Right Back In The Water.

What if whole second movie of the little mermaid never happened? What if Eric wasn't Ariels true love but a certain little guppy?

I do not own anything, (including the characters) but my plot.

Hey I know this pairing is weird (but just bear with me okay?) and there is like only 2 stories for the actual pairing but its about 1 in the morning so I decided to write this, ill only put up a few chapters and see what everyone thinks yeah? Review if you like if not I might be a little reluctant to write more, but if you don't that's fine (it would be nice if you could explain what you don't like, but if it's just the pairing that's fine) Okay on with the story.

P.S. sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Chapter one: The Beginning of the End.

Flounder watched sadly as the boat containing Eric and his childhood friend Ariel floated away. The ship grew farther and farther away until it was nothing more than a speck in the distance. The little yellow guppy let out one last heart-wrenching sigh, and then dived back into the deep, blue sea.

"I wonder if I'll ever see her again." he whispered to himself, sighing sadly again.

As he was swimming towards Atlantica he noticed King Triton, the old king had a frown plastered on his face as he swam back towards his kingdom with the rest of his daughters.

"What's wrong your majesty?" Flounder asked as he swam up to the thoughtful king.

The king shook his head clearing his thoughts, "Nothing flounder, now run along." King Triton smiled sadly as he pushed flounder ahead; the guppy shrugged and kept swimming, pushing the tears that threatened to fall to the back of his mind. He couldn't cry now, he would wait until night fell.

King Triton sighed again, "Sebastian," He called out to his royal advisor.

"Yes your Majesty?" the red crab asked.

"Did you notice it too?" he asked the crab thoughtfully, as he began to stroke his beared once again.

"Yes your majesty, I did." Sebastian answered.

"I just hope she did the right thing." The old king rubbed his temples slowly, feeling a headache coming on.

Sebastian was silent, he had nothing to reply with, what could he say or do to stop the negative thoughts from entering his kings mind? Nothing, but try and make the king see reason, somehow.

"What is the matter Sebastian?"

The crab shook his thoughts away, "Sorry your majesty, I just worried for young Ariel."

"Me too Sebastian, me too," the king sighed once again as he stared at the place where he could see a small yellow guppy slowly trudging along, "I wonder if he knows?" he whispered to himself, but Sebastian heard, and nodded silently with the king, if the young guppy and the princess didn't know already, they would both know within the next week or so when flounder turned 16.

Flashback 1 year ago.

Young Ariel was curled up in her bed, it was the eve of her 16th birthday, just a few hours earlier she was giddy with excitement and soon she would finally find her true mate. She couldn't contain her happiness as she began jumping on her bed.

"Really, you'd think she was turning 6 not 16." Aquata teased, Ariel poked her tongue out at her oldest pregnant sister.

"Oh wow Ariel, I can't believe tonight you'll turn into your full heritage and soon find your mate." Attina gasped, grabbing her youngest sister's arms, she pulled her into a tight hug as tears sprung to her eyes.

Ariel patted her sister on the back, "I know," She giggled pulling away, "I can't wait."

"You know its painful right?" Adella said placing her hand on her hip,

"Yes, I was there for all of yours remember?" Ariel teased, she fell dramatically onto her bed as she asked no one in particular, "I wonder who my mate is?"

She twirled a piece of red hair around her finger, all of her sisters laughed at their baby sister, never once had Ariel showed any interest in any male, and soon within a few hours she would be finding her mate.

The sisters were too busy giggling together to notice their father slowly entering the room, "Now, what do we have here?" he said in a teasing tone, all the girls gasped as they faced their father. From the princesses window all you could hear was the booming laugh of their father's voice as he tickled and talked with his daughters.

Ariel suddenly gasped as she felt a terrible stinging sensation in her lower gut, she cried out in pain, twisting and turning on her bed. Her sisters quickly rose as they each backed off slightly, Aquata leaned forward and sat at the edge of Ariels bed. She slowly stroked Ariels hair, humming lightly to herself. King Triton smiled at his eldest daughter as he sat on the other side of the bed, holding Ariels hand as he gave her a small reassuring squeeze.

Soon all the princesses were surrounding Ariels bed, watching as their youngest sister twisted and screamed in agony, begging them all to make it stop. They all silently cried for their sister, and the pain she had to go through.

King Triton felt helpless as he looked down at his youngest daughter.

"Daddy," she begged, tears spilling from her blue eyes, "Please make it stop, please make the pain go away daddy."

King Triton lent down and kissed his youngest daughters head as her breathing slowed, he let out a sigh of relief as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Ariel could see him, the one she was meant to be with, her soul mate. He had sparkling blue eyes, tanned skin, bright yellow curly wavy hair and a deep blue tail. She took in all of his features, his broad shoulders, his long rough hands, his cute baby face, and those deep blue eyes. There was something so comforting and familiar about him.

"Ariel," he slowly spoke to her, "I'll be waiting for you, forever. My angel." He whispered as Ariel was swamped in blackness.


Three days later King Triton was sitting in his throne listening to Sebastian drag on and on about god knows what when an enthusiastic Alana came rushing into his throne room.

"Daddy!" she called out, swimming at a full sprint towards her father.

"What is it? What's wrong? Has Aquata gone into labour? How's Arista?" he panicked, he grew impatient as he watched his daughter try and catch her breath.

"No, Ariel is awake."