Notes and Disclaimer:

I do not stick to canon or adhere to LACE in this story! This is one of my first stories written (in 2005) and I'm just now posting it. I do not own any of JRR Tolkien's characters, I just borrow them.



"Legolas!" Vanelossë called in a loud whisper.

"Yes?" Legolas responded quizzically.

"You need to come here, right now!" Vanelossë said excitedly.

Anticipating her wishes, Legolas groaned with expectation and walked in to look upon his beautiful wife Vanelossë.

"Where is he now?" Legolas asked.

Vanelossë pointed toward their son with a loving, motherly smile. Legolas turned to see his two-year-old child, Séro, leaning over the railing of the second story landing in their home within the Great Stone Hall of King Thranduil. He was gaily throwing toy arrows over the stone rail, raining down an assault of blunt weapons onto the heads of unsuspecting passersby.

As Legolas picked him up, Séro looked up at him with his big blue eyes and innocent smile.

"Shoot arrows. Just like Ada," Séro said, laughing gaily and clapping his hands, immensely proud of his accomplishment.

"Séro, you do not throw arrows at other people. You could have hurt someone," Legolas said in his sternest, fatherly voice.

Séro looked at him seriously for a second, and then once again he laughed, "Just like Ada."

Unable to stay mad at him for more than few minutes, Legolas' face softened as he began to tickle, causing Séro to scream at the top of his lungs, laughing and squealing. Then, looking at Vanelossë, he shrugged in resignation.

"He is truly your son, every naughty inch of him. I think we gave him the wrong name, however because he is rarely at peace nor does he cause it."

"At least I do not reward his bad behavior with tickles and laughter," she said accusingly. "That would be you and your father."


Legolas and Vanelossë turned to see their twin daughters, Alasse and Illisse, come running into the room, having heard their brother's squeals. The two girls jumped on their father at once, knocking him backwards to land in a nearby chair. All three children piled onto the chair with him as another tickling match ensued. As Vanelossë watched her handsome husband and their children, she reflected on how slowly their lives had come to revolve around the three little ones.

Although they were twins, the five-year-old girls looked nothing alike save for their green eyes. Alasse favored her mother in that she had her dark hair, yet her face bore the same sweet innocence which graced Legolas, rather than the exotic features of Vanelossë. Illisse had reddish-blond hair, and looked so much like Legolas' mother that Thranduil would smile at the very sight of her. The two girls were like stars that had fallen from the midnight sky to walk amongst the residents of Middle Earth. They were their parents' pride and joy from the day they were born. They were both as sweet as Séro was wild.

Alasse was the more mature of the twins with a spirited sense of humor. She would frequently have long discussions with the adults of her acquaintance, explaining to them, in great detail her thoughts on every subject. She had the verbal skills of an elleth twice her age and seemed much wiser than her five years in Arda could explain. Vanelossë often teased Legolas, saying that she was a small female version of Lord Elrond.

Illisse was the tenderhearted nurturer who cried when animals or birds died. She loved to plant anything, especially flowers. She was a true child of nature. When she learned about hunting and where the meat on their table came from, she refused to have anything to do with it for weeks. Finally, her mother managed to convince her of the necessity of meat in her diet, and Illisse relented, eating the meat that her mother served her, all save the venison. In her young mind, deer were pretty; therefore, Ada should not hunt them. She was so sensitive, she cried every time Legolas left for more than a day, which broke his heart.

"Illisse, stop crying. He will be home before you ever stop!" Alasse would admonish her sister, to no avail.

Séro had blond hair and blue eyes, looking identical to Legolas when he was a child. That, however, was where the similarities ended. The boy had the exact personality of Vanelossë's when Legolas first met her: he was fun loving, spirited, and wild, and every bit as much a handful as his mother had been as well.

Vanelossë and Legolas took turns being on Séro patrol. Today was Legolas' day and he had spent the entirety of it chasing after Séro, trying in vain to get him to behave. His father thought the boy was simply adorable.

