Kakashi stopped by Sakura's house after gathering the necessarily equipment for the journey, he

knocked on the door waiting for her to answer. None came. Suspicious Kakashi went to Sakura's

window and hopped inside on the bed was a note.

"Hey Kakashi you're a little slow, I've already secured our fair maiden, Izumo's got Naruto and Sasuke is being fetched by Genma, try not to be to late arriving at the gate! ~ Kotetsu"

Kakashi glared at the note, "You could have just told me in think speak you know." Kotetsu replied

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" Kakashi sighed then started in the direction of the gate. "Hey

Genma is Sasuke coming?"

"Yeah the little bugger's giving me hell though yelling about how Uchiha's aren't carried around

like babies." Iruka put in "Well tell him it'll only be until we clear the distance to the sound village,

in mew forms we move way too fast for them to have any hope of keeping up with us."

"You think I didn't tell him that!" Kakashi was coming closer to the gate, he could see already that

Iruka, Kotetsu, Sakura, Naruto and Izumo where waiting. He hopped down beside Iruka, "Genma

any day now."

"Shut up Kakashi we're coming!" True to his word they were beside them in less than five minutes.

"OK lets get going." Kakashi walked into the gates tower to hand in the papers, only to remember

that Guy had them. Much to Kakashi's surprise Guy was already in there finishing off the paper

work. "Ah Kakashi just in time we are now officially ready to head out." As soon as they were five

miles away from the leaf village Sakura transformed them, even without being completely bird

Izumo could use the wings on his back to fly if he wanted. Kotetsu yelled "I'm carrying Sakura!"

the other guys harrumphed in annoyance Kotetsu scooped her up bridal style again, Naruto was

piggybacking off Iruka, and after much persuasion and death threats Sasuke eventually and very

reluctantly piggybacked on Genma. They were about to go when Kakashi held up a hand, "Hang on

we can't go." Kotetsu growled "Kakashi you can pee later lets move!" Kakashi shook his head

"That's not it. There's no way Guy will be able to keep up." Guy laughed "My rival you are so

pessimistic!" With that Guy ran ahead whilst he called back "Well what are you waiting for." After

getting over the initial shock they caught up and was surprised that he had the speed, and stamina to

keep up with them. They travelled a good thirty miles into the late hours of the night, they

transformed back and decided to rest in at a hotel for the night. A little hiccup occurred, "Sorry sirs

we have only two rooms free with four single beds in each room." They took the room keys and

headed upstairs, Kakashi said privately to his 'mew mew' team, "So how are we gonna make this

work so the little lady has privacy?" Sakura trembled as they approached the rooms before freaking

out, "I can't sleep In a room with four grown men! Or with Sasuke and Naruto either." Kakashi

patted her head reassuringly, "Don't worry Sakura we're going to set a mattress up in the bathroom

for you, sort of like a private bedroom OK." Sakura sighed "Thank you." Kakashi eye smiled, "OK

Guy, Izumo, Kotetsu, Genma and Iruka, you guys have room one. Myself, Sasuke, Naruto will have

the other room, in our bathroom though we'll set up the mattress in the bathtub for Sakura. Any

complaints?" A chorus of 'No's' was the answer, satisfied they grabbed a bite to eat at a nearby

ramen stand, and went to bed for the night.

Anko growled in frustration, "How the hell could they have travelled so fast?" Anko was assigned

the mission of tracking Kakashi's teams movements by Lady Hokage, it was a pretty easy mission

from the report, just follow and observe. Nothing more, Nothing less. Yet here she was straining her

muscles in a vain attempt to cover the ground, she couldn't understand how they had managed to

travel so swiftly. Especially when they had Kakashi's genin team with them, "God dammit are they

living off freaken steroids!" Anko was beginning to tire with the effort of trying to catch up to the

leaf shinobi. "DAMN!"

Kakashi settled into his bed comfortably, he eased off into sleep, his dreams were a swirl of colour

the bark of a fox, a panther's growl and a raven's caw awoke him with a start. He blinked his eye in

surprise, his senses kicking in. Tensing he climbed out of bed and smelled the air, "Smells like...

