Title: Perfection
Summary: Morgan, JJ, Emily and Reid are on a new case, discovering a twisted take on 'perfection' among the human race. Can they cope with the circumstances of the case?
Author's Notes: With so many graceful thanks to PisceanPal123 for the beta read :) and I hope that you all enjoy this story after all, it is written for you!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Sadly, the characters in this story are borrowed from the TV show 'Criminal Minds'.
Thomas Williams glanced at his watch one more time, shivering as he hopped from one foot to another. He looked up, giving the sky a quick glance and quickly regretted it as his once dried face was now drenched.
With a sigh, he pulled his cap forward and upturned his coat collar as the freezing chill rushed through his body.
Even though little time had passed by, he looked at his watch again. He sighed again as he scanned the horizon for any signs of the BAU team. He did not blame them for being so late; after all, they would be travelling into the middle of nowhere.
He looked back, feeling alone in the darkness. His partner, Adam Alder, was in the house giving the crime scene another look over in case they had missed something.
Why was it that his partner got the easier job? He was always in the warm while he was left out in the freezing cold, waiting.
Thomas watched his breath turning into mist as his warm, moist breath hit the night air. Bored, he tried to create shapes and patterns, amusing himself for a short while before he heard the distant sounds of a growling car.
He grinned as he could see the car crawling, struggling through the falling rain. It was way too cold and too wet for the engine to haul the weight.
Licking his dried, cracked lips, he shouted out to Adam.
"Hey man! They've arrived, you can go home now, to your family."
With a goofy grin, Adam's face peered around the door. Thomas couldn't help but gasped at the deep chocolate brown eyes and the floppy hair that matched. Perfection.
"Really? You sure you will be okay?"
Adam really did not want to stay, but he felt as if he had to say something, letting his partner know that even though he wanted to be with his beautiful wife and their son, he was willing to stay if needed.
"I am sure. You go on, but could you just point out the way for the team so I don't have to get any more drenched?"
"Sure thing! You have a good night and I will see you Monday."
Thomas could not but help chuckled as Adam raced off with a skip in his step, happily pointing out the way for the BAU team and even shaking their hands.
From the doorway, he couldn't see what they looked like. It was too dark. Shadows loped over the figures. He had heard great things about them. He was on the phone with Jennifer Jareau and she told him that they would try their hardest to solve the crimes that haunted the small town. It would be a team of four, she told him, but it was more than enough.
As the rain came down even harder, Thomas turned around and went inside the old farm house, where the victim was waiting.
He flinched as the stink of the dead body greeted him. The old farmer's body was beaten. Dried blood surrounded the open wounds. His eyes had been scratched out and his hair ripped from his scalp.
He felt a shiver as he saw the writing on the wall, written in the man's blood.
Perfection will make the world a better place.
He could only assume that the killer went after a certain colour hair and eyes. He could barely see what it was the farmer features were before; blonde turning into grey? Blue eyed? Brown eyed? He would not know until they found a picture of the victim. This was the third killing in his town. They had all been like that, with the victim's hair either brutally dyed or torn out, their eyes hacked at. They had all been left in their houses for a while, nobody really knowing them and not bothering to check in until the smell got too hard to handle.
He gagged slightly as the smell entered his nose uninvited. He breathed out of his mouth, spitting out the vile taste. He had never been to a house when the body had been left for so long. A week, maybe two. He had been at scenes with fresh kills, and preferred them.
Thomas' head shot up when he heard footsteps. Stepping out of the chilling room, he prepared himself to greet the BAU team. He grinned as he was instantly met by Reid and Emily. He happily shook their hands. They were beautiful. Perfection. He couldn't wait to see the other two; they must be perfect too. The world was getting better, person by person.
He glanced around Emily and she stepped aside, letting him greet the rest of the team. Thomas' heart sank; how could this be? JJ's smiling face greeted him and Morgan held out a hand. Thomas gave them a small grin and a short wave which caused Morgan to drop his hand as if it was dead weight.
He walked down the hall, passing the room where the body was in the wait.
"Where are you going?" Morgan called out as he was sure that the stink was coming from the room on their right hand side. He held back the team and stepped in front of them, preparing for any signs of danger. He had a duty to his team, as Hotch was not there for them on this case.
Thomas winced at the sound of the black man's voice. How could somebody so imperfect have such a lulling voice? He was like a siren, pulling sailors to their death. "Basement. I think that's where the killer might have tortured the farmer."
Morgan saw the shivers that the policeman was trying to hold in. He would need to be extra careful from now on.
"Or would you rather seeing the victim first?"
Thomas turned around, looking Morgan straight in the eyes, asking him if he would like to push his luck. Morgan gave Emily a quick look of warning before nodding at Thomas to lead the way to the basement. As soon as Thomas turned his back on them, Morgan gave Reid and JJ a glare, telling them through unspoken words that they would need to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. They nodded in response. Emily gave them a small smile, trying to insert some of the lightness back into the suddenly dark situation.
Reid had a bad feeling. He knew that this was only the calm before the storm. He gently pulled JJ back, not listening to her hushed, angry words as she was placed at the back. Less likely to be in danger. He felt his heart slowing its beat. He knew that he was too worried about the girl that he was secretly in love with. Reid could feel her aura surrounding him and her presence made him relaxed, yet painfully aware of what was happening.
Looking to the front, he could see Morgan tensing up as the officer held the door open, signalling that they should go first. He knew that Morgan would be fighting the urge to push the officer in so that he would go first. He also knew that Morgan did not want to read too much into Thomas' body language. He was tired and his mind might be clouded.
Morgan was fighting with himself. With a clench of his teeth, he allowed Emily to go in first before following her into the darkness. He looked back for a brief moment, checking that the others were following him. With a nod, Reid caught the warning signal and crept down the stairs carefully. His movements were controlled and his senses on high alert.
JJ stopped on the top, watching as the rest of the team crept down the stairs. She was not happy with the situation. Placing her hand on her hip where her gun laid in wait, she felt safer. Her head stopped spinning and her senses became clearer. She turned around, and took a slight step back as Thomas' stern face greeted her. He was a bit too close for her liking.
"Hi," mumbled JJ as she tried to squeeze her way around the gentleman, "I am not feeling so good, so if you do not mind, I am going to sit this out in the car."
As soon as she finished her sentence, Thomas' thoughts ran wild, as he was not expecting this to be so hard. He thought that lulling them into the basement would be easy. It was the tying them up that would be hard. The last straw was when Morgan called the blonde lady's name, asking if she was okay. With fury in Thomas' eyes, he pushed JJ. He watched her face change from controlled calm to fear as she fell backward and her body crashed into the sharp edges of the staircase.
Reid's head snapped up as he heard the noise. His breathing stopped and his heart speeded up as he saw JJ's bloodied body at the bottom. His heart screamed when moans escaped from her cracked lips. His feet still remained glued to the ground as Emily pushed him out of the way to tend to the younger woman while with a roar, Morgan ran up the stair only to be met by a door slammed in his face. Reid could hear Morgan shouting and pounding on the door and Emily hushed words as she applied pressure to a gaping wound on JJ's leg.
The calm before the storm was over.
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They give me a new high and keep me happy throughout the day. They are like chocolate but without the guilt! :)