I do not own anything from Naruto or Rosario+Vampire

I only own my OCs and nothing else.

Thinking- 'whatever'


Summary: Naruto has been through many things in his life and seen many more happening around him. He has been around for ages and is getting bored. So he enrolls himself in an academy for monsters while hiding secrets from many people.

Chapter 3 Dead past

The blonde ancient was just enjoying another new morning as the sun was starting to rise above the horizon. It bathe the land with rays of gold scattering the mist a bit. Illuminating all the shadows and banishing all that made the land creepy. It would seem the school was just a normal academy for students to learn but one thing the boy learned was to look underneath the underneath and expect the impossible, especially when he was involved.

The ex-angel looked around the woods from his perch in one of the trees and caught a glimpse of something. Tsukune and Moka were alone by themselves and it seemed they were having a moment to themselves. That is until they were interrupted by the rest of the group coming forward and starting a fight over who Tsukune should be with. He started to feel sorry for the boy when he saw them drag him away to the newspaper room to get started on the upcoming issues. After they were gone, Naruto then saw Pinky's stalker of a little sister come out of her hiding spot complaining about wanting to see he sister's true form.

He was just shaking his head at how she was acting like a brat crying for people to pay attention to her and do what she says. He remembered how she first showed dup around the area and almost got herself and the rest of the group hurt. She was still the same as he remembered her to be. He ignored her complaining and turned his head to the scenery so he could relax and have his mind wander away from the troubles of the world. Unconsciously, his hand started toying with something underneath the collar of his short that resembled a necklace while his eyes were closing. Allowing the veteran to relax and forget the pain of the past.

1 hour later

He was in class when the teacher announced that today was the day for the students to join clubs. The hybrid groaned at this because at one point, he got out of class work, but he had to join a club because it was mandatory so he had to deal with crowds and crowds of annoying people broadcasting their club is the best. He got up and started to move towards the outside preparing himself for the bullshit of the school.

He went through the whole school looking as some of the students had prepared presentations to show off their. In the gym were the more athletic clubs, such as the basketball and the swim club but they had too many shady characters that looked like they wanted to eat you instead of playing fair. He seen the karate club that would be good for his taijutsu practice but they had too many block heads with too big of a ego to fit other members. He found none of the clubs that had caught any of his interest. He did pass a club that had gave him a bad vibe about it. The club were for those that worshiped the dead and there was only one member that gave the students all a smile that looked like it was taking up half his face and his eyes shined with a gleam of insanity. He had a cloak on and only his creepy face was shown to the crowd. He was near the woods so he kept walking. He just shook off the rest of the clubs and went to sit under one of the trees in the woods to relax some more.

With Tsukune and the group…

They were just walking around looking for Kokoa so she could join the group with helping out in the newspaper.

"You know she is going to be stubborn about joining us in the newspaper room. Tsukune, why don't me and you just go somewhere to be alone and leave the rest to go look for that br…" Kurumu was cut off as Moka had hit her over the head. "Don't talk about my sister like that." Kurumu was about to retaliate but was interupted with Yukari jumping on her head and pointing. "I see Kokoa over there." Everybody looked to see where Yukari was pointing at to see Kokoa talking to a boy with a smile splitting his face in half and had the eyes of a psycho. He had set up his table in an area far away from most of the other clubs closer to the woods where the shadows enveloped his stand. This made it harder for people to notice it but that was what confused many of them. The guy was suppose to be out in the open trying to attract more members, not hide from them. "I wonder what club is he a part of. Lets go see what it is" Tuskune suggested and the girls all followed him as they went to go see what was happening. As they got closer and closer they started to notice that the gleam in the boys face started to get more creepier along with his Cheshire smile widening and his aura started to darken. A strong gale started to blow from the trees and leaves were scattered in the air blocking the view. The gale continued towards the other club booths knocking some of them down and ruining their presentations.

The group recovered and looked up to see that the cloaked figure had grabbed Kokoa with a knife at her throat and had his sights on them. Kokoa was unconscious as he was holding her with one arm holding her waist and the the other holding the knife. He still had on his expression of a maniac on and was just standing there waiting for the group to react. This did not stop them from springing into action. Mizore had her ice claws out and Kurumu spread her and claws, both heading directly for the enemy. The target just kept smiling and flipped back throwing off his cloak towards the oncoming two. The cloak acted as a small net trapping the two before they tore it apart. When they looked up, they saw the guy was wearing shorts made out of animal skin. He had many patches that seemed to be filled with different things on his side. He had on only a vest with no shirt on. The vest had various bones on them that seemed to be from different species. He had tattoos littering the skin of his body. They all seemed like tribal tattoos or seals which all were in black but some parts red. On top of his head was a skull, which looked to come from a horned beast, that held back most of his green hair out of his sight. The guy looked like he was about 17.