Anko!" Kakashi got dressed in a hurry waking his genin team as he did so, and banging on Sakura's

door to wake her. "Team! Team! Earth to girly named, but kick ass mew mews wake up!" Kotetsu's

thoughts came through hazily, "Geez, I'm up, I'm up. Where's the fire?"

"Anko's tracking us, we gotta leave now! Get the rest of the team up, and kick Guy out of bed immediately."

"OK I'm on it! Just for the record.. I claim dibs on carrying Sakura!" Genma commented, "You

can't place dibs on a girl!" Kakashi snapped "Come on Guys less chit chat, we're on a tight

schedule!" In five minutes they were ready to go, Kakashi opened the windows letting Iruka with

Naruto go first, then Genma and Sasuke, then Kotetsu and Sakura, followed by Izumo and Guy.

Kakashi crouched on the window sill ready to leave, he was prepared to jump when a vision

grabbed him again of a violet coloured panther growling. He shook his head ready to move out once

more, when a irresistible instinct gripped him, "Gotta protect the pack."

"KAKASHI LETS MOVE!" Genma called back in thought speak, Kakashi couldn't move "My pack,

someone's hurt. Can't abandon my comrade's. I'll....catch you guys up." They stopped to watch

him, they were all in mew forms, Kotetsu yelled "HELLO! WE'RE FINE! LETS MOVE!" Kakashi

drooped his ears, fierce determination in his eyes, "I gotta stay for a bit, Go! I'll be right behind

you." Izumo shook his head, "Don't do anything stupid, if you don't catch up with us by tomorrow

lunch time, we'll drag your ass along with us 'alpha' wolf." Kakashi nodded, they nodded to and

motioned a confused Guy to follow. Kakashi leapt out into the trees back the way they came, hiding

in every possible shadow, "I will find my lost pack member."

Anko hissed at the pain searing through her neck, "Sick snake basted, if this his idea of a joke, it's

not funny." her leg was slightly lame from over exertion, and sore from a snake bite she'd gotten

travelling through the swamp. The snake had been purple, with dark red stripes, it was kinda a mini

more colourful version of Manda the ultimate snake summon. Her neck had been killing her for the

last hour and approximatively forty five minutes, not that she was counting. A twig snapped

somewhere near by, immediately she threw a kunai in the direction whilst getting into a defensive

position. Kakashi jumped to the side of the kunai hurled in his direction, "Anko? How could she be

our pack mate, she was the reason I woke everyone to get up and go in the first place! She's hurt,

and it seems that curse seal is bothering her. Well, may as well make my presence known before she

attempts to kill me and sell my pelt." He hopped down behind her, "Hey Anko." the kunoichi didn't

even flinch, instead she relaxed slightly "Found me already Hatake. You're good." "By the looks of

it your hurt." Anko turned around, "Ha, nothen I can't han...dle...." She gazed at Kakashi in his

'mew mew' get up, staring at the yellow wolf eyes and there hypnotic spell. Immediately she flipped

back, "Who are you!" she growled. Kakashi cocked his head to one side and lazily scratched his

wolf ear with his hand, he tried to look at the collar's name tag. "Well, according to this, my name's

Lightning. I still prefer Kakashi though, after all I am Kakashi Hatake." Anko tried to assess the

situation, he made no move to grab her, he didn't have a chakra signature, still the mass of grey

gravity defying hair was a bit of a give away. Kakashi sighed, he looked around, he found a

comfortable spot beneath the bough of a oak tree. He folded his arms behind his head and laid down

against the tree, "Anko I am who I say I am. Quite frankly I'm prepared to wait a while for you to

accept that, as I can't leave a member of my pack behind." Anko stared at him like he was crazy,

"I'm no member of your gang bang!" her neck hurt like hell in a new wave of pain, she fell to her

knees in shock of the pain. In an instant Kakashi was at her side supporting her weight. She growled

in annoyance, a low warning growl. Kakashi chuckled lightly, "Looks like Kotetsu's got nothing on

our latest she cat." Anko growled deeper, "What are you on about!" Kakashi pointed to Anko's rear

who looked slowly, to see a a dark lilac coloured panther's tail coming from her lower back. Hands

shaking she touched the top of her head to find round shaped furry ears, and in her mouth it felt like

she had two fangs

"I'm, I'm …." "Yeah, you're a panther, but hey at least you're not a bat. That would have kind of

been worse. Two cats on our team? Interesting isn't it" Anko yelped in shock, "You just thought

spoke to me!" Kakashi rolled his eyes, "You have so much to learn our temperamental only female

mew of the team." "This has gotta be gen jutsu!"

