I am weak...

so very weak....

But it was worth it,

to save her life;

the life of the Twilight Princess.

I can see him...

The King of Evil

awaiting the arrival of his prey:

Link of Ordon

and Midna of the Twilght Realm.

They spot me, so helpless:

unconscious yet so conscious.

But when the dark king is recognized,

and so, too, his threat,

this hero loyally prepares.

Threats are made,

I could hear them well.

But soon, threats were no longer threats;

as the king began to use his magic,

his evil eyes made their way

to my limp body

And so he moves,

using the power of the Twilight

to take over my powerless body.

Midna's protection ended in vain.

I was invaded,

My weak limbs, slowly taken over

by this king we did not expect—

by the darkness we did not remember....

I fought as much as I could,

but I was blinded in the darkness.

Chains and hooks of darkness—

of black magic—of evil—

Ripped violently into my soul.

He opened my eyes.

A magic I did not know threw her away.

He was strong;

He easily controlled my body

In me, he confronted the hero

The hooks dug into my vocals as he spoke.

The chains lifted my arms as he pleased.

My weakness became his strength;

The strength he needed to confront this hero

and finish what he had failed to—

retrieve what he did not those many years ago....

Oh! The pain!

The pain this vial creature places upon me

to, in turn, place upon him: Link.

'Twas a fight—

yes, one of the her.

But what many fail to know—

to understand—

is the struggle of princess and king.

I could hardly see before me,

pass all the darkness within.

He whispered words to me—

not through my ear,

but within my mind.

"Obey me, puppet.

It is the only thing you can do;"

His soul surrounded me—

arms of darkness, suffocating me,

"I am your, and everyone's, master."

I could hardly think

for he invaded my mind as well.

Oh, Link, retaliate!

Forget the princess on the outside

and kill the monster on the inside.

And as if he could hear it,

He had answered my call.

Just one faulty attack by the king—

an orb of magic, glowing brightly—

and he was exposed.

The Master Sword banished the dark magic

To he who sent it.

The sorcerer clashed with his own magic,

Strikes of corrupt power

Rained down upon me.

But what's better?

This immense pain was shared.

I opened my mouth,

but only he screamed.

But that was okay,

that was fine.

For each consecutive hit

Weakened him, and strengthened me.

"You are mine to control!

Do as I say, puppet!"

And as his slippery voice hissed,

I would obey his call of attack.

But he was getting weaker:

He knew it, I knew it,

And what's more? The hero knew it.

The final attack was made.

He could no longer push aside the pain.

We slumped to the floor,

His magic barriers loosing strength with him.

And the Twilight Realm wasn't through yet....

I looked up for him to see

the power of the Fused Shadow

in the hands that could use it.

I never saw this monster—

my eyes were dark; I never could.

Yet the King of Evil saw it.

He forced me standing to face it,

but he, too, was not strong enough.

And with that moment,

He let out a scream—

One of pain; of pain I could not feel

She freed me; She saved me.

And the hero defeated him

His evil and impure soul was forced from my body,

His hooks and chains quickly dispersed.

I was now upon my throne, consciously unconscious.

Unable to move from there, I watched the hero's work

And prayed to the Goddesses that this miracle

Should never go unforgotten.