Disclaimer-Neither I nor akkyou no Yami own Naruto or Bleach in any way shape or form. If we did, WHY THE HELL WOULD WE WRITE FANFICTION...
This story was created in partnership with Hakkyou no Yami and myself, we do not own Naruto or Inuyaha in any way, shape, or form.
Please check out Hakkyou no Yami and dracohalo117 forums for our challenges...
Please check out my profile for the following...
Naruto Hates Yondaime challenge...
Naruto quits being a shinobi challenge...
Ideas not Likely to get to...but will let others take
acepro evolution: Juuken Naruto Challenge
nirvana12: Iron Sand or White Fang Naruto
Killjoy3000: NarutoXGuren/Sasame/Tsume/Shion Challenge
AlysiaStorms: HarryPotterNaruto challenge
thymistacles: Bleach challenge...and a NarutoXChibiVampire challenge
blazeofhonor10: Rosario+Vampire & Naruto crossover
lone wolf of the storm: Ironic Reincarnation
It had been two and a half years since the massacre at the Inugami compound, which had been known as 'The Second Uchiha Massacre' and in that time, the Inugami family, and their new residents had changed.
Sasuke had managed to awaken his Sharingan, and was extremely proficient with it. He was able to use it up to two tomoe's now. He only used it as a last ditch effort, saying he did not want to reply on his bloodline. He had taken the class ranking of first place male genin so far…but only because Naruto and Sesshomaru thought the ranking system was stupid, and wanted to hide their skills.
Shirayuki had learned to change into her wolf form, and was extremely proficient in her families Taijutsu. She was one of the best kunoichi of her year, tied with Benihime and Hinata for second best kunoichi.
Benihime had considered the loss of her tails a blessing as much as it was a curse. She thought it was much easier to control her Youki now. Thanks to Sasuke's help, she was now immune to most Sharingan based genjutsu.
Hinata had become INCREDIBLY proficient in Jyuuken, she was praised by the elders, and for a little while, Hinata felt as if her mother actually loved her…well…for awhile. She had also learned how to turn her chakra into various seekers and trackers. The technique was still in the design stages.
Sesshomaru had also learned to transform into his Inu Youki form. He was also able to perfectly create his Youki whips at will, as if it were second nature to him. His mastery over the sword was also unprecedented. Totosai had been working on a special sword for him…all he needed was a developed fang from Sesshomaru.
After the first time Natsuki had lunch with their group, she had begun to associate with them more…Sasuke however still held a grudge for what her clan did. She had taken the ranking of the rookie of the year, becoming the first kunoichi to achieve the ranking since Tsunade Senju.
And Naruto…he had become incredibly strong, able to use his whips like a puppeteer uses their strings. He had mastered use of Tessaiga's Kaze no Kizu, but had yet to activate its other abilities. Tenseiga responded to him, but not as well as he would have liked. So'unga on the other hand…it was almost as if the sword was made for Naruto. However…he refused to rely on the blade. He had also managed to transform into his Youki form…and it was truly spectacular. He had become proficient in Taijutsu, and was impossible to beat at Genjutsu thanks to Kyuubi's Youki. He also managed to learn a few Kitsune techniques…
Naruto currently was walking down the streets of Konoha wearing his usual attire…the difference were his shoulder plates, which had been forged from the remains of the widows who had attacked years ago. He had So'unga on his back, and Tessaiga and Tenseiga at his side. His long flowing red and white hair glistened in the sunlight.
He looked around to examine the village…it had seen better days.
Several days ago, a Kuma Youki had attacked the village. Naruto had finished it off quickly, but the damage caused by the bear was now being repaired.
In the last few years, more and more Youki had been attacking the village. What Naruto wanted to know, was why.
He was about to take a left turn, "You worthless little brat, can't you do anything right?!" he turned his attention to a woman he knew as Tsunade with a girl with spiky hair much like Jiraiya's, but with Tsunade's color, crying as Tsunade shouted at her, "How could you possibly fail to do something so simple?!"
The girl cried as she looked at Tsunade, "B-but Kaa-sama……" she was backhanded by Tsunade who shouted.
"Don't you dare call me that again you brat, I can't believe that Jiraiya and I sired a weakling like you! I disown you, never come here again!" she slammed the door, but not before throwing a potted plant out right in front of the sobbing girl.