"Why does everyone think that?"


"Um.... nope." Anko gripped the ground in frustration and anger, only to be intercepted by a sharp

pang to her neck, she screamed in agony. Kakashi immediately sniffed over the area that caused her

pain, "Right, Iruka's away so his healing ointments no good, I can't heal anything like this, what

would a wolf do?...ew NO NO NO!" Anko screamed again in tortured pain, Kakashi sighed this

wasn't going to end well. He moved his face towards the curse seal mark, "Anko please don't kill

me after." he pulled his mask down, Anko was too busy to notice, and with every human fibre in

his body screaming "PERVERT!" he gingerly licked the seal as a wolf licked it's wounds to heal

them, the curse mark faded slightly, Kakashi going completely against his will licked the area about

seven more times and watched in satisfaction as the curse seal disappeared from Anko's neck

completely, she whined in pain so he licked the spot once more and pulled his mask up. Her

breathing had evened out and was slowing, her hands had relaxed "The pain it's... gone..." "The

entire seal is no more Anko." She managed a tired smile, "At last. By the way,did you just lick

me?" Kakashi stiffened, "Er... no...." she punched him away, "Too bad, if you had said yes I may

have thanked you." Kakashi rubbed his sore back, "Evil little vixen."

"Gorgeous sleek pantheress actually."

"Shoot, I forgot that you could hear me."

"Hah! Serves you right." Kakashi walked back over to her, "Are you OK to travel?" she tried to

stand but failed miserably. "I'm fine." she muttered through grit teeth. Kakashi picked her up bridal

style, "Then I'll carry you until we catch up to the pack." Anko was too tired to protest, "So... what

exactly are we?"

Kotetsu paced back and fourth in a clearing that the team had waited for Kakashi

in for the last two hours, Kotetsu glanced at the sun and resumed pacing. "If that idiot doesn't hurry,

so help me! Can't I try thought speaking to him now?" Izumo shook his head, "Whatever he's doing

he needs concentration, so be patient." Sakura gazed at the sun, it was about an hour until Kakashi

had to be back or they would search for him, Naruto was training with Sasuke to kill time, Iruka

was checking a map, Genma was keeping lookout on the ground, whilst Izumo was having a look

from the sky, Guy was doing a hundred push ups in under five minutes to keep himself entertained.

Kotetsu was wearing a circle in the dirt with his pacing. Izumo called down, "I see him! He's got

someone with him!" They gathered in a circle, Izumo came down to earth as Kakashi burst through

the trees. "Hey I found our pack member." Kotetsu yelled "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU! WE


made her presence known, "He had to stop every five miles for a pee. Filthy beast." Kakashi

blushed, "That's not fair miss I decided to play the angel of death with a rabbit." Anko yelled back

"I didn't kill the damn thing, I just wanted to play with it!"

"What throwing it into a tree and growling at it?"

"AW shut up mutt features!" Izumo coughed, Kakashi eye smiled "Right I nearly forgot.

Guys,Anko's a mew mew like us." Kotetsu smirked "Prove it." Anko let out her ears and tail,

"Meow." Kotetsu grinned stupidly "I think I'm in love." Izumo smacked him, "OK I see why you

brought her along, but why...?" Kakashi sighed "The curse seal didn't like the snake venom very

much, it caused her great pain and fatigue. That's why I'm carrying her, and I also filled her in on all

the details on the way here." Genma nodded, "I guess that leaves the last thing to check out."

Kakashi nodded, "Right." he kissed Anko's cheek before she had a chance to think about it. POOF

Naruto looked confused, "Sensei why didn't you get Sakura to kiss her." Sasuke smacked Naruto's

head, "Because loser she's a woman!" Naruto responded, "OoO. Hey wait why didn't Kakashi

sensei transform to?"

