"Game over!" cried the Yellow Ranger, squeezing the trigger. Suddenly, she heard gunfire coming down the corridor that the girl had just come from. Surprised, she quickly jumped back behind cover. Peeking out, she saw a young man wearing a black uniform with dark blue trims.

'That uniform... That's Icarus Colony standard issue. What the hell is he doing here?' she thought as he ran up towards the unconscious girl.

He kept running towards her. Looking around as he ran, he realized there was no cover, something the Yellow Ranger took advantage of as she peeked out around the corner and fired some energy rounds at him. He somehow managed to dodge them all and she returned to her cover to reload. 'This is NUTS!' he thought.

It was all a bit crazy for him; although he was expecting the unexpected, this wasn't exactly what he thought might happen. In a way, it seemed a whole lot worse. As he got up and continued running, he looked at the Battle Morpher on his wrist. Realizing he had no choice, he held it up near his mouth. "Battle Morpher, Online!" he cried.

The Yellow Ranger had just finished reloading and had heard his Morphing command and she could see a blue light coming from the corridor. 'So it is true...' she thought to herself as she moved around the corner, taking aim again. She saw him; a Blue Ranger, much like herself, except he was armed with what looked like two automatic energy machine pistols.

Seeing her in his sights, he took aim and started to fire with both guns, sending dozens of energy bullets in the direction of his enemy. She knew it was too risky to try and fight him, so she had no choice but to duck back under cover.

As he got to the junction, he stopped firing and reached for something at his belt; a flash grenade. He pulled the pin out and threw it around the corner before covering his eyes. She noticed the grenade hitting the floor but by the time she worked out what it was, it was too late to turn away as the grenade went off, blinding her with a white light. Running out into the junction, he could see her still leaning against the wall. He took aim at her, waiting for her sight to regain itself...

Meanwhile, Alice was having a rough time against the mysterious black machine. It had drawn what looked like some kind of sword and had begun taking swipes at her. She had been lucky so far and had been able to avoid every swing, but she couldn't keep it up forever.

Unfortunately, she didn't have any means of defeating the machine, either. Her fighter was only equipped with a standard machine gun. She'd already tried it and the bullets had just bounced off harmlessly. She tried to consider her options, but there really wasn't many of them. If she tried retreating to the Colony, it might follow her, which could put the entire Colony at risk. If she fought against the machine directly, she would have no way of damaging him. She couldn't even contact the Colony to get them to send out her Zord, since something was blocking her signal. The situation seemed hopeless. The only other alternative would be ejecting; and at the moment that would be suicidal.

In the cockpit of the machine sat a Black Ranger, who was getting frustrated at how hard it was to kill off the Astrainian pest. "Damned fly! Shouldn't be this difficult to swat!" he punched the control console in anger. Calming himself, he started swinging at the ship before him once more. "Today, no-one survives!" he yelled.

Meanwhile, back in the corridor on Saris, the Yellow Ranger's sight was returning, only to see the Blue Ranger standing before her, both of his guns pointing at her. "Am I supposed to be scared?" she taunted him. She didn't need to be able to see behind his helmet's visor to be able to tell that he was angry. The way he was gripping his guns said it all; very tense, very angry.

"To hell with that!" he yelled. "You shouldn't be attacking innocent people! You shouldn't even be here!"

The Yellow Ranger couldn't help but laugh in response. "Neither should you, boy!"

He grumbled. He knew she was right, but at least he wasn't going around blowing everything to pieces.

Just as she expected, his concentration slipped for a moment. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she kicked him in the chest, winding him and sending him reeling backwards into the opposite wall, his guns dropping to the floor. Whilst he was down, she holstered her sniper rifle as fast as she could. The Blue Ranger quickly went to grab his guns but she kicked them aside. He leapt up at her, body slamming her into the wall. She pushed him off and started throwing punches at him. He blocked them and a hand-to-hand fight began.

She drew a knife from her belt and began performing quick slashes with it, hitting the Blue Ranger several times, sparks flying from his suit. She spun around, hitting him diagonally several times before she ended the last spin with a powerful kick, sending him to the floor. She attempted to jump on him, but he dodged, her knife slamming into the floor.

Rolling away, the Blue Ranger jumped up and pulled two knife handles from his belt. Pressing a button on them, small streams of energy came out to form an energy blade. He charged at her, jumping up, front-flipping over her, turning around and slashing downwards as he landed, ending up facing towards her back, both blades hitting their target. The Yellow Ranger howled in pain as he followed up with a kick, sending her flying to the floor, where she lay still.

He started to walk towards her cautiously, knowing full well that it might all be a trap. Suddenly, the entire Colony rocked as he heard explosions. 'What in the world?!' he thought as he held onto the wall to keep balance. As if she had found a second wind, the Yellow Ranger jumped to her feet as the shaking stopped. "Looks like playtime is up for today!" she laughed as a second round of explosions shook the station.

"What do you mean?" he yelled in response.

