Full summary inside!

The popular girls. That's what they were called. The three of them, Alice, Rosalie, and the leader, Tanya.

Tanya's perfect. Perfect body, perfect hair, eyes, and of course the perfect man, Edward Cullen. The only thing she doesn't have is perfect grades. That's where I come in.

I'm Isabella Swan. I'm the forth part of there little 'clique'. I'm the one in the background with the embarrassing glasses, plain brown hair, boring brown eyes, and a book always covering half my face and my huge glasses shielding the other part half. I should be in the clique labeled GEEK, considering my awesome grades, but Tanya caught up with me in the 8th grade and asked me to be her best friend. Rosalie was hesitant, but Alice was bubbling with excitement. Anyway, ever since then I've been sitting next to her letting her cheat off me and warn her when the teacher looked at her.

She's always peer pressuring me into things I never wanted to do. Like drinking at parties, going to parties, staying up past my curfew, and hanging at with guys when I'm drunk.

I know, bad friend right? Why haven't I ditched her yet? Well, let's listen to my conversation with Alice.

"Alice, I'm not going to take Tanya's c**p anymore! I'm sick of it! I'm ditching her, like last months sweater!" I slammed Wuthering Heights on my bed.

"Bella be careful. Did you tell her any dark secrets?" Alice looked at me seriously.

"Yeah, but come on Alice. Tanya may be cruel, but she isn't evil." I laughed.

"I don't know Bella. She once had a best friend that walked out on her, and the next day everyone knew her secret. You don't know her because she moved to California." Alice told me. I gulped.

"Bella! Ariella is on the phone!" My dad called.

"Who's that?" Alice asked.

"My cousin." I replied and nearly ran downstairs.

After I was done talking to Ariella, Alice had to go, so I went upstairs to study. I looked out my window and saw Edward. Edward's house was next door, and my window had a good view of his room.

Anyway, he was shirtless and I had to bite my lip to stop my jaw from dropping. I went to my window and sat in my rocking chair. I grabbed my books and white board and started reading. I looked up and Edward was holding up his whiteboard.

(Italic…Edward Bold…Bella)

Hey. He wrote in his elegant script.

Hey. What r u doing? I asked.

Nothing, working on the piano. I can't think of a good song! What about you? He wrote quickly.

Nothing interesting. Studying. Blech. I laughed when I showed him.

Where's your glasses? He asked.

I put them away, Tanya told me they look Dorky.

Don't listen to her. You look fine with them on. He rolled his eyes.

HA! Tell that to everyone else. I wrote.

Ugh. Bella I got to go. Esme's asking me to clean the table off.

Okay. Well, I'll miss you. I wrote and put it up, but his curtains were already closed.

I sighed and erased the board and cranked up a few tunes.

Is yo' man

On the floor?

If he ain't

Let me know!

Lemme see if you can run it, run it

Girl indeed I can run it, run it

I started dancing to this song but I tripped over my own feet and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Bella are you okay?" My older brother peeked through the door.

"I'm fine Emmett." I laughed. He laughed but then made a face.

"Chris Brown?" He asked incredulously.

"I like this song!" I pushed him out the door.

"And that's why you're a nerd!" He yelled through the door.

I rolled my eyes and flopped on my bed staring at the drawing I made of the sunset that I taped on the ceiling, and before I knew it I was asleep.

Alright, yes i kinda, sorta stole frome the You Belong With Me video. *Nervous Laugh* Anyways, please review!