"Because his lips were covered by that mask you moron."

"SASUKE YOU JERK!". There was now a severely pissed off Lilac panther sitting on the ground.

Kakashi shrugged, "Well that's all cleared up, one of you guys change her back." "Yeah boys come

on I don't bite!" Izumo pushed Kotetsu forward, "Good chance to kiss the girl of your dreams!"

Kotetsu paused "My heart will always belong to our fair lady Sakura, you know that heh heh."

Genma chewed his toothpick thoughtfully, "After hearing what she did to another rabbit, no way in

hell am I doing it." Sasuke and Naruto backed away, "We er..." Sasuke started "WE'RE GAY!"

Naruto yelled. Sasuke smacked him "You may be idiot! But I'm not!" "Well Sasuke basted I'm not

either, I like Sakura chan!" "You're such a loser! What about Hinata!" Naruto looked clueless

"What about her?"

"YOU ARE A BRAINLESS MORON!" Iruka rubbed his temples and stepped forward, "Anything

to keep the peace." He kissed Anko's nose, POOF, "Oh boys am I that scary?" Naruto looked

thoroughly confused "OK so how come Iruka sensei didn't transform." Sasuke looked to the

heavens for help "Because you blonde bimbo she was a animal at the time!" Kotetsu whispered to

Izumo "She must be more manly than we thought as we're all guys, and she's a female mew." Anko

-anger sign- "What. Was. That." Izumo gulped "Uh I'm gonna scout from the sky's." he took off

leaving a stranded Kotetsu. Who stuttered an apology, Sakura smiled "Anko I'll have to get you a

bell and a collar in the next town OK." Kakashi looked around, "Hey... where's Guy?" They looked

around, "He was here a second ago..." Guy sprinted to them, "YES! I MANAGED TO SPRINT


Thumbs up zinging thing. -sweat drops- "Right... OK... anyway team lets go to the town Guy just

ran back from to grab some supplies then we make our way to the sound village." Naruto settled on

Iruka's back again, Sasuke grudgingly got on Genma's, Kotetsu scooped up Sakura, Anko swooned

"Oh catch me brave leader." Kakashi had her in his arms in the next instant, "Are you taking

advantage of me?"

"What ever gives you that idea?" They set off in an instant. Keeping senses fully alert for any

sounds of enemy nin, or common bandits and thieves. They travelled in a triangle formation with

Kakashi leading, Izumo flew over head. Sakura giggled "I wonder what Anko will look like when

she transforms." Kotetsu chuckled, "Probably hot." Anko looked over Kakashi's arm and glared in

Kotetsu's direction. Anko growled "I can't wait until we get to the sound village and rip the non-

existent balls off that snake basted!" Kakashi shook his head, "OK so I have six -including myself-

mew mews that name has gotta go for good soon, two genin guys, a genin girl that's like the keeper

of my powers, and a 'youthful' rival who for some deranged reason is coming. Great...." Anko

furrowed her brow in concentration, "You're think speaking I know, but I can't hear you. You must

be blocking us off on purpose!" Kakashi shook his head, "Hm did you say something?" Anko's eye

twitched in impatience, "Yes, what are you keeping from the rest of us!" Kakashi sighed "Well... It's

just when you became a mew mew I kinda had a premonition of it happening. The thing is though

there were two others that feel so near, but yet..." Everyone leaned in closer as they ran hoping to

hear what he was going to say next, "What was I talking about?" they would have all fainted anime

style if they hadn't been running, well in Izumo's case flying. When they came within ten miles of

the village, Sakura undid the transformation, Kakashi walked on "Anko are you going to be able to

hold in your ears and tail until we get hotel rooms for the evening." she smirked "You forget who

you're talking to." Sakura tugged on Kotetsu's arm, "Can you come with me to get a little bit of

shopping done?" he in return grinned and left with her. Kakashi's voice echoed through his mind,

"Be careful, both of you!"

"Aw come on we'll be fine!"

"At least take Izumo with you."

