Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, get over it

Esme's POV

"Will all passengers going to the 1200 flight to Port Angeles board the plane. Repeat will all passengers going to the 1200 flight to Port Angeles board the plane" the intercom announced. I got up from my seat and looked around for my girls. Rosalie was in the newsagent's buying the latest car magazine, Alice was in the clothes shop, buying new clothes, though if you ask me she has too many! Bella was reading her all-time favourite book "Wuthering Heights" for thousandth time in a row. I smiled. How they look so happy and content doing these things, when just a few days ago their hearts where broken into a million pieces.

"We better get going. Bella, can you go get your sisters the plane is about to leave?" I asked her and she nodded and went off to get the other two. A few minutes later all four of us boarded the plane and took our seats. I sat next to Alice who was fast asleep. When she is awake, she is so hyper but when she is asleep, she looks like an angel. Since the plane journey was about an hour and I reviewed over the last few days and how it changed our lives forever.

Three Days Ago

I was sitting by desk, looking over papers and everything when the phone rang. My assistant then knocked on my door and came into my office.

"Excuse me Mrs Magic but Benjamin Bradley is on line one" I nodded and she left. Let me explain just a little bit, my name is Esme Platt but to everyone in the fashion industry I am Magic, the world's top agent for supermodels. I am called Magic because I can do things like make anyone the next big thing when no-one else can. In simple I am the best. My top three clients are the world famous supermodels – Mystic, Masquerade and Mystery. Three stunning girls that wear masks on every shoot and every where in the public's eye, but really they are three girls that want to be normal and are actually called Alice Brandon, Bella Swan and Rosalie Hale. Three girls with tragic backgrounds' and all fell into my care.

But enough about, that I had a pressing phone call from the New York's highest designer Benjamin Bradley.

"Hello Ben, how nice to hear from you" I said.

"Well hello to you too Magic, you are difficult woman to catch"

"I am sorry about that, so was there anything that you wanted?"

"Well" He sighed, well that is not good.

"What is the matter Ben? Has something happened to Tia?" Tia is his much loved wife and ex-supermodel.

"No-no, she is perfectly fine. I am actually calling about your girls" Now I was confused.

"What is the matter with them" you could hear the fear and concern in my voice.

"Theirboyfriend'shavebeencheatingonthemandtheyhavejustfoundthemmaking-outwiththegirlsintheirrooms" he said in one quick breath (AN: Translation – Their boyfriend's have been cheating on them and they just found them making-out with the girls in their rooms). Any normal person would have heard what he said but thanks to living with Alice who can talk even faster then that I heard every word of it.

"Oh my god, how do you know?"

"The press has already caught wind with it and is now front-page on every newspaper and magazine across the country"

"Sorry, Ben I need to be with my girls right now, as I think they need me, so good-bye" and I hung the phone up. I stood-up, put my jacket on and left my office telling Lucy, my assistant about the situation also that I'll be taking a few days off. She offered her condolences and said she will man the phones until I get back. Little did I know that I wouldn't be coming back

When I got to the Plaza Hotel, where we are staying, there were hundred's of paparazzi there. I had to go by the service entrance to get into the hotel! I went into the lift and pressed the button for the penthouse suite. When the doors opened again, I saw all three of the girls curled up into balls sleeping on the sofa with loads of mess around them. You could see that they all have been crying, by the puffiness around their eyes and the piles of tissues around them. This made my heart break. I sighed and cleaned up the mess around them.

When I was finished, Bella had just woken up with blood-shot eyes. Thus seeing this I gave her the biggest hug I could give her and whispered encouraging words to her. Now seeing Bella, I couldn't give this a few weeks to settle down. We had to go into hiding and disappear for off the face of the planet. There was a town called Forks, which the girls had spent their childhood in and was filled with happy memories and that was just what they needed. I told Bella my plan and looked a little bit happier then before. I told her to get a shower, get dressed and pack her bag while I woke the others up. When they did wake-up and I told them my plan they rushed to get their shower's, get dressed and pack their bag's. I booked the tickets for the flight's. it turned out that we had to take a six hour flight from New York to Kansas City then, a five hour flight from Kansas City to Phoenix and one last one hour flight to Port Angeles. When we were all packed we caught a cab and went to the airport.

Present Time

When the plane landed in Port Angeles, we got off and went to our cars. Thankfully we sent them before we arrived. Alice had a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo, Rosalie had a red BMW M3 convertible, Bella's Ferrari F430 and my Mercedes Guard S600. We all got into our cars and I lead the way to our new home. It took about an hour to get to our house.

The house was two-storey and was near the woods. On the ground floor there was large-sized living room, an equally sized kitchen and a small bathroom with a shower. Upstairs there are our bedrooms with our own personal bathrooms. Of course Alice had the room with the biggest closet while Rosalie had the bedroom closest to the garage. Bella had the room with the best view of the forest and I had the master bedroom.

We all parked our cars in the massive garage next to the house and proceeded into the house. I told the girls whose bedrooms are whose and they ran off with suitcases in hand to unpack. I sighed happily; we finally have a chance to be normal.


I hope you like it! Please review, it will make my day!

Bye for now