As the girl cried, she did not notice walk up to her until he placed his hand on her shoulder. She flinched and looked up into his kind, caring, amber colored eyes. She sniffled and pulled her knees to her chest, "W-what d-do y-you want…are you here t-to hurt me t-to?"
Naruto shook his head, "No, I came to see why a little girl was crying. What is wrong?"
The little girl sniffled and spoke, "My mommy threw me out because I couldn't heal a fish…even though I tried my hardest."
Naruto looked at the girl with shock, "Hold on, how old are you?" the girl held up her hand and raised three fingers.
"I'm this many…what?" she shied away as she saw Naruto grit his teeth in anger as he sneered in disgust at the house Tsunade had gone in. He then looked at the girl with a questioning gaze.
"Where are you going to go?" the girl looked down and began to whimper.
"I-I don't know…" she sat there for a moment…but was shocked when she suddenly felt herself be lifted up in the air and hoisted up on top of Naruto's shoulders.
Naruto smiled at her, "Well, if that is the case, then how about you move in with me and my clan? We just have to get some papers set up, and we can get you a nice warm bed."
The little girl grinned and hugged his head, squealing in happiness, "Thank you!"
Naruto chuckled as he headed towards the Hokage tower…
Half an Hour Later
Naruto sat in front of the desk of an onyx haired woman who was putting the final touches on the papers Naruto had requested so he could officially adopt the young girl into the Inugami family.
The woman looked up at Naruto, "I am surprised that one so young is adopting another into their own clan, while as a clan heir, you have that right, I am curious as to why you are doing this."
Naruto smiled as he patted the young girl's head, "I just don't want to see her stuck on the streets."
The woman smiled, "Ok then, so, how do you wish her to be adopted into the family…" Naruto opened his mouth to speak.
"Tou-san!" but stopped as he looked at the girl who was pointing at him, "He is my Tou-san."
Naruto looked at the girl, "Uhm, I don't know if you noticed, but I am only eleven years old, I think it would be better if…" the girl cut him off as she looked at him with a puppy dog pout.
"Please be my Tou-san…sniffle…sniffle…" the girl began to let her eyes brim with tears as Naruto tried to look away.
'Must resist…must resist…' and after a minute of this exchange, he finally cracked, "Ugh…fine, she is my adopted daughter."
"YAY!" the girl jumped from her seat and latched onto his head with a large cat grin.
Naruto grumbled under his breath, 'I curse that damn technique…and whoever invented it.'
In Heaven
Sesshomaru's mother sneezed as she walked into the bedroom, "Somebody must be talking about me…or I am getting a cold." she grinned as she looked at Gintsuki, who was lying on the floor panting for breath with a towel covering his lower parts, "Oh Gintsuki-kun, I am getting a cold…" she began to slip off her Kimono, revealing her silky white skin, "Could you warm me up please?"
Gintsuki's eyes widened in horror as he shouted, "Oh come on! We just finished ten minutes ago from our three week…OH KAMI NOT THE LEASH!!!"
Back on Earth
The secretary looked at the young girl, "Alright young lady…what is your name?"
The girl looked down as she remembered that her mother had disowned her, thus she lost her name. She thought of what her name could be…then smiled as she looked at the secretary, "Keirin…Keirin Inugami…"
Three days later
Naruto was walking to the school with Sasuke, Shirayuki, Sesshomaru, Hinata, and Benihime while Izayoi stood behind with the now Five year old Inuyasha and her new 'granddaughter' Keirin.
As they reached the academy, Keirin ran up to Naruto and grabbed his Kimono, "Tou-san, when are you going to be home?"
Naruto smiled at Keirin and patted her head, "Sometime tonight Keirin…don't worry, Inuyasha and Izayoi-sama will take care of you. And Izayoi-sama…" he got down on his knees and began to beg, "Please don't spoil her too much…please." Naruto asked while begging…but refused to do the puppy dog pout.
Izayoi grinned, "Oh Naruto, if only you had done the puppy dog pout, I might have considered it…" she grabbed Keirin and grinned, "But so long as she is my granddaughter, I am going to spoil her like there is no tomorrow." Naruto moaned his disapproval and turned around, a rain cloud floating over his head, while inside Izayoi's head, a chibi version of her was bowing in worship to Sesshomaru's mother.
Somewhere, a white haired demoness in heaven was grinning with satisfaction…
As they said their goodbyes, they were being watched by a certain Inuzuka, who was casting his gaze between Shirayuki and So'unga, 'Once I get that sword, you will be mine Shirayuki.' he quickly dove back into the bushes…awaiting his moment to strike.
