Disclaimer: I own nothing, as ever.

A/N: This story is based off the song 'I Miss You Daddy (Heaven)' – Sammy

~ I Miss You Daddy ~

It was that time of year ago, the time of year when Sam would keep her eyes lowered to the ground, the time of year her insults hurt more than before. He had become used to it, he had even marked the date on his calender to make sure he was mentally – and physically – prepared.

He heaved a deep sigh, his eyes closing for a second as he tried to avoid thinking about it, maybe it wouldn't happen this year, maybe she would be okay this year, maybe she had forgotten about whatever event happened to her over six years ago.

He frowned, sharing a look with his best friend Carly – both of them knowing what was about to come – before walking into the school. He inhaled a deep, shaky breath before walking to the lockers where they would usually meet – it only took one look at the girl to notice that this year wasn't going to be any different to the others.

He bit down on his lip at the sight of her red eyes, the dark circles underneath seemed engraved into her pale face. He sighed, wanting to comfort her but knowing that he didn't need another bruise or broken bone to add to his collection.

"Sam?" Carly was the first to speak, taking a step towards the usually feisty and seemingly unemotional girl, Sam nodded at her and then opened her locker, trying to avoid any eye contact with either of them.

"Are you okay?" A simple shake of the head told them everything, she had always insisted she was fine for all these years. Something was wrong this year, very wrong. She looked up for a second, her eyes meeting Freddie's, before she sighed and slammed the locker door shut.

"I don't want to be here." She whispered, closing her eyes and leaning her head against the cold, metal locker. It took Freddie just a moment to react, his hand reaching out for her in an instant – he didn't even think about the consequences right then. Sam looked at him as his hand moved to her lower back, moving in gentle circles as he hushed her.

Carly looked at the two, smiling a little before turning back to Sam, "Sam, why did you come in?"

"Mom doesn't want me at home, she doesn't like being sad today." Her voice was just above a whisper, not tearing her eyes away from Freddie, her face only appearing to get paler and paler by the second.

"Come on, I will take you to mine." Freddie frowned, not knowing how to react to this Sam as he dropped his hand and took her hand in his instead, shaking his head at Carly before walking out of the school doors.

"You don't have to." Sam muttered, all the fight in her gone as her hand tightened in his, only letting him know that he did, she needed him. He smiled at the thought of Sam needing him – Freddie Benson. Maybe she felt the same way as he felt about her, maybe she loved him like he had secretly loved her for months now. Maybe.

Sam kept her eyes glued to her feet, a small tear falling down her face and hitting the concrete floor within seconds, she could almost feel her heart tearing as she thought about what had happened this day six years ago.

"Freddie?" Her voice cracked as more tears fell down her face, finally looking up at him, her body shaking as the rain started to slowly pour down, hitting the ground in large drops.

"You can tell me Sam, you can tell me anything." He whispered, stopping to turn and face her, dropping her hand and wrapping his arms around her shoulders instead. He bit down on his lip at the feel of her shaking bodies, her soft tears falling onto his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his waist and her head on his shoulder.

"Tell me, please."

"I-I.. it's stupid..."

"Tell me anyway." He let his hands trail up her body, his fingers resting under her chin before lifting her head up, "I want my daddy back..." She finally broke down, the sobs taking over her body as the rain seemed to get heavier and heavier around them. Freddie stared at her for a moment, bringing her impossibly closer to his body as he wrapped his arms around her and put his head on top of hers, hushing her as he tried to reassure her that it was going to be okay. But he wasn't sure if it was ever going to be okay.