I don't own TDI, TDA or any of the characters.
For those who have read "Deserving", this is not a sequel, just something else that I'm going to write in the mean time while I think up challenges for a more light hearted story. I am hoping for a little more angst out of this one.
I'm a pretty big Rise Against fan. This story was inspired by the song sharing the title (so I should be able to get more angst out of it). If you haven't heard it, go listen to it.
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Great Divide
Gwen sighed as she shifted her bag from one shoulder to the other. She stood amongst the other twenty-one cast mates, nearly all of them sharing the heavy sense of grief over the beginning of a third season. As far as she was concerned, they may as well all have been in-mates.
They had been away from their every day lives for over six months now, and the strain was beginning to wear on them, both in their personal and in their school lives. She supposed, reflecting, that this was why they had chosen to have a school based season. Their parents, particularly Courtney's, had pushed of some schooling if there was to be a third season.
Fresh Productions had sprung for an old dormitory, converting the lower levels to into classrooms, a cafeteria, a gym and an auto-shop. The grounds were actually quite pretty in their own little over-grown sort of way. The building was very old, giving it some character, and very secluded, much to the chagrin of the new 'students'.
She smiled a little as she scoped out the grounds. There was a football field, bleachers, a baseball diamond, a make shift tennis court, but what had caught her attention was the tall old linden tree about twenty meters behind the bleachers. She imagined herself spending much of her free time there, her sketchbook across her lap.
Her happy daydream was broken by the loud call of Chris McLean shouting from that obnoxious bullhorn of his.
"All right campers… Uh… I mean students!" He chuckled. "It's time to get settled into your rooms, but, before we can do that, we need to divide you into teams again."
Gwen looked about her cast mates feeling nervous. She knew that she had lost many of her friends last season, but there were a few she was still pretty tight with.
"Lindsay, Justin, Noah, Trent, Izzy, Bridgette, Courtney, Katie, Sadie, Ezekiel, Geoff, you will make up the 'Screaming Nerds'. DJ, Duncan, Tyler, Harold, Beth, Heather, Gwen, Cody, Owen, Eva, LeShawna, you are the 'Killer Jocks'."
Her apprehension level grew immediately at hearing the team divide. Her eyes immediately went to Courtney, who was already glaring death at her as Duncan approached. His easy swagger and typical 'asshole' grin put her somewhat at ease.
"Hey, Sunshine, looks like we'll be team-mates again!" He said, putting his fist up to perform their 'secret handshake'.
"Oh, great, were stuck with the delinquent and the weird goth girl again!" Heather bitched.
"Shut up, Heather." Eva growled. "We may be on the same team, but I haven't forgotten what you did to me back on the island." She threatened.
"Oh, how ironic!" Duncan laughed, "The biggest dweeb of them all is a 'Killer Jock'!" he said, gesturing to Harold.
"Gosh, Duncan, do you always have to be such a jerk!" Harold said, in his typical Harold way.
"Just ignore him, baby, you're all man to me!" LeShawna stepping up next to Harold, paying Duncan no attention.
In the distance, Gwen could Courtney screaming at Chris.
"This is so unfair! You did this on purpose!" Her voice grated Gwen's ears as her eyes located the source of the racket.
"Gee, do you think?" Chris returned sarcastically. "It wouldn't be called Total Drama High School if there wasn't any DRAMA."
"Uh oh. Looks like your Princess is about to have an aneurysm." Gwen said, getting Duncan's attention.
"Yeah, so, what of it?" He said, playfully punching Gwen in the arm as he smiled, dismissing Courtney's temper-tantrum as just part of having her around.
Gwen giggled at the friendly gesture, happy to find that she did, indeed, still have her best friend at her back.
"You did make it clear that nothing ever happened between us, right?" She asked, shoving him back.
"Why would I do that when making her insecure is so much more fun?"
"Duncan!" Gwen giggle in-spite of herself, as Duncan made to tickle her ribs, knowing full well that his girlfriend was watching him.
