An Honest Face

Disclaimer: I don't own it. I'm just playing with these guys, who all belong to the amazing J. K. Rowling. Enjoy, people!

Chapter One


To Draco Malfoy, sex was about as necessary as eating – it should be regular, and abstaining for long periods of time was sure to produce negative results.

It was a well-known fact that he was something like the most desirable stud in the school, and never at a loss for sexual partners – by his seventh year he'd slept with most of the attractive girls in Slytherin. And that was exactly the problem – by now he was getting bored of them all. Sure, they're great for a shag once or twice, he thought late one night, but that's all it is. Casual sex, one-night stands. None of them really stand out to me afterwards. I have to figure this out.

Sighing, he dimmed the lights with a wave of his wand and turned his attention to tonight's Slytherin callgirl. He almost groaned aloud when he saw Pansy Parkinson stretched out on his bed in black and green lingerie. Just the fact that it was Pansy was an instant turn-off – she'd recently taken it into her head that they were "going out", and had proceeded to tell anyone who would listen so – and this was taking things too far.

He didn't care who people thought he was going out with, but this was invading his personal space and it had to stop now.

He sighed. "Pansy –"

"Yes, my darling Draco?" she purred, and he rolled his eyes in weary frustration. This was exactly the sort of behaviour he despised in women – again, a massive turn-off – but all of the girls he'd slept with had invariably reverted to it, some sooner than others. Maybe that was one of the reasons that he'd never slept with the same woman more than half a dozen times.

"Go away, Pansy. Leave. I don't want you here," he said in a flat monotone. That was usually enough to make them pack up and leave.

"Whatever do you mean, Drakey?" she whined, sitting up on his bed.

"Piss off."

"Why?" she pouted. "I thought we were going to spend the night together!"

"You thought wrong," he replied coldly. "Now get your robes on and find someone else to fuck."

"But we're going out! How can you say that to your girlfriend?" She was getting whinier by the second.

"We are not going out," he growled. "I don't date girls, I merely sleep with them. Now leave." He turned away, satisfied that she'd be suitably offended by that statement and get out of his (gorgeous) hair.

But again her voice came from the bed, clearly tearful. "Are – are you breaking up with me? Draco?"

He spun around, picked her robes up from his bedside table and threw them at the door. Then he bodily picked her up and unceremoniously dumped her on top of them, unable to resist giving her tits a squeeze as he did so. "Honestly, how thick are you, woman? I don't want you, I don't love you." He spat the word out with contempt. "We are not going out, we never were. All you are to me is another desperate slut who thinks a shag with me means something. It doesn't. Now get the hell out of my room, you insufferable cow!"

This time she did take offence and left with her cloak hastily wrapped around her.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, he thought as he magically locked his door, undressed and stepped into the shower. I only slept with her twice, and she thinks that I love her. Idiot.

The truth was, Draco Malfoy didn't do love. Sex, yes, and plenty of it, but love was overrated as far as he was concerned. Where did it get you, in the end? Up shit creek, that's where. Pain and heartache – not things he wanted to experience over some girl or other.

But although love was definitely not on his agenda, he had to do something about the sex – good at the time, but ultimately boring and not quite satisfying.

After musing for a long while, he came up with a possible answer. I might have to see whether the other houses have better whores...


The sound of laughter drifted across the Hogwarts grounds. It was a beautifully clear, crisp morning, and Harry, Ginny Ron and Hermione were gathered in the shade of a large tree by the lake, simply having fun and enjoying life.

Hermione grinned at all of her friends, thinking how fortunate they all were to have this now that the Dark Lord was taken care of. As Ginny was occupied laughing at one of Harry's jokes, Hermione leaned over to kiss Ron lightly on the lips. They'd been together for nearly three months now after so much awkward avoiding the subject – they were finally together and content. Ron tried to deepen the kiss, but Hermione glanced to one side at Harry and Ginny first, before leaning in. The Boy Who Lived and his girlfriend were also busy locking lips, so Hermione wrapped her arms around Ron and smiled at the rightness of it all.

She was grateful that they were all so happy, that they were in love, and that they had the chance to have a normal seventh year. She sighed in contentment.

With Voldemort good and dead, life was finally sorting itself out.


In Potions later that day, Hermione was jolted out of the happy haze that had been surrounding her since that morning – by none other than Draco Malfoy looking at her rather disconcertingly.

Since the war that ended it all in their sixth year, the Slytherins had left her and her friends well enough alone, and that was an excellent improvement as far as the Gryffindors were concerned. The days of constant harassment from their enemies were over, and they all welcomed the calm after all that they'd been through. All of the returning Slytherins had been positively ignoring the Gryffindors, avoiding all contact with them, basically acting as though they weren't there. Barely a sneer had been exchanged between the two parties for months.

So after welcomely shunning Hermione for so long, why was Malfoy staring at her?


A/N: So, what do youse think? A fairly average first chapter, but it will get better. ;) Be warned, there will be smut later. That said, please review! 8D