Once the two girls recovered from being tangled in the cloak, they continued with their attack. The man just stood there but then his eyes started glowing an eerie green. When Mizore and Kurumu were two feet away they were blocked from their targets as skeletons rose from the ground. They were glowing the same colored green as the guys eyes were. Mizore froze of of them in blocks of ice and Kurumu went and smashed them to pieces. They were about to continue on their way on freeing Kokoa but turned to see more skeletons sprouting out of the ground.

Tsukune stepped forward and started to shout at the man to let Kokoa go but it fell on deaf ears. The stranger just started to laugh and he summoned more skeletons to go forth. He stopped laughing and turned to see as he let an army of skeletons swarm forward to attack the small group. He also let some go forward to the crowd of students behind them. He turned to face Moka as she asked why he was doing that. He just smiled more and then started to speak for the first time. "My name is Ghull and I am a necromancer. A being that is able to call forth the dead to serve my bidding. I have been go around walking the earth collecting items that may help. Now since vampire's blood is a very powerful ingredient for many things, such as being a powerful healing agent, it would be quite useful for me. I have already lived for many decades thanks to all the magic that I have obtained and my skills in the dark arts of using the dead. So with this little girls blood, I will be able to continue going around with out having to worry about dying from battle. To be able to travel and have no fear of being mortally wounded because I have with me something can instantly heal it in seconds."

While he was busy giving off his speech Tsukune went ahead and removed the Rosario from around Moka's neck. She transformed to her true from and was already on her way to attacking the necromancer by the time he finished his small speech. She reared back her hand and was about to thrust it forward to the enemy's face. The necromancer moved his head to the side and jumped back so he would not get hit again. He still held Kokoa in his arms and was now staring directly at where he would be dying if he was no able to move. He grinned as he watched the now silver haired vampire stand back up ready to come after him again. Before she could jump she was tackled back to the ground by two creatures. She looked to see that they were three creatures that were now standing in front of her as she was still on the ground. They were a Cyclops, a cross between a spider and monkey, and last was a small humanoid kraken that had multiple tentacles. She decided to get back up and attack these three in front before going after the boss. She went for the cyclops by flipping back up with her heel extended as she slammed it down on its head. This had the cyclops knocked down and it appeared to be out but she flipped back up into the air to avoid the kraken from grabbing her with it's tentacles. She landed behind the kraken and grabbed a few of the tentacles and ripped them off and she kicked the water creature to the tree a few feet in front of her. She had to roll to the side to avoid the last creature when it was spitting out webs so she wouldn't be caught. When she looked closer at the web, she saw that it was also acid because it was melting the ground. She noticed the spidemonkey was in the trees, so she started to climb through them to get to the last of the creatures. Once she was a foot away from her prey, she had to dodge to the sides to avoid the acid webbing being aimed at her. Once she reached the spider, she knocked back to the floor and jumped after it. She nailed the creature towards the floor with her heel allowing the pressure of her blow and the added force from gravity to sink into the creature. She looked towards Ghull to see him still smiling which confused her. She lost he balance when something grabbed her legs and pulled. She was then introduced to a fist that came from no where hitting her towards the sky. She was then plucked from the sky when sticky rope tied to her limbs to pull her back to earth. She slammed towards the ground hard and her limbs felt like they were on fire. She looked to see it was the acid webbing from the spider monkey. She followed the webbing back to see the spider was still alive and was starting to pull her towards it. She then noticed that the cyclops was also with it and the kraken was behind them. The kraken had its limbs back and looked like nothing happened to it. It was the kraken that tripped her and the cyclops came with an upper cut. She heard laughter while she was being dragged and turned her head towards Ghull to see him enjoying the show.

"Those creatures are monsters that I have resurrected through necromancy. No matter how hard you try to hurt them, they will not stop. Even a lethal blow, like chopping off their heads or cutting out their hearts, will not stop them. I have been around for a long time and have honed my skills so that the creatures that I bring back and enslave do not just fall apart so easy. They only follow the objectives I tell them to follow and will continue till it is complete. The only way for you to defeat them is if you use magic to rip out the magic I infused them with and I assure you, that it would be hard to. Even if you kill me, which is highly unlikely, they will continue. And don't expect to get much of help. The army of skeletons are keeping your friends busy." Ghull continued to laugh as Moka was being pulled towards the three undead.

