Chapter One

(While the Eraser is carrying Max)

"Fang!" I screamed again. He was now farther back than before. He wasn't going to make it. I kicked and punched and struggled. The Eraser didn't budge.

"Let me-"I began still kicking and punching, but the sound of helicopter blades made me freeze, as if all my strength washed away.

No. Not a copter, I thought.

I looked up to see Fang still trying to catch up despite the odds. He seemed to be trying to run faster, more determined seeing my lack of protesting.

I didn't even feel the Eraser stop before I felt the floor of the helicopter. The Eraser jumped in after me kicking me in the process.

"Hey! Watch it!" I spat.

"Shut it freak," the Eraser snarled.

I narrowed my eyes sitting up. I inched my way to the window. I saw Fang a cople feet below. There was a slight look of determination in his eyes that only I could have noticed, and I instantly knew what he was thinking with out having to need Angel to tell me. I shook my head ever so slightly indicating him not to follow.

His response was a mystery since I was pulled back by my hair.

"Long time no see huh, Max?" Ari's voice was mocking. His face was over mine, it was all that I could see. "You're as good as dead."

I glared at him while his foot connected to my head knocking me out.


I woke up groggy as if I had just slept for a week. I was in a pure white room, strapped down to a metal bed. I struggled against my bonds as a door opened and two white coats came in. One was pushing a cart.

"Don't bother Max," Jeb said walking over to me. I glared at him. He brushed it off lightly but from the corner of my eye I saw the other white coat shiver.

"Calm down Max we just want to ask you a couple questions."

I looked over to the other white coat and the cart he was standing next to. On it were multiple needles.

"Yeah? Than why did you bring needles? Obviously that involves more than just asking questions."

Jeb scowled. "Behave and we won't have to go into that."

"Uh-huh," I rolled my eyes. "If you say so."

I could tell by the look on Jeb's face that he was beginning to get annoyed. Good.

"Now, Max do you know five kids that go by the names of Fang, Iggy, Nudge, The Gasman and Angel?" Jeb said.

What kind of stupid question was that?

"N-no?" My mouth made me stutter. What was I talking about? I tried again. "Wait- of corse I don't."

Jeb pursed his lips writing on a clip board the other white coat handed him. He asked another. "What do you remember about what happened before you were here?"

What is his point?

"I remembered being here but the escaping, I-I can't …remember much else…why?" What was I talking about? I remembered everything. Why couldn't I say it?

"Interesting…okay. We'll give you something for your memory and go back to the regular schedule with weekly check ups on your memory. Herald…" Jeb motioned the white coat to proceed.

I struggled again as Herald came forward with two needles in his hands. He placed one down on my table out of reach for me to push. He rested the tip against the inside of my elbow. He pressed it in and pushed the liquid in. I struggled against the pain. He did the same for the other needle but in my other elbow.

I quickly fell into a deep sleep afterwards.


When I woke I was back in my cage in a ball, back in the School's fashionable uniforms. (Notice major use of sarcasm.) The dresses reminded me of…something I saw on T.V once. A hospital dress or something. I couldn't remember, my memory was worse.

I looked up towards the wall behind me and saw a small window. There was a soft glow of sun. I couldn't guess if it was day or night yet.

I didn't have time to wait. The door opened with a creak shining light into the dark room. Two silhouettes started forward. My hands clenched into fists as they stopped outside of my cage.

The door opened. I didn't move. "C'mon Max," Jeb's calming voice said. I knew better than to believe that disguise.

When I didn't move, a pair of clawed hands grabbed me and dragged me out. Those hands could only belong to an Eraser.

I was literally dragged behind them as they lead the way to a fenced area outside.

"Time for a little chase," the Eraser growled at me throwing me to the ground. "Got to the count of ten. Ten, nine, eight…"

I scrambled to my feet and began to run. Cursing at the Eraser under my breath, I heard him start after me, he wasn't alone.

"Damn Erasers!"I yelled. I could hear them closing in so I ran faster. I was barely aware of the five dark figures in the sky several hundred feet in the air.

So this is the first chapter. Please review and I'll update when I can- when I'm not juggling all my homework. Review!