As Legolas tirelessly chased after Séro, he thought back to a time when the boy had become angry with his sisters and put worms in their beds to punish them. The more the girls screamed, the more Séro laughed.

When Legolas and Vanelossë would take the children to visit King Thranduil, his guards and archers often spent the day chasing Séro around the city and sometimes, even into the woods. More than once, Legolas had to climb trees in order to go after his son who seemed to have an uncanny ability to climb faster than most squirrels, and yet, no one seemed to be able to resist the child's charm.

Séro would flash his smile or laugh just once, and even his sisters would forgive all. Legolas firmlybelieved that, had Séro been their first child, Vanelossë would not agreed to have any more children again until the young elf was old enough to leave the house, just in order to ensure that they would not have to handle two children like Séro at one time. Luckily for the girls, he was the youngest, born three years after they were.

When the family visited Imladris soon after Séro started walking, Lord Elrond told Legolas that the child was much like his mother had been as a child. Loving his wife as he did, Legolas was more than willing to handle both of them. Elrohir and Elladan would frequently remark that Séro was their punishment for having restricted Vanelossë's formerly scandalous behavior.

Vanelossë was actually more patient with Séro than Legolas. Sometimes, Séro would do things out of curiosity and she could relate to his thought process. Vanelossë understood her son well, but she would have to explain his actions to Legolas.

Never impulsive or rambunctious himself as a child, Legolas was frequently puzzled by his son's behavior while Vanelossë understood it all too well. Motherhood had tamed her wild side but not entirely, for she was still fun loving and high-spirited. Legolas, on the other hand, experienced his most impulsive moment the day he fell deeply in love with his wife, much to the amazement of everyone who knew them both.

Legolas and Vanelossë had waited ten years after they married to agree on creating a child. When Legolas had married his wife, whom he adored, he thought nothing could make him any happier than he already was. Then his children came along and he found that his heart was capable of more joy than he had ever thought possible. His days became filled with love and affection from his wife and his children. It had created a sense of peace with both of them that neither had known could exist.

Luckily for Legolas and Vanelossë, all of the children thrived on the schedule that Vanelossë set for them. Their evening routine being dinner, bath, and bed and it was rarely deviated from. Séro would go from running around like mad to climbing into someone's lap and falling fast asleep. The evenings were their only opportunity to spend any time together without the children.

The couple would often pass their evenings lost in conversation as they snuggled affectionately, holding each other close. There were other times when they would simply pass the evening locked in an embrace, kissing for hours. They had always enjoyed a very active intimate relationship and nothing had changed since the children were born. If his father was caring for all three children, the two of them would spend hours in bed. No matter how many times they were together, they never grew tired of each other nor had their passion ever diminished from their first time.

Tonight was different. There was an ominous threat rising in their marriage, and it had gotten to the point where it seemed to be closing in on them, making it difficult to breathe. Vanelossë knew that Legolas would be leaving in the morning for Imladris for an important council meeting called by Lord Elrond. She felt in her heart that they would be sending him on a mission that would keep him from her for many months. They could both feel the darkness and shadow trying to infringe on their happiness.

Vanelossë had been tempted to travel with him to Imladris but the roads were too dangerous now and Legolas did not think that it would be safe. Scouts had seen black riders on the roads in the last few weeks and orcs were constantly challenging the borders.

Fortunately, the realm of Thranduil lay deep in the forest within a large hall of stone, buried deep within the caves. There were many scouts on the borders and the king assured that the city remained well protected at all times. No stranger was ever allowed within the walls of the city, save for those of their kin from the other Elven realms and the people who were known to the woodland folk and considered friends. Counted among Thranduil's friends were some of the Dúnedan Rangers, wanderers of the north, including the one they called Strider.

Vanelossë was frightened for Legolas and she worried for his safety. She knew that she and the children would be safe and well cared for but the thought of losing him for such a great length of time was killing her. He was, once again, going into danger and she would have no peace until his return.

