Well...here it is! The last chapter! I want to thank everyone that's read, favored or reviewed this story!
eeveelution-Fangirl...I think you'll enjoy the next day at school ;)
dork-with-glasses - glad you liked all the conditions that Sam had! :D I can see Sam pulling that with him too, just for everything he put Carly and herself through that day! And yep...of course she was going to beat on him! Sam would make good on a promise like that! :)
So...without further ado...let's get to it! Enjoy! :D
Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly
Sam and Freddie just snuggled together. They sat there in silence, the music from Freddie's laptop and the sound of the traffic below the only sounds to be heard. "…Sam?" Freddie finally spoke up. She sighed, not really wanting to ruin the moment they already were having.
"What Fredweird?" she asked.
"…Shouldn't we go down and let Carly know I'm ok?" Sam sat up and looked at him.
"Oh crap," she muttered. "I nearly forgot about Carly! Yeah, we should go let her know you're not dead." Sam began to get up, but Freddie stopped her for a moment. He pulled her to him and gave her another kiss. She gave him an odd look, but still had a smile on her face. He just shrugged in response.
"Just wanted to do that. All right…let's go tell Carly." Sam got up and Freddie did as well. He grabbed his laptop and his lawn chair. Sam grabbed the blanket and the small tray and together, they headed back downstairs.
Moments later…
Sam came back into Carly's apartment. She had been sitting on the couch, watching TV. She had been trying her best to remain calm the entire time Sam was gone. "I'm back," Sam said, nonchalantly. Carly had leapt up from the couch and made a beeline for Sam. "The dork is fine and-" Sam stopped as Carly grabbed a hold of Sam once more. "…You really need to get a…umm…not to make a really bad pun here, Carls, but…grip on this touching thing." Carly just ignored the comment.
"Well? What happened? Where's Freddie? Did you apologize? Is he going to be in school tomorrow? Are we all going to be able to hang out again? What about-" Sam had enough and put her hand over Carly's mouth.
"CARLS! Chillax! Freddifur's fine; a little bruised from this afternoon, but-" Carly stepped back and freed herself from Sam's hand.
"What do you mean a little bruised? What happened to him?"
"He got punched by some senior," Sam replied to her. Freddie walked into the door.
"Hey Carly - oof!" Carly practically threw herself at him and squeezed him.
"FREDDIE! Oh my god! You're all right!" He just patted her back as best as he could.
"Good…to see you too, Carly," he gasped. "Carly? Can you let go?" Carly released her grip.
"Sorry," she muttered. But then, she hit his arm. The same arm Sam had been hitting all night. He let out a small yelp of pain and rubbed it. "Why did you get hit by a senior?" Freddie turned to Sam and gave her a harsh glare. Sam just grinned.
"Speak, dork boy," Sam replied to him. Freddie sighed.
"I was just wandering around, and I got punched by one of the seniors at our school. That's it, I swear!" Sam looked at him.
"…What else?" she pushed. Freddie sighed and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not allowed to be depressed anymore," he muttered. Sam gave Freddie a sharp elbow to his side. He grunted in slight pain. "And I will be at school tomorrow," he added. Carly took a breath of relief and smiled at them.
"What else, Freddifur?"
"Sam…do I have to?" he whined. She grinned and nodded.
"Uh huh," she said. "You know the rules." He shook his head in frustration.
"…I am required to inform you that I am now the property of Sam Puckett; I am hereby this day forth her dork. Sam has allowed me to hang out with you, since she does not feel threatened that you will steal me away from her in any way, shape or form." Carly stood there astonished, but with an amused look on her face.
"Keep going, Fredward," Sam interjected.
"Oh come on Sam!" he pleaded, but Sam shook her head.
"Nope! You knew what you had to do when you agreed to date me, Benson!" Carly was a bit surprised to hear that, albeit happy.
"Fine! …And, if you are not able to accompany Sam to any…girly places…I am to stand in for you," he added quickly and flatly. "Am I done now?" Sam nodded.
"Good job, dork!" she said and punched his arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" he shouted, rubbing his already sore arm.
"That was to let you know that I care about you!" she grinned. Carly looked at her two friends.
"Okay…now, I want details!" she spoke up. Freddie and Sam just looked at her.
"…There's really nothing to say, Carly," Freddie replied. Sam nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, the dork already laid out what's required of him." Carly shook her head.
"No no! I want to know what happened when you got to the roof, Sam!" Carly said with a smile.
"Aw, but I don't want to say what happened!" Sam whined. "Can't we just pretend I told you?" But Carly wasn't going to hear it.
"Nope! I want to hear what kept you guys!" Sam and Freddie just exchanged glances.
"…You're not going to let this go until we tell you, right?" Sam asked. Carly shook her head.
"Nope," she replied with a smile.
