"Splish splash, I was taking a bath..."
Joey sang as he played around in the bubbly water. After years of showering, he'd forgotten how great baths could be. It took him right back to his childhood when his mom would make all the kids share the same bathwater to save money. He was the eldest and the only boy so he got the water when it was clean and hot. There wasn't really time for playing around though – he got three minutes and then he was dragged out and wrapped in a towel whilst the next kid was put in. His mom ran it like a military operation.
And now here he was again, only this time he had the time to relax and play with the boat that Chandler had leant him, and smell all the bath salts that Chandler had stolen from Monica for him to try. There was no mom to drag him out in three minutes just when he was used to the temperature and starting to enjoy himself. He could be here as long as he liked. He was having so much fun that he barely registered the phone ringing in the kitchen. He heard Rachel pad across and answer it.
"Hey Joey!" she called.
"It's your mom. She says it's urgent."
He groaned and began to pull himself out of the tub.
"I'm coming, Rach."
Some things never change.