He was her husband, lover, and father of her children, but he was also her best friend and she would miss him a great deal. Every day she woke up at his side, she was grateful that they had met in Imladris. Lord Elrond would often tease her that she had finally been tamed. She did not mind his teasing; she loved every minute of her time with Legolas and regretted nothing.

She loved her husband so; it was as if every minute before she had met him had been empty. Now her days were filled with love and she was happier than any woman deserved to be. Part of her worried that perhaps they had been too happy and that some day a price would be asked for their joy. Feeling the terror of that day on the horizon, Vanelossë could barely let him go. At times like these, she wished that he was not the son of the king or even a warrior, but she knew it was as much a part of him as the blood in his veins.

Tonight, as they made love for hours, she tried to memorize every inch of him, the feel of his hands and lips on her body and how he felt when he was inside her. She did not want to forget a single moment of this night. Vanelossë could never seem to get her fill of Legolas and knowing that this would be the last time for a long while, she was unwilling to stop their lovemaking. When he tired, she would simply continue to make love to him. When both were finally spent to the point of being unable to move, they collapsed in each other's arms and lay kissing for hours. She could not seem to stop touching him and he appeared to feel the same. Finally, he fell asleep in her arms. She did not sleep for a long time; just lay watching him and feeling the warmth of him beside her.

Everything about him was perfect. She loved the scent of him that made her feel as if she were walking into the forest at first light, when the dew was still heavy on the leaves of the trees. His skin was so warm and smooth that she loved to lightly run her hand over his body until he burned with desire. Certain areas of his body such as his neck and his firm buttocks had skin so soft that she knew it had been that way since birth, and was much like the soft baby skin of his son. His muscular body was ever a wonder to her as she had often explored every inch of it with her hands or her mouth. Even the taste of his skin was unique and aroused her. The sight of him first thing in the morning when his long dark lashes would flutter as he would awaken to show her that first sign of his intense blue eyes. The way that his hair was always so well behaved until he was sleeping when it would end up falling on his face as if sheltering him from the world. The huskiness of his voice when he first woke up, the way he said her name, and his voice when he was telling stories to the children still made her feel safe and warm.

The fact that he was able to make her feel every good emotion possible with just a smile and a wink, was in complete contrast to the fact that she knew he was equally dangerous to anyone of foul deeds. She had seen him fight and knew he was lethal if the need arose. She had watched him decimate every adversary whether in defense of his city, or as a challenge amongst his friends. He sensed the threat long before it came anywhere close to him making him an unbeatable adversary. He could hear a twig break in the middle of a torrential rainstorm, and had eyes that could detect the slightest movement of the breeze through blades of grass from fifty feet away. She knew that he was probably one of the bravest and fiercest warriors in Middle Earth but that did not mean she wanted him in any battle. Not since the Last Alliance of Men when Sauron was defeated, had times grown so ominous. Every elf could feel it unless they forcefully shut it out. They all knew once they stepped out of their precious realm, whether it was Imladris, Mirkwood, or Lothlórien, the evil of Middle Earth was beginning to overshadow the good.

She had tried all night to not cry because she knew it upset him so much. But after he went to sleep, she could not restrain the tears any longer and cried silently, trying not to wake him. As he often did, he sensed what she was thinking or feeling. He awoke and said softly "Van, I will be back. Do not doubt that." He pulled her into a tight embrace stroking her hair softly as she cried herself to sleep, unable to hold the tears in any longer.

The next morning, they awoke to all three children crawling into bed with them. As usual Séro was happy and kept trying to get Legolas out of bed by whatever means possible. His current strategy involved jumping up and down on his back while laughing loudly. Finally, Vanelossë got them off the bed and out of their room so she could quickly dress. Before she left the bedroom, he grabbed her to him and gave her a deep, loving, and passionate kiss that made her whole world turn upside down. The fact that he could still makes her weak in the knees just from a kiss after all of these years was amazing to her. She reluctantly slipped out of the sanctity of their room while he finished getting dressed and prepared to leave.