An Hour Later
As everybody situated themselves in their seats and waited for the teachers to arrive, the doors opened to reveal Natsuki Uzumaki-Namikaze…
She was wearing a genin style version of the ANBU armor, and had a short katana at her side. Her hair was tied back in a single long ponytail, and she had a special kunai holster made by the Uzumaki family store. She was carrying around what looked like a scroll on her back…and she was nervously looking around until her gaze fell on Naruto.
She immediately blushed and began to walk over…until she saw Sasuke sitting next to him. She and Sasuke had not gotten along…well; more so Sasuke did not want to get along with her. Not that she blamed him; her clan had basically eradicated his own.
Sighing in sadness, she headed over to the other side of the room where she could get a good look at Naruto…
Iruka and Mizuki walked in carrying clipboards, Iruka was the first to speak up, "Alright, as all of you know, today we will be doing the Taijutsu portion of the exam. The Taijutsu portion will be split between myself and Mizuki as the proctors and three judges for each fight. There will be two combat sets…one for the winners group, and one for the losers group. Those that lose their matches will be set up in the next round where they will fight against those who also lost."
Kiba snorted and spoke up, "Why should the losers be allowed to continue if they could not win the first time?" Mizuki glared at Kiba and spoke sternly.
"Because Inuzuka…one persons skills may be ineffective against one person, but brutally effective to another."
Kiba snorted and grinned, "Oh please, my skills could take on anyone here with no problem whatsoever."
Naruto sighed, "Then explain how I am able to kick your ass every time you and I get into a spar…or am I incorrect and you are not really the dead last?" the entire class laughed out loud at the reminder that Kiba was the worst student in the class. In fact, he had managed to get the lowest grade possible for passing…a feat that nobody had ever achieved before.
Kiba snarled at Naruto until a kunai embedded itself in front of Kiba. Everyone turned to see who had thrown the kunai to see Tenten Kusagana with her arm outstretched. She was wearing the same attire she wore years ago…but in a much more refined set (Her outfit in Naruto…not Shippuden).
She snarled at Kiba, "Back off Naruto mutt." she grinned at Naruto…and then blushed in Sesshomaru's direction.
Sesshomaru turned his head away; hiding his own blush, neither of their blushes went unnoticed by the class.
Iruka sighed and continued speaking, "Alright…we will all head outside, I will post the match ups out on the bulletin board."
As everybody got up and followed Iruka outside, there were several people giving each other competititive looks.
Ami Mitarashi, Hinata Hyuuga, Shirayuki Ookami, and Benihime were glaring at each other…
Sasuke was giving Natsuki an icy cold glare, while Natsuki was giving him a cold look, mixed with pity.
Kiba was baring his fangs at Naruto, and everybody that liked Naruto was casting annoyed looks at Kiba.
Once they arrived outside, Iruka posted up the first series of fights and looked at the group in front of him, "Alright, the first fight will be between Naruto Inugami and Sesshomaru Inugami…will the two of you step into the ring?"
The two Inu Youki did as asked and turned towards each other. Naruto grinned as he spoke up, "Hey bro…how about we show them our new strength…no swords?"
Sesshomaru smirked, "No ninjutsu…"
"Naruto and Sesshomaru threw off their swords and got on all fours and shouted together, "Just fist, fang, and claw!" the two were both covered in a deep Youki…Naruto's was a crimson orange, while Sesshomaru's was a toxic purple.
Everybody who felt the Youki quickly backed up as the Youki began to burn the ground around them as the two took completely different transformations.
Sesshomaru's body began to crack and stretch as his long mane grew even longer as his snout turned more canine-like. His claws grew larger and more serrated as a purple mist exited his mouth as his eyes glowed a deep red.
Naruto's skin began to peel and burn into flakes as a black cloud of burned flesh surrounded him as bones began to extend and pop out of his body. His flesh then inflated and wrapped around his muscles as skin began to slowly form, followed quickly by hair.
An explosion of Youki swept across the field as the two stood there in their separate Youki forms…both of whom were half the size of one of the tigers in the forest of death.
Sesshomaru looked like a massive dog with a long mane running down his back. His hair was the purest white with glowing red eyes.
Naruto looked like a cross between a dog and a fox, his limbs were slender, and his eyes glowed red. His hair was mostly a light brown, but at the tips of his six tails and his feet was red fur with purple slash markings.