Gwen was caught completely unaware when Courtney made her way over. Shoving Duncan out of her way, Courtney wrapped surprisingly strong fingers around the neck of Gwen's shirt, and, pulling her forward, stuck the index finger of her other hand right in her face.
"Now you listen, you little goth freak! You keep your dirty goth hooks away from MY boyfriend, or…"
"Or, what, you'll call your lawyer?" Beth piped in, covering her mouth once she had realized what she had gotten herself into.
Courtney turned and glared at Beth for a second before turning her attention back to Gwen.
"No, or, I'll make you wish your GRANDPARENTS were never born."
Gwen just stared at her wide eyed, not sure of what to say or do. She had no interest in Duncan, other than as a very good plutonic friend and teammate, who she just happened to think was maybe, just a little bit 'stud-like'… not that she couldn't get past that.
After another moment of staring Gwen down, Courtney turned and stomped off, already barking orders at her team-mates. Gwen turned to look at Duncan. She found his expression to be quite similar to hers, that was, before he burst out laughing.
"Oh, you should have seen your face!" He roared, clapping her on the back. "Priceless!"
"Oh, did little Gwennie pee her pants?" Heather said, her tone mocking enough to snap Gwen out of her shock.
"Shut up, Heather, or you'll have to spend the million on facial reconstruction instead of road kill for that big fat BALD head of yours." Gwen growled back.
Gwen, thoroughly pissed off, was the first contestant to stomp into the building. She quickly followed the signs to the 'Killer Jock's' dorm.
At least I get my pick of the rooms! She thought to herself happily.
Quickly, before any of the other contestants could make their way in, Gwen scoped out each room. They were nothing special. Each room had two twin-sized beds donning plain white sheets and comforters. Beside each bed was an ancient nightstand, all of which looked to have been rescued from rummage sales and dumpsters. In addition to this, there were equally as decrepit desks and dressers.
She settled on a corner room, which, much to her amazement, had a small balcony. In fact, all of the top floor dorm rooms had one. This room was also next to the common bathroom. She dreaded the heavy traffic going by her door, but was willing to make the sacrifice to have showers so close by.
Quickly, before her potential roommate could show up, she began unpacking, stuffing clothing into drawers, setting her make-up up on top of the dresser, and unloading stationary onto her desk.
Sighing contentedly, she looked around her new room, for what could be the next six months. Collapsing on her bed, boots and all, she fell into a deep and complete slumber.
She didn't know how long she had been out for before a heavy pounding came on her door.
"Gwen! Open up! Come-on! You've got to let me in!" Duncan's voice rose over the sound of his fists pounding on her door.
Getting up slowly, Gwen made her way over and unlocked the door. He nearly knocked her over as he scrambled in the door, slamming it behind himself. The look of sheer terror on his face made her giggle.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"You HAVE to let me room with you!"
"Please, Gwen, you're my only hope!"
"Woe! No way! Courtney already wants to kill me."
"Gwen, please?" He begged, making puppy dog eyes at her.
"Why me, why don't you stay with…" Gwen began to think about who would best be suited to Duncan as a roommate and was coming up blank.
"Everyone else is already happily paired off." He said, annoyed.
"Well, wait, there are 11 of us and 6 rooms… Who has the single?"
As if she had a six sense, Heather burst through the door and hurled Duncan's bags at him.
"And stay out if you know what is good for you!" She screamed at him before turning and slamming the door on the way out.
"I'm not even going to ask." Gwen said.
"I was busy arguing with Courtney when everyone was getting hooked up with room-mates."
"I see." Gwen said, smirking. "Still lovin' the 'A' type I see."
"Yeah, well, what are you goin' to do about it?" He teased her, getting ready for another wrestling match.
Gwen merely stood in place, giving him a pleading look.
"Duncan, if you're going to stay with me, you are going to have to make it clear to Courtney that there is ABSOLUTELY, ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, anything going on with us."
"What, and wreck my fun?" He said, allowing his face to fall into his bad boy grin.
"Uh! It's my funeral." She said, throwing her arms up in resignation.
"So, does this mean I can stay?"
"You cover the funeral cost, then sure."