Chapter One

(Kari's .)

A troubling feeling wormed its way through my ridiculous dream of happily eating ice cream with Derrick and my parents. That is if I knew what they looked like. No, these were people were just images, people that seemed to portray my parents. I had no parents in the real world, and if I did, I didn't even know them. I mentally sighed and resumed licking my spoon of vanilla ice cream. I totally knew this was a dream; it was too perfect and happy and undisturbed by wolf man killers. Soon I would wake up and my fanciful illusion would come to an end. I might as well have asked for the moon to speak to me rather than have this perfect scene be real life.

My imaginary mother interrupted my brooding and asked, "Are you enjoying your sundae?"

"Very much, Mom. Thanks," I replied, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of unease in my chest. Go away, dread. I'm trying to enjoy myself 'till I have to go back to my living nightmare. Leave. Now.

"Honey, we have to leave soon to be able to see the fireworks," my nonexistent father said, rumpling my red hair cheerfully, "Hurry up and finish your ice cream." A blank white light fuzzed out my dad's image. I knew I'd be awake soon.

"Mom, Dad, I have to go now. Sorry. Bye." I said as I opened my eyes in the real world. Logs were the first thing I saw. I began thinking again. Derrick and I fell asleep in an abandoned cabin in Alabama last night. We escaped from the Academy in Texas a couple of days ago. And I woke up because of. . . ERASERS! I don't know how I knew, but I did. It's like a sixth sense when it comes to Erasers. I think it's their awful smell.

Anyway, I practically flew out of my 'bed' in the corner of the dilapidated cabin and shook Derrick, my older (and more ignorant) brother. "Derrick! Wake up! The Erasers are here! Get up! We have to get out of here!" I whispered as I hurriedly pushed him up off the floor. Derrick rose, slowly and unsteadily, looking ready to fall back asleep at any given moment. Yep, that's my brother. Lazy, loud (When he's awake AND asleep. I mean, have you HEARD him snore? It's like bombs going off. That's why I just love my earplugs), and has to get everything his way.

"Whasit?" He mumbled drowsily.

"Erasers! Run! Go!" I said as I shoved him toward a patch of stars in a blank place in the ceiling. Without much warning, a crash made the few remaining roof beams shake violently. I whipped my head around to see what had made the sound. It wasn't that surprising, it's just shocking sometimes cuz you're like 'Whoohoo, I've escaped the hellhole of a place I've lived in for much of my life and -- look there are Erasers tracking me. Joy.' Can't I get a rest? Anyhow, there, standing in the pre – dawn light, was an Eraser.