Sesshomaru growled, a purple mist exiting his mouth, while Naruto snorted as a crimson aura swept over his body.
"RRWOOOAAAW!!!" the two Youki leapt at each other, biting and clawing as they tried to wrap their jaws around the back of the others neck. They slashed each other away, leaving deep gashes that healed in seconds. The students all peddled back as the force from their attacks created small sandstorms that slammed into them.
As the two fought, nobody noticed Kiba slink off to where Naruto had thrown his swords, grinning madly.
A few minutes later, Naruto slammed Sesshomaru into the ground he bit into Sesshomaru's neck, making the white haired Inugami submit. Naruto released his hold on Sesshomaru, who slowly went from his demon form to his human form. Naruto quickly followed suit as he grinned at his fellow Youki, "Good match fluffy-chan…maybe that impressed your little girlfriend." Sesshomaru began to sputter as he shouted.
"For the last time Tenten is not my girlfriend!!!" Naruto got a sly grin on his face as he asked.
"Who ever said I was talking about Tenten?" Sesshomaru proceeded to blush and turn away with a pout. Naruto chuckled and turned to grab his blades…to see Kiba reaching for So'unga, "Kiba no!" he tried to run towards Kiba…but it was too late.
Kiba wrapped his hand around the demon blade and yanked it out of its hilt and laughed, "HAHAAHAHAA…WITH THIS POWER, I WILL CLAIM SHIRAYUKI AS…GRAAAGGHHH!!!" Kiba howled in pain as several tendrils shot out of So'unga's hilt and stabbed into his arm, wrapping around it.
Kiba's eyes immediately grew slitted as the blade was covered in a demonic aura. His nails blackened and his hair grew more scraggly, and his teeth became longer. In a rage he shot at the other students, who were too terrified of the demonic aura to move.
Tenten quickly got in front of and pulled out her katana, ready to parry the strike Kiba was aiming at them…
"TEN-CHAN!!!" Tenten snapped her head up to see Sesshomaru suddenly appear in front of her…and see his arm get slashed off by So'unga, "GRAAAGGHH!!!" he fell backwards as his arm flew through the air and landed on the side.
Kiba snarled in rage and primal fury as he turned his attention towards Naruto, who had grabbed Tessaiga.
Naruto charged at Kiba and swung Tessaiga, which was quickly parried by So'unga as he tried to break the grip Kiba had on the demonic weapon.
After a few seconds of the two exchanging blows, Naruto jumped back as Kiba snarled a demonic growl, 'Damn…Inuhada mixed with So'unga is bad…if I don't finish this soon, So'unga and Inuhada will tear him from the inside out.' he cursed as he looked at his blade, 'If only I knew Bakuryuha…then could break Kiba's grip.'
Kiba roared as he began to spin So'unga above him…getting ready to unleash a Gokuryuuuha…but then Naruto noticed a split in the So'unga's demonic aura…it was slim, but it was there. He then remembered something Totosai had told him about how he would know to use Bakuryuha…that when you can see the weakness in the demonic aura of an attack, swing the Tessaiga, and you shall achieve Bakuryuha…it was worth a shot.
As Kiba swung the So'unga, sending a dragon twister, Naruto swung Tessaiga and shouted, "Bakuryuha!" the attack turned into several twisters of energy and crashed through the Gokuryuuuha heading towards him. The incoming attack sliced in half and spread apart before the attack slammed into So'unga's demonic aura.
Kiba screamed in agony as he felt So'unga tear off his arm and roll away from him as his arm rapidly aged to that of an old mans. Kiba simply looked at the arm before he passed out on the ground.
Naruto gasped for breath as he felt the influx of demonic power coursing through him die down…he then looked at Iruka and Mizuki, "Get Sesshomaru to the hospital now!" he ran over and grabbed So'unga….but was stopped by Iruka who held his hand out.
"Hand over the sword, it needs to be locked up or placed in more capable…SCHING!!!" the blade of So'unga was placed at Iruka's throat while Naruto snarled out.
"Now you listen here Iruka, So'unga is a sentient weapon, and will not allow anyone other than myself, and possibly Sesshomaru to even touch it. If you touch it, it will do far more damage than what Kiba did…so why don't you be a good little Chunin, and get Sesshomaru to the hospital?!" he pushed past Iruka and walked over to Kiba, who he hoisted over his shoulders, 'You will regret this…Inuzuka…'
Next Day
The council of Konoha was gathered around, with Kiba Inuzuka sitting in the center…all the councilors, save for the Inugami matriarch were there.