By the time he was prepared to leave, she had gotten all of the children fed, cleaned up, and dressed. She was braiding Alasse's long hair to keep it out of her face and had Séro wrapped around one leg screaming for attention. As soon as he saw Legolas, his attention shifted and he ran to him yelling "Ada!!!" Illisse had already started crying because he was leaving. Even Alasse was quiet and sad. He bent down and scooped up Séro and then with the other arm scooped up Illisse telling her not to cry. When Vanelossë was done with Alasse's hair, he handed her Séro as he picked up his other little elleth.

"You two need to be good for your mommy. Help her out with Séro if you can and behave for Calime," Legolas said tenderly to his young daughters.

Calime was the elleth who helped out with the children, and the king had asked her to move in with Vanelossë to help out full time until Legolas returned. Grateful for the company of her friend, Vanelossë accepted the offer and Calime was moving in later today. She was wonderful with the girls and even had amazing patience when it came to Séro. She had also become a very good friend to both Vanelossë and Legolas.

Legolas was still talking to the girls and both girls were nodding their heads to his instructions of how they should behave. Alasse was very solemn and Illisse was still crying softly. She had put her head on his shoulder and had her hands in his hair wrapped around her fingers as she sucked her thumb, as she often did when she was very upset. She was the picture of sadness and it tugged at Legolas' heart. He knew that before long, Alasse was going to give in to her emotion and start crying as well and he dreaded it. She infrequently cried so when she did, it was heart wrenching to him. Since Legolas' arms were full of children, Vanelossë grabbed his things, and handing something small to Séro to carry. They left their quarters and walked to the entrance of the city to meet his father. Tauro and Mehtar were riding to Rivendel with Legolas and they too would be meeting them at the gates. They were his friends as well as his companions through many things such as this.

As they walked through the city, the other elves nodded to them knowing that the normally happy family was in turmoil now because of Legolas' departure. When he saw Thranduil, Séro pulled away from his mother and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to jump into his arms. Mehtar came and took Legolas' things from Vanelossë loading them onto Legolas' horse. Séro was screaming that he wanted to ride the horse as he sometimes did with Legolas, not realizing what was happening. When Alasse began to cry and wrapped her arms around his neck, Legolas heart ached. He had almost decided not to go. He would rather stare down a dragon than see tears in his daughters' eyes.

Legolas kissed his daughters goodbye many times, and hugged them tightly before he handed them to Calime who had come to say farewell. She embraced Legolas and promised to care for his family. Taking Séro from his father, Legolas dangled the child above him while he squealed, then kissed him goodbye as he held him tightly. Séro had just learned to say the word, and started laughing as he spoke. "Namarië, Ada" and gave him a big kiss before he erupted into laughter. Legolas was overjoyed that he would have that laughter ringing in his ears during difficult moments to come.

Giving Séro back to his father, Legolas returned to Vanelossë taking her hand and walking toward his horse. Everyone turned away and gave them time alone to say goodbye. She was biting her lip in an effort not to cry, but tears had already started sliding down her face.

"Van, please do not cry. This is hard enough as it is without seeing you cry. You are breaking my heart, melethrilen," Legolas bent down, pulling her to him, and kissed her lovingly.

Vanelossë wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered to him, "Please be careful and come back to me soon. I love you so much."

Vanelossë took her husband's face in her hands and kissed him on the lips softly, at first then, intensifying the kiss by sliding her tongue in his mouth as he lightly stroked it with his own. After a few minutes, she pulled her lips away from his and he held her tight breathing deep of the overwhelmingly feminine scent of her.

Finally letting her go, he whispered, "I love you."

He then called out to Mehtar and Tauro. They mounted their horses as Thranduil walked over and said to Legolas, "Be careful son. Return home soon. I will take care of your family until then."

Legolas nodded and looking at them all one last time turned the horse away. Séro was yelling "Namarië" over and over again but he did not look back because he knew if he did, he would be unable to leave.