"Fine. Izumo you heard him to lets go." Iruka looked at the town and then checked out his map,

"This is so weird this place shouldn't exist." Guy nodded "I'll scout around and gather information

with Genma." They left without another word, Sasuke and Naruto stood at Kakashi's side who still

had Anko in his arms. Anko crossed her arms and smirked, "Wow leadership must suck." "You

don't know the half of it, they only made me leader so if anything got screwed up big time it'd be on

my head." Anko cocked her head to one side, "You know what."


"You look more attractive with wolf eyes, instead of a sole less black one."

"Thank you Anko I feel so much better now."

"Oo sarcastic much?" Kakashi grunted and approached a hotel, "Excuse me I would like a room, or

two enough for ten people." The receptionist looked warily at the four, "Sir why so many?"

"Well my lovely wife and I came for a trip with our kids, and a few friends, one of them has a

daughter. But we're just passing through right boys?" They nodded politely at the receptionist

smirking, Anko forced an agitated smile on her face, "Oh darling your such a charmer." Kakashi

eye smiled, "Anything for you my sweetheart." Anko kissed the part of Kakashi's cheek that was

covered by the mask preventing him from turning into a wolf, "Isn't he just the greatest hubby in the

world." Sasuke and Naruto played their parts as well, "EW MUM DAD GET A ROOM!" Sasuke

added "Yeah come on it's embarrassing in public." Kakashi and Anko forced a laugh "Kids eh?" the

receptionist bought the story and handed them keys for three bedrooms, one big enough for their

'family' with a double bed, and two singles, another room with three single beds, and the last room

with a bunk bed in it and a single bed. They thanked her and made there way upstairs, Anko said to

Kakashi privately "That was so not cool!"

"What else could I say? You're my sister that I happened to be holding bridal style and that Naruto

and Sasuke are our distant cousins? Suspicious much." Kotetsu called through, "Uh I hate to break

up this little love fest, but Sakura and I got the shopping with Izumo and we're on our way back. Do

we have rooms?"

"Yep, by the way Kotetsu for now Sakura's your daughter OK?"

"Do I even want to know?"

"Probably not." Anko butted in "Hey Kakashi and I were having a private conversation! How did

you get involved?"

"It's like eaves dropping, you listen hard enough you can hear the other person, see ya soon later!"

Kakashi tried Genma next "Well where are you and Guy?"

"We're on our way back with Iruka, it doesn't add up, this place is like non-existent, no-body's ever

heard of Konhoa or the the sand village or ANYTHING! There's something weird going on, I doubt

we should hang around to long."

"Right see ya soon." Kakashi unceremoniously dumped Anko on the bed, ""Do you want Iruka to

heal you with his medicine?" She rolled her eyes, "No, I'm just tired that's all. Don't you dare think

you're sleeping in this double be with me." Kakashi shrugged, " I had no intentions too, I was going

to keep watch tonight anyway. I feel restless." The team regrouped, Sasuke and Naruto had the

room with their 'mother', Iruka, Guy and Genma had the other room, leaving Izumo and Kotetsu

with the bunk bed in the last room , with Kotetsu's 'daughter' Sakura in the single one. Kakashi kept

a vigil for the night, there was something amiss with the town, the people were like empty shells.

People that were more less zombified, the lights on with nobody home. Kakashi paced around room

agitated as hell, "It's no good, I need to check this place out in wolf form." he opened the window

checking that he could return on four paws the way he came, appeased at an easy accessible tree

nearby he wandered into Sakura's room and shook her awake gently, she mumbled rubbing her eyes

sleepily "Sensei..?" he place a finger on her lips to hush her, "Sakura kiss me." She blushed a deep

red and squealed quietly, Kakashi looked at her in confusion then realise what he had just implied,

"Sakura not like that. Honestly, I have morales, I mean to turn me into a wolf." Sakura's face

visibly relaxed, she said in a whisper, "I wish I could think speak as well." Kakashi chuckled

quietly, "It's actually a kind of pain having people in your head all the time." "Why do you want to

be a wolf?" Kotetsu rolled over his bed purring, "Phew, I thought he was waking up. I need to do

some scouting and I have a feeling I need my wolf form to do so." Sakura nodded and kissed his

cheek, POOF, "Shut your bedroom door behind me and try to get back to sleep, I'll wake everyone

up if I find anything." Sakura complied.