She just laughed, turning around and running away as fast as she could. "Wait!" he yelled.

Suddenly the voice that had been over the loudspeaker previously came back. "We are under attack! Repeat, we are under attack by an unknown enemy! Batt---AHHH!"

An explosion could be heard in the background and the speaker died. The Blue Ranger supported himself as the Colony shook once more. 'This place is falling apart! This isn't just an attack… This is a trap! I have to get out of here!' he thought as his mind raced.

He turned around to leave and caught sight of the unconscious girl. He ran over to her and tried to wake her up, shaking her gently. "C'mon... I should be running like hell right now!"

He kept trying, but no response. She was out for the count. It was only then that he noticed the Pink Battle Morpher on her wrist. 'No way…' he thought, looking at the Morpher in shock, then looking at her, then back to the Morpher. 'Uh… Misson complete, I guess. Boy, this is getting complicated!'

The Colony shook wildly again, but it was slowly getting worse with each set of explosions. He looked at her and sighed. 'I guess I was going to take her with me and rescue her anyway... Having the Morpher'll just makes my job that little bit easier.'

With that thought, he picked her up and started trying to find a way back to the Hangar, although it was more complicated this time because now he was carrying the girl, the air shafts were no longer an option, and if anyone saw him they'd shoot on sight. He ran as fast as possible...

Out in space, Alice was still evading her opponent, but she was quickly running out of fuel, and she kept losing concentration from seeing the explosions on Saris. 'What's going on over there?!' she wondered as she frantically tried to keep in control of the battle. She fired the fighter's machine gun at the Black machine once again. Even though she knew it wouldn't damage it, at the very least is would show that she still had fighting spirit.

The Black Ranger was getting extremely annoyed by this point, wondering why he couldn't beat such a simple opponent. Suddenly, an alert message appeared on the console. Once again he hit the console in anger. "Damn! It's been 25 minutes already!"

He grabbed the controls and yelled a battle cry as he went for the fighter once more. Alice tried to dodge it, but this time he got lucky, the machine's sword ripping through one of the wings. Alice screamed in panic as her fighter started to spin very fast from the force of the attack.

The machine prepared itself for a final attack. "Time to die!" yelled the Black Ranger as he readied his sword once more.

Suddenly, a hail of machine gun bullets hit the side of the machine. "What?!" he yelled angrily as he turned to see 3 more fighters quickly approaching.

He knew he didn't have time to fight them now. "I hate flies!" he grumbled as he started pressing some buttons on the control panel. The machine transformed back to Bomber mode and started to fly away as fast as possible. 'You'd better hope we never cross paths again, or next time I'll kill you for sure!'

The three fighter pilots watched as the machine flew away. The leader of the group was confused; the enemy looked in perfect condition, so why retreat? "Units 2 and 3, abort your attack!" he said, speaking into the fighter's communication device. "Roger!" they replied in unison.

Looking into the distance, he could just about make out Alice's ship. She'd managed to use her engine on the remaining wing to slow down the spinning, nearly to a stop. As she drifted in space, she could hear the fighter pilots trying to reach her through the Comm unit, but it was damaged so she could barely hear them. Although the fighter pilots weren't aware of it, a piece of Alice's cockpit had struck her in the side and she was bleeding from the wound. As the fighters drew near, she blacked out...

As the black machine flew away, it caught sight of the bright light of a flare going off just outside the Colony. 'She made it out alive then. What took her so long?' he wondered, turning his attention to the Colony. 'The mines worked perfectly. The Colony'll fall apart any second now!" He started laughing maniacally as he continued to flee from the battle.

Meanwhile, the Blue Ranger had finally reached the Hanger. There were a lot of bodies floating around now; it didn't look like anyone had survived the encounter with the Yellow Ranger, nor the explosions. He had found a breath mask for the girl he was carrying and made sure she was wearing it before trying to cross the Hangar. As he moved towards the outer door, he was frantically trying to dodge falling pieces of broken girders and other pieces of debris that was floating around. He was in this for the unexpected, but this was far beyond anything he thought might happen.

Just as he reached the door, half the Hangar started to break away from the entire Colony. He quickly raced outside and saw his ship, amazingly still in one piece. He moved towards it and opened the hatch once more, sliding the girl through the hatch before heading inside himself. Once he was in the cockpit, he carefully moved her so he could sit down. She ended up lying on his lap as he reached for the controls and pulled the fighter away from the Colony, flying away as fast as possible. As the Colony started to break apart even further, a massive explosion came from the inside of the Colony, destroying it entirely, the Blue Ranger's ship being caught by the shockwaves.

'Gotta...Hang...On!' he thought as he tried to steer the ship carefully. Luckily, the shockwave didn't destroy his ship, harmlessly pushing it out of the way. After slowing back down to normal speed, he looked behind him at the wreckage of what had been Saris moments earlier. "How could this have happened?" he wondered as his voice trailing off as he flew back to his Colony. He looked at the girl he had rescued. "I guess you're the lucky one..." he whispered...