AN: Hey guys, I'm new to fanfiction(well, the writing part, anyway)! But I love writing and reading so I hope you enjoy my very first fanfic.
Summary: Bff's Kagome, Sango, Ayame, and Rin move on to Shikon High. What happens when they meet professors Inuyasha, Miroku, Koga, and Sesshomaru? One problem- the students aren't allowed to date the teachers...!
Even though I'm busy, I'll try to update at least once every two weeks!! I hope u like the story. Thanks a ton! Warning: if u r a fan of Kikyo, this fanfic may seem offensive. But this is in a modern time setting so there is unfortunately no miko or youkai stuff... and Inuyasha doesn't have his adorable dog ears, white hair, or gold eyes. I could spend a whole day tweaking those fuzzy triangles =) I love Inuyasha's original looks, but they just didn't make sense in this fanfic :(
Without further ado, here's the first chappie!
Inuyasha: Professor at Shikon High
Chapter One: Shikon High
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is- and never shall be- mine
"Oh my God!" Ayame squealed, reaching forward to grasp Rin's hand tightly. "Can you believe how fast time has gone? We're finally grown up!"
Laughing, Rin dramatically sighs and shakes her head. "I feel so… so… old! Do you think we'll meet any guys? Go on dates? Get good grades? Be in the same classes?"
"Gosh, Rin!" Sango smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "are you really that excited that we're going back to school? We'll get more homework and less freedom. And as for the boys… well… I'm not really into that stuff. No guy has ever made my breath stop cold, or make my heart skip a beat. And I don't plan on meeting someone who does."
"Why?" Kagome asks dreamily. "Don't you want to fall in love? I sure do!"
Sango snorted.
"Of course. But I always want my friends and family to come first. I don't plan on letting a boy come before you guys."
The four best friends sat in Kagome's bedroom, all lying on the bed. The clothes they were going to wear for the first day had been laid out. But since they have to wear uniforms starting the second week, they decided to try and make the most out the days they could wear civvies.
None of them liked to show off, even though they were all gorgeous in their own ways, and undoubtedly had ravishing bodies. They never bragged about themselves, and took pride in only their friendship, which started in kindergarten, and was still going strong. All of them closed their eyes in unison and remembered that day.
Little Kagome reached out for a chunk of green plasticine. "Ooh, what a pretty color…" she murmured to herself.
"Mine!" a voice snapped
Kagome looked up to see a girl with flaming red hair tied messily into two high pigtails. She had a purple iris tucked behind her left ear, and her chubby hand was right in Kagome's face. "I want it," she repeated.
"But she had it first!" Another voice reasoned. "Shouldn't she use it before you? Why don't you start off with another color and wait until she's done."
Both girls found themselves staring at the elegant child, with dark melted-chocolate eyes, and flowing hazel hair clasped into a high ponytail. She was smiling, with her hands folded neatly behind her back. "Like pink," the girl continued. "Or maybe blue… purple maybe? Oh, and my name's Sango, by the way. And I can spell that all myself!" she announced proudly. "Do you want to hear? It's S-A-N-G-O. My father gave it to me. Beautiful, isn't it?"
"I just want the green. Green, green, green!" the redhead chanted.
"But that's no fun!" a petite girl with wavy onyx hair to her shoulders danced in and joined the conversation at the 'creating center.' She had noticed the argument about a certain playdoh, and decided to help out. "Why don't we all play together? Then we can share, and we'll build a house! Maybe we should play 'family?' Who wants to be the mommy? But first, I am Rin. Who are you?"
"My name is Sango," the girl with gracious brown hair replied.
"I'm Kagome," the raven-haired, cocoa-eyed beauty smiled.
"Ayame," the fiery girl huffed, crossing her arms. "And why should I listen to you?"
At this, Rin burst out into fits of laughing gas, while the others stared incredulously. Slowly, the rest followed suit until the teacher told them to stop fooling around and dismissed them for recess. "I think we're going to be the best of friends," Kagome said, looking at all of them. Then she grabbed their hands and made their way towards the school playground.
"Ah, precious memories," Ayame agreed, remembering. "But you were all too sissy back then. I had style!" Mocking the preps at their elementary school, modern Ayame pretended to toss her hair back (which was hard because her hair was tied into two tails) while Sango, Kagome, and Rin rolled their eyes.
"Cocky much?" Kagome asked.
"Not at all," she grinned. "If I'm cocky, then what word can possibly describe Kikyo?" (A/N I want to use the English form of her name, not the Japanese one. No need to correct me on this one. Sorry for all u Kikyo fans, but she's going to be a snob here. Hope it doesn't offend too much xD)
"I hear she's going to the same school as us again," Sango said, wrinkling her nose in obvious distaste.
"Aww, that sucks balls," Ayame groaned. "Well, I'll be here again tomorrow morning bright and early. Then we can get ready together."
"Yeah, my dad's probably waiting for me to come home for dinner," Sango agrees, standing up and stretching. "See you tomorrow, Kagome, Rin, Ayame."
Rin lived with Kagome's family, because Rin's parents died in a car accident when she was in grade five. Being an orphan, Mrs. Higurashi had pitied the young girl and let her stay with them and eventually adopted her. "Okay, bye guys."
"Bye," they chorused. But none of them knew what was coming their way. And it had a little something to do with the high school teachers.
AN: End of chapter one! How was it? Tell me what you think, okay? Thanks! C U Soon!
~Nyony's Echo