A/N: Stuck on The Life of an ODST, so I'm gonna write some of this in the meantime, to feel some sense of accomplishment. So, enjoy the first chapter of Ominous Spirits. This is a mix of Death Note, and Bleach, tying into when L died. He went to Soul Society, and this is supposed to be his first day here. Like, he just arrived. But I'm going to start with Toshiro's point of view.

Chapter 1: He Sees All EviL, Hears All EviL, but Speaks No EviL

Toshiro walked the corridor with Matsumoto to the scene of the crime. Captain class shinigami had been called every day to look at scenes such as this. After everyone left to fight Aizen, rebels thought it would be a good time to strike against the shinigamis. Vandalism, fights, pillaging, it had all been seen. However, this case was different. This was the murder of a shinigami. Now, it may have been a low level shinigami, but still, for a civilian to kill ANYONE who was a shinigami had to be strong spiritually. Toshiro had to watch his back. The only person he knew who had enough latent spiritual energy to kill a soul reaper before even entering the academy was himself.

"What to do...." he said to himself.

"I'm sorry, captain? Did you say something?" Matsumoto chimed in. Toshiro looked over his shoulder to her, gave her the evil eye, then looked forward again.

"I said 'What to do about you not paying attention'" He responded, slightly aggravated. They continued walking forward, until the clear view of a building could be made out, crawling with guards, some of the 12th squads research department, analyzing the scene, and a small group of civilians as well. Toshiro walked up to the first guard on post, and nodded as he moved to the side, allowing the young captain access. Toshiro walked to the first analyst he saw, and began his investigation. "Hey, what happened here? Did you turn up anything good?" As he finished speaking, the analyst turned around and stood up, facing him, but slightly above his standard. Toshiro now had to look up to talk to him. Toshiro made a grumble of anger, showing his frustration about his height.

"Nothing of importance yet, captain." The technician said, trying to calm the boy by reminding him of his own higher rank. "We found a couple of things that we're planning on taking back to the lab. We took some samples of the blood on the shinigami's sword."

"So he managed to get a hit off on him, huh?" Toshiro said as he looked at the tip of the dead shinigami's zanpakuto. "Did you find anything else." He asked as he looked up to the analyst.

A strand of brown hair under the victim's nail." He answered. "Nothing else. We're gonna take these back to the lab to run some tests on them and, when you get a suspect, compare them."

"Good. But first, we need a suspect. And that's gonna be hard without some kind of lead. Did you find any reishi left behind?" Toshiro asked.

"Not a single particle." The analyst replied.

"How is the possible, for someone with a high enough spirit energy to kill, or even harm, a shinigami, and not leave anything behind. What the hell is going on?" Toshiro paused and looked around. "Maybe there's something around here that will lead us to someone." Toshiro continued to look around, for something he could use to generate a possible suspect. With nothing in sight, he let out a growl everyone heard. "Ah, jeese, what the hell can we use here? There is nothing!" He yelled.

"Not quite." A voice came from behind. Toshiro looked behind to see a man of about 19, no, maybe 20, with black hair, and what looked like black eyeliner under his eyes, but he couldn't tell if that's what it really was, or if he hadn't slept in days. He wore a white shirt and worn blue jeans, and slouched so much it hurt Toshiro's back just looking at him. Toshiro didn't know what to make of him at first, but what he said struck at his interest portion of his mind.

"What did you say?" Toshiro asked.

"If I may." The man said, hinting at the question if he could walk over the civilian line to the crime scene. Toshiro looked at Matsumoto, who had nothing to say, then turned back to the guard nearest the man, who was now looking at him, also looking for an answer.

"Alright, fine, come on." Toshiro said, reluctant to allow a civilian into the scene. The man smiled slightly, and walked forward to Toshiro. "But hey, don-" As Toshiro was beginning to warn the man of contaminating anything, the man passed him without a hint of recognition. As he passed an analyst who was holding an evidence bag, he grabbed said bag out of the analysts hand, and a pair of tweezers from another analyst, and walked over to a tree. Toshiro looked at Matsumoto again, then walked to the tree the man was inspecting, and saw something on the branch. A small fiber, probably from a shirt, left as the killer tried to get away from the scene. The man plucked it ever so lightly from the branch, and placed it in the evidence bag.

"I'd be willing to bet that this was a hasty crime, not well planned. Otherwise, the suspect would have either a) moved along the streets, or b) the killer wouldn't have ran away from the scene, because then it would draw too much suspicion from onlookers.

"How do you know the killer ran from the scene?" Toshiro asked.

"Then the cloth wouldn't have ripped. The suspect had to have enough motion to rip the cloth without him noticing. If he had been walking, then the killer would have noticed the branch caught his clothes-"

"An freed it before it ripped." Toshiro said. "I see."

"And I would be willing to bet that...." The man walked into the forest, Toshiro following. The man walked for about 10 feet before stopping. Toshiro looked around.

"What is it?" Toshiro asked.

"It rained last night." The man said.

"Yea, so?" Toshiro responded. The man moved to the side to reveal a muddy shoe print on the ground. Toshiro's eyes beamed. He yelled over to the crime scene itself. "Get someone over here to make a plaster cast of this!" He yelled. Toshiro looked at the man. "Who are you? And how did you know about both the cloth and the shoeprint?" Toshiro asked.

"My name is L. When I was alive, I was a detective, the worlds greatest detective in fact. I saw the cloth on the branch, and I didn't know about the shoeprint, I figured that since it had rained last night, and the killer traveled through the forest, he would have left some shoe print behind. Looks like I was right." Toshiro looked at him, carefully.

"Would you mind helping with this case? You have a keen eye for noticing things. Besides, way more crimes happen in the world of the living than here, your help would benefit us greatly." Toshiro asked. L smiled again.

"A chance to do what I love? How could I deny that?" L replied. As the two looked at each other, they knew they were in for a bumpy ride.