One councilor hissed in annoyance, "Oh please, let's just get on with this trial."
Minato looked at the councilor, "Since this matter is involving the Inugami clan, we cannot start the trial without them being present."
Another councilor groaned, "If the Inugami family were so concerned they would have…" the doors slammed open, cracking from the pressure opening them, revealing Naruto, Izayoi, Sesshomaru, Totosai, Inuyasha, and the other direct members of the Inugami family walk in.
One councilor smiled as he spoke, "Ah, welcome, you are just in time for us to decide Kiba-sans fate."
Tsume stood up, "My son will pay full reparations for the limb, and will be removed from his status as clan heir. He will have to provide you some services at your whim, I believe that is…" Tsume was cut off as Naruto shouted in anger.
"How dare a council, who has no say in clan affairs, make a decision on this injustice dealt to my family?!" Naruto pointed a clawed finger at Kiba, "He attempted to steal a family heirloom, he severed Sesshomaru's arm, and he almost killed an entire class of possible shinobi."
Choza stood up, "And what would you have us do…kill him?"
Naruto glared at Choza and snarled, "I was under the impression that the attempted theft of a clans belongings was punishable by the removal of ones right arm, I was under the impression that assault with intent to kill was punishable by death…and I know for a fact attempted murder of an entire group of students is punishable by PUBLIC EXECUTION!!!"
The council gasped…public execution was the greatest disgrace for a shinobi, or even a clan heir to receive; it was an eternal disgrace to their name, a disgrace that could never be lifted.
Tsume stood and began to plead, "Please, I beg of you…don't demand my sons death." she knew Naruto was well within his rights to demand public execution.
Naruto looked at Tsume with a narrowed eye, "Death…no…I have something more, fitting in mind" Kiba looked at Naruto with fear as his hand glowed an ominous red, "Say goodbye…to your Inuhada!!!" he slashed his claws across Kiba's chest…making the Inuzuka scream in agony.
Akamaru, who had been leashed up to the side, began to bark like crazy, almost in a begging manner.
Kiba began to undergo changes. His normally animalistic complexion smoothed out, his eyes became rounded, and his nails lost their natural point. Kiba growled in pain as his canines shortened to an average length, and he fell limp in his chair.
Tsume saw the changes and shouted, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"
Naruto sneered at Tsume, "Nothing he did not deserve, but if you must know, I took away the gift my predecessor bestowed upon your clan…the Inuhada."
Tsume gasped in shock, and her eyes narrowed as she leapt at him. She grabbed Naruto by the front of his shirt and hoisted him in the air, "Give him back the Inuhada now!"
Naruto merely looked at Tsume…before his eyes glowed, causing Tsume to stiffen as she fell to her knees, releasing her grip on the Inu Youki. Naruto looked at Tsume, who was now bent over like a weak dog, "Let me make this clear Tsume…my predecessor gave your clan the Inuhada…and I can take it away just as easily." he placed his hand on her cheek, "Your Inuhada can work just as well, if not stronger if I want it" Tsume's pupils slitted further as her canines and nails lengthened, "And if I don't…" Tsume went under a similar transformation as Kiba, but not as extensive, "And let's not forget…ABOUT THIS!!!" he snapped his wrist to the side, and an invisible force sent Tsume flying into the wall.
Tsume pulled herself out of the cracks in the wall, and looked at Naruto…and flinched back at the gaze he was giving her. "Is that in any way unclear?"
Tsume swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked down. "No…Naruto-sama…"
Naruto grinned, "Good…" he looked at the council, "If that is all, I will now take my leave." Naruto snapped around and exited the council chambers, leaving an awed council behind.
Minato stroked his chin as he examined the situation, 'Amazing, he just forced Tsume Inuzuka to submit to him as if it were nothing, and if what I have been told about that sword is correct, it is a formidable weapon…' Minato grinned as he stood up…a dark gleam present in his eyes…
Ok, Hakkyou no Yami and I hope that you have enjoyed this latest chapter, but first...let us explain a few things...
The reason Tsume was so easily beaten by Naruto, was because Naruto is the heir of the one who gave theirclan their bloodline. So figuratively speaking, he should be able to defeat any Inuzuka with ease, even humiliate them with their own bloodline.
If you want to flame, have a relevant reason TO flame...other than that, PM, review, flame, neither Hakkyou no Yami and I really care.
Until the next update...Ja-Ne