Hunger. A feeling deep inside my soul. I lick my sharp fangs as I run faster, two shadows directly behind me. I'm on the hunt for sustenance. For blood. I see a group of girls walking home from their evening classes. I smile and stop on the building right above them. If they happen to look up at us before we can strike all they would see are two shadows standing against the moon their faces hidden by lack of light. I sense my two friends behind me and I turn to face them.

Blare I had known sense I was changed into a vampire. She's drop dead gorgeous with long brown-red hair and breath taking dark green eyes. She had an athletic build of a woman who does all the sports invented in the world, yet she does not work out. Her heart shaped face is pale almost transparent, like most vampires. Blare has full lips that would put Angelina Jolie to shame. Blares Dark green eyes were on me now waiting impatiently for me to give the command to feed. I could tell she was starving. Blare acted and looked extremely sexy. She was wearing black skinny jeans, black/white chucks, and a plain black shirt that fit her very nicely.

My eyes parted from blare to rest on Kajirae, Who yawned tiredly. She has just been turned and is a flamboyant 'I don't want to hide it' lesbian. She had short raven black hair, cropped in the back and long in the front, a piece of hair over her left eye and two cartilage piercings in her left ear. Her eyes where silver. Bright silver that shined in the darkest night. She also had the same build as blare, well toned body, curves in all the right places. She was also pale, and wore loose fitting Dark blue cargo pants, a sleeveless shirt that said 'Naughty' and was grey with black stripes. She was wearing a Beanie with a visor on, flipped over so the visor was over her right ear.

She smirked at me and winked. She was a complete flirt, and 24/7 pervert, you couldn't say anything without her making an unnecessary comment about it. But blare put her 'in her place' by smacking her upside the head every time that happened. I stifled a giggle and focused on the mission.

"There is a group of girls down there that are walking through a park unattended, and no possible threat nearby. Grab who you want, But I get the one that slightly taller than the others, her blood calls to me."

Blare and Kajirae nodded and I flashed my fangs. We jumped down from the building and rushed at them, full vampire speed ready to strike. I tackled the girl that was my target and heard blare and Kajirae stop suddenly. I became distracted and ran right into the girl I was targeted on. She and I fell over and I was greeted with Brownish yellow eyes filled with surprise. My own blue and silver eyes widened in surprise. I sat half on her my arms on both sides of her head. I blinked and sniffed. Shit. Damn it to hell. She was a demon not a human. I looked away from her captivating eyes and saw cat ears on top of her head and cat like pupils. I quickly jumped off of her and crouched into a defensive stance ready to attack. Kajirae tilted her head and looked at me strange but I didn't care. Demons and vampires didn't mix. Centuries ago vampires started to feed on demons, gaining their strength and making them more powerful. Demons were furious about this so started killing vampires and so started a war between the species. Ever since then demons and vampires hated each other with a passion and usually when they cross each other's paths they kill each other.

Blare raised her eyebrow at me and I grumbled in frustration and got out of my fighting stance. Meanwhile the girl I ran into stood up and tilted her head in the cutest way possible confused as to what the fuck just happened. Her friends were glaring at us.

Mmm, look at that one on the left…damn I want to just sink my fangs in her and just-

Kajirae! Shut the fuck up before I do something drastic

But she's just so god damn hot Blare…mmm…


Both of you shut up! I can't think!



Blare slapped Kajirae upside the head and she held her head and laughed sheepishly. We can telepath to each other. One of the many vampire traits. I walked up to the demon and sensed that he friends tensed up. I was a foot away from her and looked her straight in the eyes.

"You're in my territory Scum" I narrowed my eyes and glared. I saw a flicker of hurt in her eyes but it was quickly replaced by anger.

"I don't see your name on it" She said casually. She smirked at me.

She's got a point you know.

I don't care its vampire territory; demons shouldn't even be in it!

Calm down Kagome, She's probably lost. We should just let her go.

Pft, she's going to get a mouthful of what I have to say first.

I want a mouthful of something too…

Kajirae I swear to god…

I was just saying! Don't get your thong in a knot

What thong? Have you been in my wardrobe again?!

I don't know what you're talking about.


I rolled my eyes and focused on the smart talking demon. She was a panther demon I could tell by the marking on her cheek. Two black stripes, dark brown hair and brown eyes swirled with gold. My eyes went upwards and focused on two swirling ears alert and ready to pick up any dangerous sound. She had a black tail behind her and a strong masculine sort of tomboy build. Strong muscular arms, nice legs, and a flat stomach. She was wearing short shirts and a tank top that said Lesbian love. She was a out of the closet lesbian too. I smirked. Overall she was extremely attractive to me, and it was just adorable when she tilted her head when she was confused. I would have taken her as my minion if she wasn't a demon.

I got right up to her face and took her warm chin between my thumb and forefinger and looked at her. I noticed her two demo friends tensed up again.

"Kittens like you shouldn't wander into vampire territory, you know the saying…curiosity killed the cat"

I then nipped her nose not hard, just to find out if she was attracted to me. She blushed and wrinkled her nose.

"I-I'm sorry, It won't happen again."

"Good kitten" I patted her head and heard her growl. I laughed and stepped back.

"Let's go guys" I was just about to jump up to the building overlooking the park when the kitten said something.

"Wait! What's your name? Mines Songo." She said nervously. She was actually trying to make amends with me. How cute.

"Kagome kitten, don't forget it" I winked at her and took off for the building watching her form and her friends fade away to dots.



What the fuck was that?!

What was what?

You were flirting with her.

He he Kagome has a new play thing

Hardly, I don't know what you guys are getting at. I was just warning her that she crossed into our territory.

Yeah yeah, can we go home? I'm down with just grabbing some blood from our fridge.

We're heading there.

Can I sleep with you Blare? I'll be gentle.

Kajirae make a seductive little growl noise earning her a smack that almost made her lose her balance.

Oooo I like them feisty

Keep it up Kaj, Just provoke me more and see what happens

You can't kill me babe

That's right 'babe' but I can bolt your coffin with a silver lock so you can't come out and bed for my forgiveness.


I could hear blare giggling behind me and I smiled. Same 'Old Kaj. We went to our old rundown apartment that was in the middle of our territory. It smelled of smoke and a musty smell from the leak in our roof. It was a pretty shabby place. The wallpaper was peeling the kitchen dining room and living room was all one square. There were two bedrooms near the back of the apartment that weren't much better than the front. The kitchen held unused appliances, because vampires needed nothing but pure blood. We stocked that in the fridge. We vampires were the ones that came up with blood banks, for ourselves but also t save humans who probably will get attacked by a vampire right after they get a transfusion.

I watched as Blare walked to the fridge and threw a packet of blood at me. Blood type O. My favorite. I plopped down on the couch and Kajirae did the same after Blare threw a packet to her. Kajirae yawned and ripped the packet like a human would open a bag of chips with their teeth. I saw her chug it down and throw the bloody empty bag behind her into the trash bin. I licked my lips at her and she grabbed my hand and sat me in her lap and started sucking on my neck making me groan.

"Hey! Do that in your coffin! I don't want to hear that going on."

Kaj smirked at me and carried me bridal style to my coffin. Kajirae and I have a thing going. We're both lonely so we have fun with each other; we don't love each other we just need to relieve some stress sometimes. She laid me down inside my coffin and then lay on top of me. I kissed her and she kissed me back and laid her head on my chest ready to rest threw the light time and sun. I racked my hands through her hair and rested myself. I heard Blare muttering about crazy lesbians before I heard her go into her coffin. Crazy indeed.