

Ogron was sent a jolt of pain. He collapsed to the ground.

"Ogron what's wrong?" Duman helped him up.

"A fairy," Ogron growled. "A Lovix fairy." His dark piercing eyes glimmered a bit.

"Just what we need," Gantlos smirked.

"One more and we'll have enough power to take over this universe once again," Anagan laughed evilly.

"Magix," Ogron hissed. "Tecna's there." He could sense exactly where a Lovix fairy was and everything about her.

"She's getting married soon," Ogron growled and shot a burst of energy at a nearby wall. He blew a hole clear through it.

" Are you okay?" Anagan asked.

"I feel her love affection....for Timmy," Ogron hissed. "I hate love."

"We can handle that. It'll be a snap," Human replied.

"Good. Now let's just send her a little taste of what's to come," Ogron smiled wickedly. Soon the others nodded and did the same.

They each shot a ball of energy into a portal.

Tecna and Timmy sat outside under the millions of stars out that night.

"What I nice night it is tonight," Timmy sighed.

"Sure is..." Tecna gazed up. Suddenly four of the stars seemed to be getting closer.

"Uhh Timmy, do those stars seem to be getting closer?"

"Yeah... but those don't look like stars," Timmy replied.

"Then what are they..." Tecna's eyes narrowed on them.

Suddenly they zoomed toward Tecna.

"Oh no!" Tecna gasped as they hit her.

The impact sent a shockwave out. Shattering the glass windows at Alfea and demolishing nearby trees. The ground shook madly. Timmy was sent skidding backwards into a nearby wall. When everything stopped Timmy quickly gathered himself and ran to Tecna.

Meanwhile everyone in Alfea ran outside to see what happened.

"What in Magix?" Musa coughed and tried to look through some of the smoke.

"Where's Timmy and Tecna?" Helia asked. "They were out here!"

Suddenly they heard Timmy's familiar voice,

"Somebody help!"

I know, this is maybe one of the most intense ending to a story, EVER...!

Well what did you think?

So the next story will begin where this one left off.