I am a bad writer! I haven't finished the first story and I have started another! Bad me! Oh well. I am a work and do not have my other story with me, but I am almost finished with a 3rd chapter. So never fear!

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything. The idea is mine but that is it.

This will be a Buffy/Angle crossover.

This means thoughts.

//This means the Hyena is thinking/talking//

{This is the HLD thinking/talking}

[This is the soldier thinking/talking]

I haven't watched the series in a while, so if I make a mistake please let me know and I will see if it is feasible to change the problem.

Reviews are loved and flames will be ignored unless it is constructive criticism!

Warning you now I have horrible spelling, so please ignore if I miss something!

Chapter 1: The letter and the dream.

"It's raining. It always seems to rain during funerals."

"Well in the movies anyways. If what you said was true Xander, then we would have drowned a long time ago. Or we would have turned into fish."

"Ah, but Willow, I am one step ahead of you remember."

"That's true."

Both sat in silence just looking at the rain through Xander's living room window.

Willow turned to look at Xander. "How do you feel about all of this?"

"I don't really feel anything. I knew they were going to die, and maybe I thought that the Sunnydale night life might get to them, but not like this. Am I a bad person for not feeling anything Willow?"

"No, of course not. You're just in shock."

"I hope so. Willow, not to be rude or anything, but could you…?"

Willow nods her head and stands up. "Of course Xander. I will see you later right?"

"Yeah. Later."

Xander remains sitting staring out the window watching the rain as Willow drives off.

Yeah, I'm in shock alright. But it's not over my parent's death. Parents. Ha, that's a laugh. I can't really call them that can I?

At this Xander walks over to the dining room table where all the papers from the lawyers lay. Sitting down Xander pulls out the letter that changed his life and read it once again.

Dear Alexander,

I know I have not been the best Father to you, but know this. I do love you. If you're reading this then I have died and taken with me a great secret. This secret involves you greatly and I decided a long time ago that I would tell you once I had died. Your Mother and I are not your biological parents. Your name is also not Alexander. Your real name is Conner and you were born in the year 2001. Your real parents are the vampires Angelus and Darla. A couple months after you were born I, Holtz, took you away from Angel and attempt to travel to a Hell dimension to turn you against your Father, with a mission to kill him. It didn't work out that way. The portal ended up being a time warp that took us back to the year 1981 and in Sunnydale no less. So I stayed and raised you as my son.

Xander stopped reading, for the rest of the letter had little else to say.

I read this a week ago and I still am not sure what to make of it. What am I going to tell everyone? Guess I can't call Spike Deadboy Jr. now."

"Shit. I need some sleep. I will think about this shit later."


"Where am I"

"You are in your mind Xander."

Spinning around to find the source of the voice Xander shouts, "Who's there?"

Slowly three silhouettes can be seen in front of him. "We are you or parts of you really."

The one of the left steps forward, "Do you remember me Xander?"

"You are the solider I dressed up as at Halloween."

"That's right. Do you know why you're here?"

"No, why am I here? Wait, if you are still here is the hyena still here?"

The middle figure steps forward, "Yes pup. I am still here. The reason you are still here is that there are too many minds and spirits within your body. We have brought you here so we can fix this."

"Fix it how?"

The final figure steps forward. "There are several ways. You could try and expel us, but that might kill you faster than leaving this alone."

"Right, that won't work. Don't want to die yet. What else is there and who are you?"

"I am the demon that came from your double vampire heritage. And before you ask no, neither one of us is a vampire, so neither will you be one. I am a high level demon that doesn't thrive on blood or killing for no reason. The only other safe option is to meld everything together."

At this Xander flops to the ground, landing on his butt and lays his head in his hands. "Why me?! Why is it always me?!"

"Because Pup, you are a remarkable human with a well developed sense of pack and loyalty. Why else would I choose you, a male, as my host when Alphas are female?"

"I was never really sure why you did. Hey, if I was born with you as a part of me, why did it never show before?" As Xander asked this he turned to the demon.

"High level demons age differently than humans. If I had stayed active, you would have grown to the size and mind of a toddler in about two weeks. By the time you looked the age you are now you would have been over 400 years old. So I decided to stay dormant until you were 19 or 20 years old."

"Oh. Thanks for that."

"You're welcome."

"Ok, so say we do the merging thingy what would happen?"

The solider stepped forward again, "You would gain all our memories, my experience with fighting and weapons. Hyena's strength and whatnot, and HLD's looks, powers, mannerisms, and some other stuff. Since he was originally 'you' you gain more form him than us."

"Would I still be me?"

"Yes Xander. We are simply going to be enhancing your mind and body. You will think differently and act differently to some things, but you will still be Xander."

"Ok, let's do this."

**End Dream**

The first thing that Xander notice when he woke up was the pain, a great throbbing pain that he felt down to his bones that spread to every cell in his body. The second thing he notices was that even though it was dark in his room, for he had closed the drapes before going to bed, he could see just as good if not better than if the sun was shining though.

Well that's new.

//Until the full merger your senses will stay at this heightened plane Pup. //

Whoa! Who said that?

//I did. We four will stay like this until we are one. //

Oh. You forgot to mention that little fact last night. //

{We did not forget. We thought we would surprise you when you woke up. Surprise!}

Thanks! *eye roll* Anything else you want to surprise me with?

[Well if you insist.]

//Oh quit playing with the pup. Pup go to the looking glass to see your new look. //

Is it going to be bad?

//Of course not. We would never make you look bad. //

Xander left the bed and walked over to the full length mirror with his head down. Gathering his courage Xander took a deep breath and looked up. "Whoa!"

//See. Told ya! //

Xander starts to take stock of all his new changes. His hair was much longer, almost to his shoulders. His face had lost all of the baby fat he still had and seemed to have adopted an aristocratic look that was carved out of stone. He also noticed that his eyes had taken on a golden tone to them and seemed to glow or flash in the dark. He looked and noticed that all marks, scars, and blemishes no longer existed upon his new golden complexion. Xander started twisting and turning his body this way and that to see the new set of muscles that he gained over night. Where he use to have a swimmers build, now was the build of a fighter, one that was built the hard way.

I think I'm taller too.

//Yes you are pup. You now rival the Slayer in skill and power. //

At this, Xander slumps over and a depressed look over took his face.

//What is wrong pup? I thought you wanted this? //

I do, but if I go anywhere near my friends they will think something is wrong with me and try to "fix" me.

{That's not good. If they do that they could end up killing you. If what you say is true, you will have to leave and find someone else to protect your body during the merging coma.}

Coma!? No one said anything about a COMA!

[Opps. Surprise! Again!]

Opps! I'll opps you. *huff* I think I know who I can go to for the protection. How long do I have until the coma?

{A week left.}

Read and Review Please!!