Having night vision Kakashi had no problems moving around the town, "So weird it's only eleven

o'clock and the town Is empty." A crashing noise made Kakashi spin around in an instant, "Ow


"Kotetsu! What the hell are you doing." Kakashi approached the little bundle of black

fluff with a bow on it's tail, he nosed the kitten checking him over for any injury. Kotetsu swatted

him away with a playful paw, "Just out for a midnight prowl. You?"

"You are a pathetic liar, I seen you asleep in the room." "

Ha, calling me pathetic, your the one that's usually two hours late to everything, and claims you

had to walk around a black cat that crossed your path. Which I must add, I resent that mark."

"Listen fur ball stop avoiding the question, why are you out here?" Kotetsu scuffed the ground with

a paw, "Sakura asked me to be with you in case something happened." Kakashi shook his head,

"Well come on then we have a bit more to do." Kotetsu pounced onto Kakashi's back, the bell on

his bow chiming as he did so. Kotetsu walked in a little circle and began tutting on Kakashi's back,

purring as he did so. Kakashi nearly yelped as the little claws dug into his flesh, "KOTETSU! What

the hell!"

"Well if we have a long way to go, I'm making myself comfy leader." Kotetsu settled calmly on

Kakashi's back, purring slightly louder, al most smug. "You're a smart arse."

"Yeah yeah quit whining, Izumo was gonna come but he hasn't got night vision. Sakura didn't think

Chipmunks or Rabbits had night vision either. Guy's not a mew mew, she didn't want Sasuke and

Naruto in any danger, and Anko's still recovering. Just to let you know she did consider if anyone

was better for the job of tailing you."

"Oh, that makes some sense, I guess."

"Kakashi have you notice that the few people in the town have like, a visible aura. It's not calming

though, it's like they're...."


"Exactly. Do you reckon it's sixth sense?"

"Who knows?" Kakashi walked a bit further pausing in an alleyway. "Kotetsu did you see that?"

Kotetsu was frozen and visibly shaking, "Danger...Danger... MUST FLEE!" Kakashi growled at the

threat, in front of them stood five people, walking empty shells, "Kotetsu calm down! There

Orochimaru's victims, this entire town is a experiment breeding ground."

"Experiment breeding ground! THEY'RE FREAKEN GHOSTS DUDE!"

"......." Kakashi turned on his heel and ran back to the hotel where they were staying, the houses

were coated in what looked like blood, hundreds voices said at once "NEVER ESCAPE!

TRAPPED FOR EVER!" the voices screamed. Kotetsu gripped on to Kakashi in fear as Kakashi

ran, the buildings slamming together on the road they just ran from. Kotetsu yelled in thought

speak, "GUYS WE'VE GOTTA LEAVE! WAKE UP!" Genma answered him, "We're already up,

we're fighting clones of some sort, the receptionist is some sort of witch or something she's

coordinating the whole attack. We're transformed and everything, if we could just get put of this

damn hotel we could make a break for it. You two chose a great time to sight seeing!" Anko's voice

sounded pissed, "I'm feeling absolutely useless that I can't transform, it's typical that this creepy

warped town didn't have bells isn't it!" Kakashi ran faster "Hang on team I'm coming!" He leaped

effortlessly on the tree by the window, he had left it open, but it seemed the sole less clones had

closed it. He smashed through it sending a spray of glass to the floor, ten clones were blocking an

escape route for his team. Growling furiously Kakashi ripped the throats out of them all In a matter

of moments, "GO!" his team didn't need to be told twice, they fled out of the freakish town in an

instant. Putting as much distance between them and it, for a while the voices followed them, but

once they had cleared it by about fifteen miles they finally felt safe.

They panted heavily from the run, Anko said in between breaths "What... was... that.....all....about?"

