Hey guys I wanted to say thanks if you're still reading. I cant think straight much anymore so I'm trying my best for you guys, please continue to read and again thank you for everything.

DON'T BLAME ME FOR UPDATING LATER THEN EXPECTED! Blame my computer crashing brother! To the story!

Regular is for Chase

Italic is for Chris

'Goodbye Chris.' a single warm tear slid down his cheek and onto the cold wet ground. It was over…


The world went dark…

"Stop it!"

Warm embers of fire floated in the air where the beast stood as bright light sparked from its shattered remains, burning porcelain skin ever so lightly, waking the bodies senses once more as glass cracked dully under the remaining ruble of the fallen building. Small chunks of the once tall building fell violently to the ground once more, disturbing all of its surroundings. Mechanical legs twitched once more clawing deep into the ground pulling its shattered remains before finally coming to a halt.

'…Glass shattering…why was glass shattering; I hear it, it seems so far away but now it's…gone, why? My ears…I can't hear. The world it's so quiet; why can't I hear?...I feel numb, I feel so numb right now…oh god my head.' Eyes shut tightly as he tried to block out the blossoming pain that was beginning to consume him…'but…there's pressure on my shoulder…what happened?' Chase moved his head slowly his head spinning, as he tried to peer past the dust forming in the air. White dots blurring his already marred vision, enabling him to see anything else. Slowly he moved his arms to his sides, pushing his body up with his elbows slowly, the now welcome numbness fading; then he feel it.

Pain racked through his entire body as he lurched to his side, warm salty tears streaming down his bloodied cheeks as he screamed in agony though, no one could hear it; it was deaf to all other ears but his own…'Oh God.' He reached for his shoulder desperately, gripping onto the bloodied area when his fingers slid into the small crevice where his shoulder attached to his neck; hoping, praying, that it was still attached, that it was there for him to feel. Chase sobbed heavily as he felt his way down his arm slowly, warm crimson fluid streaming steadily down his arm and onto the, already, blood soaked ground. Fresh tears of pain and relief spilled down his cheeks, it was all there. His hand fell slightly, running along the fresh shallow cuts that lay on his pail flesh; a mixture of blood and tears slid slowly on the warm, blood-red ground.

The sickening irony smell of blood ran through his nostrils as he gripped the wet ground desperately, digging his nails in deep, as though it would be ripped away from him any second; as though life would be ripped away from him. Nausea consumed him as he lurched to the side, breath coming out in choked sobs; the urge to throw up almost unbearable. 'What happened, what happened! I don't remember! All I remember is- !' His head pounded rapidly as he looked around frantically though, he saw nothing except for the blinding white dots blurring his vision. 'Where was it! It was right there! Where did it go? Where did it go!' He stopped as the world began to slow and for a moment he could hear.

The sound of falling debris surrounded his as he looked for it, his tormentor. 'The beast...' He thought scrambling back before falling to the ground in agony, eyes clamped shut as he dug his teeth into his lip, blood slowly sliding into his mouth. Though he didn't dare look up as the thought ran through his mind…'Where is the beast?' Cold icy fear shot through his body, his blood running cold as his eyes widened at the thought.

Then he heard it, it was so quiet at first, so muffled by everything around him, but he heard it…It seemed so far away, so muffled; Chase covered his ears desperately, screaming out in agony as his raw skin brushed against himself. He didn't want to hear it, he couldn't, what if it was the beast. His head throbbed as his mind and body raced eyes shooting everywhere searching for the thing he feared the most...'Oh god no, no, no, please no. It's coming…it's coming to kill me like it had killed Chris-!'


His mind raced as he saw everything; his body racking with sobs as the thought of his brother ran through his mind. The pain of that realization stabbed deep into his heart. The sound grew louder, he could hear it clearer now, ruble and other debris tumbling about him, as footsteps echoed through the emptiness. The sound was light, to shallow to be the beast; he listened as the sound of glass cracked under the persons"?" shoes, stopping, and the all was still.


The voice, a voice it was so familiar, so kind, so warm, so comforting, but it seemed so far away, muffled by the slight ringing in his ears as his head fell to the side, starring at nothing but blurred surroundings. This sound, this voice, he wanted to hear it, and only it; he wanted to hear someone, something, anything that could comfort him, but he couldn't, he just couldn't hear it. Why couldn't he hear it, why couldn't he know who it was! Frustrated tears continued to stream as his arms slowly fell from his tear soaked face, dirt and blood having been slowly washed from his pained porcelain features.