With Tsukune and the rest

Kurumu and Mizore were having trouble with the skeleton army that they were fighting. The skeleton army looked endless. The crowd of students had already left the premises, leaving the small group to fight them off. Kurumu found out that just knocking them apart did nothing for her. The bones would just reattach and start fighting again. Mizore had trouble when after she froze them, she found out that they were able to melt her ice through magic from their glowing eyes. So he and Kurumu found that if they were frozen and cut to pieces they did not defrost themselves or come back together. This is where they used their team work to the best. Mizore would freeze them and Kurumu would use her speed and claws to decapitate them before the glowing eyes melted them. They found that after this more would appear. Tsukune was in the back with Yukari fighting off the few that made it past the pair. Tsukune was just knocking most of them back towards the girls to incapacitate them.

With Moka

She seemed to have gotten out of the webbing that held her limbs. Her wounds from the acid were healing as she continued to fight the three creatures to get to Ghull and save her sister. She just needed a way to get around them or to dispose of them for only a minute. She dodged a swipe from the cyclops and ran into the kraken. She flipped backwards out of the way from the kraken's tentacles. She landed and brought her heel down on top of the cyclops that she flipped into. She then leaped frog over it to avoid being caught in any more web. She spotted the monkey in the trees close by and once she landed from her leap, grabbed a limb from the one eyed monster to hurl it at the other creature. She had missed because the monkey had leapt out of the way and started to fire the webbing like a machine gun aiming towards her. Moka started to do some back flips to avoid being hit. The kraken tried to surprise her and grab her while she was trying to avoid the webbing. She just flipped out of the tentacles and landed on the the krakens chest to only use it to propel her self in the air to just be missed by some more webbing. The webbing although did get the kraken down. The vampire was just smiling seeing that one of them was out of the way because the kraken was now stuck to the floor with its body burning away thanks to the webbing of the spider. The smile was wiped off though as she noticed the cyclops was back and was already behind her bringing its fist down.

There was a loud explosion and the ground shook for a second but Ghull was ignoring all of this as he was starting to finish with what he came there for. He laid the unconscious red head on the ground as he pulled out a few syringes. He checked to see if the sleeping potion he used was still working and did not harm her before he started. He then proceeded and was about to stick one of them into the girls vain to extract the blood but was stopped when something shook the barrier that he erected up around him. He then heard a voice that made him grin some more and stop what he was doing. "So you finally learned to put up a barrier while you work so you don't get interrupted." Ghull turned his head to see a familiar blonde standing a foot away from him with his fist against the barrier.

"Crap, you just had to show up and ruin my plans, don't you, you jamakusai. Now that you are here I know I won't be able to get what I came here for. Might as well postpone this and see if I can get rid of you first." Ghull dropped the syringe and jumped back as Naruto brought his fist, that was giving off a blue hue and destroyed his small barrier. Ghull landed in a clearing deep in the woods and drew the dagger he had as well as bringing out a small staff and got in a fighting position to defend himself against the ex-shinobi. Naruto landed in the clearing afterwards and got into his own fighting stance. "You can't just let me get what I came here for and prevent us from getting into a fight can't you Naruto." Ghull tried to persuade him so he didn't have to get hurt the way he knew he would. His answer was the hybrid to jump at him and bring out a sword from nowhere. Ghull brought his dagger and staff up to block the attack but he had to jump back to avoid the kick. Naruto then sent a gust of sharp wind to cut Ghull to pieces but was surprised to see it met a barrier. "My spiritual barrier uses souls to draw out the power from energy attacks. So all your energy attacks are useless and only physical attacks work." Naruto just jumped in after the comment to bring his sword for a horizontal slash to have Ghull duck and bring the dagger up to cut at Naruto's head. Naruto had to use the wind to help him spin out of the way and make his sword swing around to come and aim for Ghull again.

