sharp rose petals layed from a lover. the house looked awful.

" What did I do to deserve this mess" Emsee sobbed out loud. I felt sympathy for my adoptive mother as she crumbled over into Charisle's arms. It was heartbreaking to watch my family suffer in agony. We didn't know Bella would react like this.

We thought we were just doing something that would benifit her, but I guess we thought the exact opposite of the truth.

I looked into my beloved families thoughts:

I wounder if Baby B is okays , We didn't mean to upset her so bad- Emmet.

How could she do this to us? I thought we were family, but I see this is a new meaning for her- Rosalie.

I hope Jasper can heal her, who knows what he's doing , but let's hope he took her away for some time to help and heal- charisle

Why did jazz have to go? Why couldn't Edward go- Alice

I was grateful that everyone thoughts were on Bella in a positive way , with the exception of Rosalie , But I bet she will come around, I hope. I stood up and walked over to the picture frame that had I Bella and the rest of our family outside the house, It was only taken a few weeks ago , but It seemed like months. Glass shards had ripped the picture taking off half of the other families faces leaving Bella's , Mine and Jasper's remotely stable.

I wasn't happy with Jasper and bella going off alone somewhere I didn't know and I could tell Alice felt likewise.

"Ed , do you think we should go check on them yet" Emmet questioned with worry in his voice I knew that He loved Bella very much and would hater for her to be in more hurt then she already is.

"Actually that might be a smart idea for once Emmet " I said sarcastically turning on my heels to leave.

"Edward wait!, Maybe it might be good for Bella and Jasper to have some alone time together" Charisle reasoned, He had a valet point but I didn't want to hear any of it , what if Bella was hurt because of Jasper saying something. I growled at the thought.

" Charisle is right , Jasper is a empathic so he will probably be able to help her more then either of us can right now" Rosalie murmured. I glared at her silently asking if I was asking for her point of view, I walked up stair's and slammed my door like a spoilt teenager that had just been given his first punishment.

I walked over to my bookcase and threw it in frustration , I wanted to see my Bella , where was she? Was she alright?

It was killing me knowing that she was with my brother and not me.

What should I do!

"Knock , knock"

I turned my back no bothering to know who was behind me , the only thing that could make me better was Bella's voice.

" I know it hurts being away from your mate, I feel it to but She's fine with jasper" I could hear Honesty in Alice's words of wisdom , but at this moment all I was thinking of was Bella and it didn't matter what anyone else said nothing was going to change.

"I don't even know why I feel so protective like this but I cant help it, I need help Alice " I shrieked , Putting my head in my hands. Why was this so hard.

"Sssshhh it's going to be okay" Alice whispered out taking me into a hug... After a while I calmed down and stood up glazing out into the woods.

" I need to go for a run" I silently said , I tried to give Alice on of my dazzling smiles , But failed and jumped out of my window.

I ran to my usual meadow smelling the exotic smell of the flowers that calmed me down slightly, Smiling to myself , I stayed there relaxing for a couple of hours wondering how i got here and how I could fix the mistakes i had made. I slowly picked myself up And dragged myself back to the house. There was something I saw though that stopped me in my tracks.

"Jasper , Bella ."

Now I know What most of you are thinking Edward caught them, But as you know in all books everything is not what it seems, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Review if YOU want to

I would appreciate it though as I don't know where to begin for the next chapter. : )

song that was used in this is called

Blue blood- Foals : ) check it out In my personal opinion it is amazin