A/N: Okay, so I officially have no restraint or organization on my part. *pushes aside insane amount of orderly lists* Yes, I am starting something, and NO! You canNOT convince me past 2 chapters. I was completely satisfied with my last 3-part fic, but I put up that ridiculous poll so now I HAVE to continue it. XD At least for a little bit. Lol. Not that I would change that for anything, I have already edited the outline anyways. ;p But yes *clears throat* getting back to this actual fic. Heheh. This is inspired off of that little Gossip Girl Webclip 2—The Lost Boy found on youtube. ;p If you haven't seen it and don't wish to PLEASE stop reading now. I am going to include the majority of the scene in the beginning of this chapter and I wouldn't want to anger you or what not, not that it's really depressing…it's kinda cute and funny and endearing with a hint of frustration. XD Haha. *clears throat* Anyways, the point of this fic is just how CB's little 'issue' is resolved, though obviously the writers for the show are going to do a much more awesome job than I could ever do. ;p R & R!
"Surprise me."
He smirked with a bit of a restrained amused laugh as she climbed astride him and kissed him sweetly on the lips. He couldn't help thinking how unbelievably desirable she looked in her satin barely there top and shorter than short shorts. It was by far the best revealing act achieved when she unbuttoned her thin late summer jacket and let it drop to the floor.
Her lips tasted magnificent, like the sweetest candy and he was definitely feeling a sweet tooth coming on.
"You, are amazing."
Her eyes sparkled as she leaned down to kiss him again, her nose twisting in the cutest way as it smushed up against his own in the magical allure coming to kiss him always offered. A couple more kisses and his hand was already starting to travel up and down her body.
Dangerous territory, he reminded himself. He was preparing for probably one of the most important meetings he could have imagined, and there was no way he was going to be able to focus with Blair Waldorf kissing him while inched closer to his…lower regions.
A soft moan escaped him, and it wasn't for the sake of his 'studying' purposes.
He had to get her off of him. ASAP.
"But look," he pushed her lightly off of him as he spoke, making sure to rub his hands up and down her body as he did so. After what he said, he didn't know…well, he was hoping she would take it well. "I…I have a really big meeting in a few hours," he smiled softly at her, smoothing down the now lopsided tie dangling down the front of his shirt.
A few quiet giggles released themselves from her, quite willingly he guessed, and he should not have been surprised when she scooped down to devour his lips again. "A few hours is hours away."
She was unbelievably hot when persistent, and he hated having to do this. So, he kissed her again, and then pushed her off his lap, more forceful—yet still gentle—this time.
"Seriously. It's important. I have to keep my," he halted speaking just for a moment to take her in one more time. Yep, effing hot girlfriend and he was rejecting sex from her for a meeting. Idiot. Even if his causes were justified, he would much rather rip those delectably placed items of clothing off of her than study for this important meeting. But…duty calls.
He found her eyes again. "…focus," he nearly beamed at her, trying to restrain that seductive allure she had poured onto him with a slight amusement to how much he was holding back for the sake of his possible investments.
She blinked, turning her face away a little. She appeared to look amused for about half a second before her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly and her face all together seemed to be alluding slight frustration and confusion.
"It's with Shaun McPhearse and I'm only gonna get one shot with him."
Perhaps she should've accepted it. Perhaps she should have 'understood' and just left like the doting girlfriend she would have been with Nate. But, she was not with Nate…and there were other factors involved.
Her expression shifted. Slight confusion & frustration…to bordering on anger and offense.
"As oppose to me, who's just endless font of do-overs?" She spun around immediately to pick up her jacket and slip it on much faster than it had come off, that it ever could come off.
Apparently, he had said the wrong thing.
"Look, I'll make it up to you," he leaned forward in his chair, feeling truly apologetic but being unwilling to take back his insistence on the issue. "Where are you going?"
Her jacket was officially on now, and not that her leaving wasn't his end goal, because keeping her in the room would not help him to 'focus' either, but it was the manner in which she was leaving. She was flustered, and not in a good way.
She finally turned back to him. "No idea," she smiled as forced as she could manage while still ranting like a truly distorted storm cloud. She shrugged in what could be a playful mode, but most certainly was not. His eyes stayed glued to hers, what was her cause for all this anger anyways? "I officially have nowhere left to go. My roommate is a nympho with a sock fetish. I have no friends at school, and now my boyfriend would rather obsess over a repertoire than spend quality time with me."
He had turned his face aside for a few moments, realizing that her other problems were all quite trivial, though understandable in their content. His face swerved back to look at her when she accused him of not wanting to spend time with her, or not giving her priority at the very least. She hardly took notice to his wordless changes of expression.
With her coat buttoned to maybe one or two, and her venting maxed out for the moment, she headed for the door. "…and hasn't by the way in five days." A last wicked glare from her served as their good-bye parting just before she slammed the door on him and stomped her way out to the elevator.
She was going to be the death of him.
The meeting had gone well, better than well. In fact, the effects from it were more promising than any had been since the initial disaster via Serena Van der Woodsen.
"Mr. Chuck," Dorota greeted him as he strode through the elevator doors. "Miss Blair not here."
The words confused him before the question left his mouth. "Uh…" He almost laughed before slightly shaking his head and looking at her in confusion. "Is…is she at her dorm room?"
From the conversation they had earlier it seemed highly unlikely, but he thought he'd take a stab at it.
"No, no…she at your place."
He looked at her in a soft shocked expression, and she echoed it to a slightly more intense degree. She covered her mouth with her hands in an unconscious decision to prevent the gasp that was bubbling up to the surface.
"You not know that, Mr. Chuck?" It was more of a statement than a question, but he took the thought for what it was and gave her a curt nod.
"Oh my! Hope she not doing something—" he put his hand on the phone she was reaching for before she got to it.
"Listen Dorota, I'm sure she's fine. I was heading there just now anyways. I'll check up on her and give you a call. Okay?" He led her to the elevator with him so she wouldn't be tempted to make a call while he wasn't looking. Not that Blair would answer anyways. She was probably sprawled across his bed in some seductive position, or crying for how her life was over because of a few simple acts of rejection.
The maid nodded and put a happy face on, or a more content one at the very least. "I not call, Mr. Chuck. Promise," she smiled now, and he actually believed her. Dorota was not one to break her promises. "But if you not call in an hour…" she held up a possible accusatory finger in warning.
He nodded his head in consent. "Then you are welcome to use the telephone."
She smiled, fading only slightly when she wondered to herself if she could use the phone at all until he called. "Mr. Chuck! Does that mean—?"
"Good-bye Dorota."
The elevator door closed shut then, and the now instantly exhausted maid fell into the chair behind her. She was greatly troubled.
A/N: Alright! That's it for my part one, and there are ONLY going to be TWO parts, and I am writing that SECOND part as we speak, so it'll all be done tonight. *happy noddage* Then I won't be continuing on and on forever and not getting to other fics because of it and…*sighage* I get tired just thinking about it. Anyways, there is technically only one scene left (unless I randomly lose control of my hands and they type into another scene), so I suppose I could've had it all in one chapter, but oh well. Take what you can get. ;p PLEASE R & R!! Hopefully the next/last/second part will be up within a couple hours. ;p