Ghull just fell back to lay on his back to avoid the second slash. He then back flipped to get back on his feet to see Naruto already on his feet and preparing to charge. He started to spin his staff in his right hand while he gathered his energy. While Naruto was a few seconds away from him, the blond had to jump back as a barrage of energy balls were fired from the center of the spinning staff. Naruto had to keep jumping back as he was being bombarded with attacks. He leaped up into the trees and started to jump from branch to branch to avoid being hit. He started to fire some of his own energy balls at Ghull while he was jumping around knowing the spiritual barrier was down so Ghull could use his own energy attacks. What he found out was that his spinning staff had drawn the power from his attacks and added to Ghulls attack on him. So he could not fire on Ghull unless he wanted it redirected back at him. So he might as well attack the barrage coming for him so he doesn't have to dodge anymore. He shot a barrage of his own to match the incoming attacks. The two forces met and caused many explosions to paint the area and dust to gather in the air. Ghull could not see what was happening anymore and decided to put his spiritual barrier up. He was surprised to see Naruto come out of the ground beneath him bringing not one but two swords with him to attack. Naruto used the shock to his advantage to start his attack. " Shiki no Kata: Haru" Naruto came fast and started to attack with great agility. He came down and struck Ghull with multiple slashes from above to symbolize the spring showers and traded for the uppercuts to show that growth of plants. Naruto kept on attacking not letting up on his attack until he was able to disarm Ghull. His staff was thrown to the side and his dagger fell not being able to withstand the heavy attacks. Ghull was pushed up against a tree with his one of Naruto's sword against his throat.

"I give, I give. Let up already. I come here to supply on things and what do I find but one of the most troublesome person in all the realms here hiding." This comment mad Naruto smile and put away his weapons. "You shouldn't have attacked. What is with you and your crazy greedy ways. You know who those vampires are related to and yet you still go after one of them to sate your greed for powerful substances. Are you a lunatic or what?" Ghull just smiled like a maniac at this by taking what was said as a comment. Naruto just shook his head and started to walk away. "Just go and I will clean up the mess you created. Why is it every time I run into you, you cause a mess with all your ideas and obsession with the dead." Ghull just laughed loudly at his blond friend walking away as he started to sink into a dark portal that opened below him.

Naruto came to check up on the knocked out Kokoa to see if she was alright. He then looked up to see Moka still fighting against the spider monkey while the cyclops was tied up by the webbing also and had it's eye plucked out. A bit further, he saw that the rest of the group was dealing with an army of skeletons. He groaned when he remembered dealing with them. He started to speak a spell to remove them. "reverto ut atrum reverto ut umbra tergum quo phasmatis habito tergum utthy regnum sileo enternity" He waved his hand in the air as it took on a black glow.

Moka was getting tired of the game she was playing with that ugly spider. She was on the opposite side of the clearing ripping off some trees and hurling them to the spider. She then noticed as her opponent was turned to dust. She turned to see if the other two would disappear and see as they were struggling, their bodies and the webbing turned into dust blowing in the wind. She turned to see about the skeletons that the rest were fighting.

Mozore was about to freeze another batch of skeletons when she noticed they were turning into dust. She turned to Kurumu to see her confused as well. "What happened? All of them are gone, even the statues that we made are gone." Kurumu voiced out. Tsukune and Yukari walked up to the pair. "Lets go check if Moka defeated that necromancer and saved Kokoa." Tsukune suggested as he continued walking to the woods. Moka saw them approaching her and decided to turn and see if Ghull had finished what he came for. She instead saw a blond instead of the necromancer there. This just gave her more questions about him and so she got up to see if he had any answers.

Naruto was looking back down to see if he could wake her up. He knew Ghull must have over done it and gave her a very strong dose to knock her out. "Ko-chan wake up now. You know your sis is not going to be happy about this and is going to interrogate me for this." The fallen angel tried to coax the girl awake till she opened her eyes a crack. "Aku-nii" was all she got out before she laid back asleep. He sensed the others a foot away from he and was about to turn towards them until loud squawk was heard.

The group was a a few feet away when they saw that Naruto was with Kokoa and Moka was almost on him. They had a lot more questions now that they noticed he was there. Such as why he was there and what he had done along with many others. Moka was going to be the first to question him until a huge rave called out and made all of them turn to see it circle around the clearing, then turn back to the school. Once it was out of sight they turned to the blond to see that he was gone as well. This got the group even more confused and determined to find out the mystery of the blond.


Naruto was tired after his meeting with the Headmaster. That raven was sent to summon him so he could have a meeting. He had to tell the details of what happened earlier for today. Afterwards, he was told he had an errand that he had to run. But until then, he was able to rest so now he was in his dorm getting ready to go sleep. He went and grabbed the necklace from his neck and laid it on his nightstand. He turned off the light and went to sleep. Letting the moonlight reflect off of the three rings and cross on the chain necklace. illuminating the room and pushing the shadows away from claiming the blond.

.?albumid=1064&pictureid=13564 Here is wher a pic of the spider monkey is.

"Shiki no Kata:Haru"-dance of the four seasons:Spring- first of the four styles which uses fast attacks to show spring but is a non-lethal style mostly used to disarm and minor destruction

Please review and flames are accepted. till next time