No-one knew how to answer, Kakashi looked around him "At least your all safe." Izumo looked at

Kakashi "Where's Kotetsu?" "Down here." Kakashi looked at his stomach, clinging by the claws

was a very freaked out Kotetsu. "Hey Anko could you change us back now? I think Kotetsu needs to

calm down." She kissed there noses, POOF, Kotetsu was still shaking "We almost died." Naruto

chided in "But we didn't so shouldn't we get going to slither pusses lair now?" Kotetsu didn't move

"We almost died." Izumo clicked his fingers in front of Kotetsu's face, "Anyone home, we should

head off again." Kotetsu yelled "Then what! End up in some other town that doesn't even exist!" his

body was still trembling. Kakashi looked at Sakura, "Could you de-transform the others. I think it's

best if they gave their animal halves a rest." Sakura did so, Anko rolled her eyes, "One bad

experience and your chickening out Kotetsu?" he yelled at her, "YOU WEREN'T THERE! THOSE

THINGS WERE FOLLOWING US! WE WERE THIS CLOSE -has first finger and thumb about an

inch apart- FROM BEING SQUISHED BY MOVING BUILDINGS!" Anko glared at him, "So

what! When we were fending for ourselves waiting on you guys to show up, Genma had a lamp

stand shoved through his stomach! The only reason he survived is because we yanked it out, and

Iruka gave him that healing tonic of his! You know what? Genma didn't even squeak, he just grit his

teeth, then jumped back into the fight!" Kakashi stepped between them, "Ease off you two, things

got really weird back there, lets just keep moving. Anko can you walk by yourself?" Anko snorted


"Good. Lets move then team." Everyone started walking except Kotetsu, Kakashi put a hand on his

shoulder, "You gonna be OK?"

"Yeah... I think I just need to think whilst we walk." They moved on behind the others, Izumo

walking beside him. Kakashi was lost in his thoughts again, the vision gripped him again the fox

and the raven. He clutched his head hissing in pain. "Where! Where are they? Great Naruto and

Sasuke's fighting again, wait, Naruto's got the nine tailed demon fox in him, is it possible?..."

"SO CUTE!" Kakashi snapped out his musings to see Sakura making big eyes at a travelling

salespersons wares. The old guy chuckled, "I see you like my items little lady. I sell musical

instruments and pet accessories." Sakura's eyes sparkled "Really?" he motioned his back pack,

"Anything in particular you want?" Sakura smiled "Do you have a bell that looks like this? -holds

up her bell- and a ice blue collared collar?" The man rummaged through his bag producing a bell,

and a dark purple colour with a snowflake emblem on it, "There ya are little missy, would you like

me to engrave it?" Sakura giggled "Yes please." A moment later it was done and she paid for the

items, and returned to the group, they walked out of the pedallers view. "Anko I have your bell,

also hold out your wrist." Sakura attached the collar to Anko's right arm. Anko looked at it, "It says

Sweet." Genma muttered "At least your name isn't Whiskers." Naruto yelled "COME ON

ENOUGH SUSPENSE TRANSFORM HER ALREADY!" Sakura complied, she kissed the bell

"Sweet." Anko was encased in a dark violet light, she emerged wearing a mid rift fishnet vest, with

purple hood attached to the vest, with elbow long purple fingerless gloves the collar still present on

her right wrist, her nails were purple as well and longer and slightly curled like claws, she also had

a black short punk skirt ending an inch above her knees, with purple skin tight shorts the same

length as her skirt, with fishnet leggings up to her knees dark purple converse. The purple was the

same shade as her ears and tail, which was now swishing around impressively, the bell was on a

necklace around her neck. Anko looked her self, then grinned showing her cat fangs, "Purrfect."

The men's jaws dropped, Guy gave her a thumbs up, "Fantastic Anko very youthful!" Iruka said,

"Hey Anko rub your bell so we can find out what weapons you have." Anko touched the bell out of

it came a silver whip and what looked like a silver dog whistle. She looked at the whip and

experimentally flicked it a tree, the tree froze over. Anko grinned then blew on the whistle the tree

shattered into a million pieces. Kakashi nodded "So Anko's element is Ice. Interesting." She turned

to them, "Not bad." Sakura de-transformed Anko, who whined "Aw Sakura why did you do that?

The boys love my kinky look." Genma stuttered "N-no we don't!" Anko rolled her eyes

mischievously "Sure you don't."