Warm tears streamed down Chris's cheeks as he took in the sight before him, blood openly flowing from the gash in his head as he shook his head in disbelief, blood mixing with the wetness seeping from his aqua eyes. His body shook violently as he willed his legs toward his brother. "No, no ,no…this cant be happening, Chase, Chase!" he screamed, sobbing, as he ran forward to his brother, legs going numb as he fell forward, knees scraping deep into the mix of blood dirt and glass, staining his already bloodied jeans.

Chris's eyes clamped shut as he fell forward, arms wrapping around his brother and pulling him close. A hiss of pain cut through the air and Chris loosened his grip as he stared at his brother, wide eyed, in shock. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He mouthed, his body racking with sobs. His arms shook as he slowly lowered his brother to the ground, keeping his distance from the gash in his brother's shoulder.

"…Chr…is…?" Slowly warn salty tears slipped down his brother's face as his hand began to twitch lightly, reaching for his brother, his friend, his sanctuary. Chris could only stare as he took his brother's hand in his own. Tears rolled down their porcelain features as Chris lowered his head, kissing his brothers bloodied knuckles lightly, brushing his lips against the wounded flesh, willing the pain to fade away with each gentle brush.

"I-It's ok now Chase. I'm here." Chris whispered into his brother's hand, warmth soothing the other as he leaned down and kissed his brothers forehead lightly, lips ghosting over him until he came face to face with his mirror. Another tear fell as he looked into the eyes that he knew so well.


Chris smiled lightly as he stroked his brother's face loving. "When it happened, I, well, I don't know, All I remember is hitting the ground, and yo, you were..." Chris shook his head. "It, I'll tell you more soon, but..."Chris pulled back slightly. "It's ok now, we're going to get you patched up ok." Chase stared at the other, eyes pleading for someway, anyway to escape the pain. "Don't worry were going to have you better in no time, promise." Chris held back a sob as he connected his pinky to the others, gripping tightly to signify the pact. Chase nodded dully and hand separated as Chris began to remove his torn hoodie, blues and yellow stained by the blood he had lost, tearing the fabric repeatedly until nothing was left but the thick torn strands.

Chris swallowed hard as he looked at his brother apologetically before pushing his brother's arm as close as he could to his torso. Chase screamed in agony and his brother began to wrap the makeshift bandages repeatedly around his arm, chest and torso."I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Chris whispered into the others ear as he continued on tying the bandages as best he could, blood beginning to seep through. Chases's body lerched foreward as he bit his lip tightly as the Bandaged dug into his flesh, pain flooded him anew as he gripped the ground, familiar nausea flooding into his stomach. Chase swallowed hard willing himself not to puke. Chris watched as Chase's breathing slowed, his head falling to the side as his brother tied the last knot, blood only visible where his hands had been, thank god.

"…Ch-Chris, I-I'm…" Chris watched as his brother looked at him tiredly, his face looked a light sickly green; Chris nodded, hand stroking the other's hair gently, trying to sooth the other gently, watching as his brother leaned into the warm touch, gratefully as he leaned down and whispered into his ear.

"I know, I know…go to sleep 'kay, I'll be here, I'll be here when you wake up promise." Fresh tears ran down his flushed cheeks, kissing his brother's forehead gently as the other looked at him, half opened eyes fixated on his mirror as his mouth opened quivering ever so as he spoke.

"P-Promise?" his voice sounded so small, so scared, so desperate. Chris watched as tears began to form in the others eye's, his hand moving to grip the other's tightly.

A small nod came as he stared at the other, tears blurring his vision as he spoke gently. "Promise." Tears streamed down his dust covered cheeks as he smiled at the other reassuringly, taking hold of the other's pinky, and nodding his head ever so lightly in conformation, tears slipping onto the other's face as he pecked his brother's head a final time before his brother's eyes closed to sleep, whispering two world as they did.

'Love you…'

"I know, I know." Chris leaned down kissing his forehead as his brother slept. "And I you, and I you"

Hey I hope you liked it alot! I really did work hard to right theis chapter, i kinda felt like it was to short and went by quick but i do hoped you liked it! Please review I need the motivation and I hope you like the story!