"Fine," Freddie began. "…We just……cuddled together…and kissed once." Carly raised an eyebrow at them.
"…That's it?" she asked. Sam and Freddie nodded.
"We swear!" Sam replied. Carly slowly nodded her head.
"All right; I won't pry any further then," she said, giving them a teasing smile. "And since you're both here, we can finish our homework!"
"Sure," Freddie began. "I'll just go grab my books."
"If by 'finish our homework' you mean, 'copy Freddork's' then yeah, I'm in too," Sam added. Freddie just rolled his eyes.
"Y'know Sam, you could always just do the assignments?" Freddie quipped.
"Yeah, I know…but it's easier to let you do them and then just copy yours!" Freddie wanted to reply but just grunted in frustration, walked out of the apartment and across the hall to get his books. "Make sure to bring me some meat!" she shouted to him as he entered his apartment.
"GAH!" he yelled and went to get his things. Carly turned to Sam and shook her head.
"You do realize we have ham in the fridge, right?" Carly asked her. Sam nodded.
"Yeah…but it's fun to get him going sometimes. Especially now that we're dating," she added with a laugh.
The next day…
Carly had just gotten out of third period when she saw Sam at her locker. "Hey Sam," she said to her best friend. Sam smiled and nodded.
"Sup Carls?" she replied.
"Have you seen Freddie?" Sam grinned and nodded.
"Yeah, he's right over there, talking to Mindy," she replied, pointing him out. They walked over to him as Freddie was finishing up what he had been required to do.
"…So yes, Sam and I are now dating and I am hereby to inform you of that and I am not allowed to associate with you without her permission." Mindy just gave him a puzzled look.
"I…don't understand," she replied, shaking her head. "So…I can't even say hi to you?" Sam walked up to Freddie and put her arm around his waist.
"Nope…the dork is mine," she began. "And I don't share." Mindy rolled her eyes.
"Whatever," she replied and walked off. Freddie shook his head.
"God, this is so humiliating!" he muttered in frustration. Sam just gave him a look.
"Oh please! Then answer me this honestly! Do you, or do you not want to date me?"
"Well…yeah, but-"
"And isn't this a lot easier than what I could've made you do instead?" He looked at her suspiciously.
"Why? What could you have made me do instead?" Sam shrugged her shoulders.
"I could've made you go to Build-A-Bra with me," she replied. Freddie shook his head, his face turning red in embarrassment.
"No…this is much easier, thank you!" he said nervously.
"Hey! Look who it is!" came Derek's voice. The trio turned to see Derek and Bill standing there. "It's Benson! Aww…and the rest of the iCarly gang!"
"Did you finally kiss and make up with your little girl friend, Benson?" Bill added. "Or are you the girl in the relationship?" Freddie just gave them a blank, uncaring stare and shook his head.
"Whatever," he muttered. "Let's get to class." They turned and began to walk away, when Derek spoke up again.
"That's right…just walk away! Hey, how was that beating we gave you yesterday? Still sore from it?" They laughed, which was a big mistake, because Sam just stopped walking and turned back around.
"…You two did that to him?" she asked them. The just looked at one another and nodded.
"Yeah; what of it?" Carly put a hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Sam? Just let it go! They're not worth it!" Freddie nodded.
"Definitely. Just…let's forget about it, please?" he asked. Sam shook her head slowly.
"I told you before…no one gets to beat on my dork…but me!"
"Aww…Puckett's protective of her little dork!" Derek teased. "How cute! I'll have to remember that and beat on him later!" That was an even bigger mistake, and Sam lunged for the older boy. She gave a loud cry and immediately had him on the ground. Sam grabbed one leg, pulling it back as far as it could go and grabbed the opposite arm, doing the same.
"Only I can beat on Benson, got it?" He just screamed in pain.
"You're going to break my leg!" he screamed. That made her pull harder on it.
"Good! If I ever see you put a mark on him again without my say so, I'll throw you into the dumpster outside the Groovie Smoothie! Got that?" He just nodded in pain. She let go and he quickly struggled to his feet. Sam turned to the other one and just startled him, causing him to turn and run as fast as possible. This wasn't very effective, however, as he didn't watch where he was going and ran into the water fountain. He fell to the floor, scrambled to his feet as well, and the two senior boys ran off. Sam then calmly walked back over to Carly and Freddie. "…All right…let's go to class. Beating on losers like that makes me sleepy, and Ms. Briggs always puts me to sleep." Sam turned to Freddie briefly, gave him a kiss and they went off to their next class.
Well...that's it! This has been a little take on what happened at the end of iSpeed Date! Went a little longer than I had planned, but...eh, no biggie! I'm going to start work on my next story, which I'm a little torn on, since I have two ideas. But, I'll figure it out! So...be looking for another story in the near future!
Until next time! (one of these days, I'm not going to be able to resist the obvious Fallout 3 joke...lol)