Chapter 5

"Arya, its time for you to take your medicine." A voice said next to her. But she just groaned and rolled over; she had only been sleeping for a couple of hours after staying up for two days waiting for Angela to finish her spell.

"Come on now Arya, I thought you wanted to become a dragon." The voice said and Arya realized it was Angela.

"Ugh… sorry I'm just tired is all, so the spell is ready?"

"Yes but I need you to drink this potion." She said handing Arya a vile with a green substance inside. "This potion with dye all your cells so it will make it easier for me to shift your form. When I'm done you will be a dragon completely as if you were born a dragon, do you still wish to continue?" She asked.

"Yes, this is what I want." Arya said without hesitating.

"I shouldn't have even asked." Angela muttered then motioned for Arya to drink the potion.

As Arya drank the potion she started to fell weird like she was glowing were the potion touched her.

"Is the potion working?" Arya asked.

"Yes, it is. Now to tell you what this spell will do." Angela muttered something and then continued. "I needed Saphira's Help for this spell to work so you'd better thank her when this is over. When you become a dragon you will pretty much be Saphira, of course there will be differences because you are two different people. But your body shape and build will be the same. You will also have all the instincts of a dragon and you will know everything you would if you were Saphira's age. Translation: you will know how to fly, hunt, and everything else you need to know as a dragon. Now this is the point of no return do you want me to cast the spell?" Angela said.

"I have one question. Will I still have my memories from this… life?" Arya said trying to think of the right word.

"Of course, now I will have to put you to sleep not to feel the pain of the transformation, are you ready?" Angela asked.

Arya took a deep breath then nodded. The last thing she heard was Angela whispering slytha.

"Arya…" She heard a voice call her name but she didn't feel like getting up she was very tired.

"Arya! I know you are awake now so open your eyes." The voice demanded.

Arya knew she wouldn't be able to rest any more so she opened her eyes but everything looked wrong, greens seemed more vibrant then usual and reds, blues and browns were more subdued. She turned her head toward the voice but the motion felt wrong and right at the same time. Like her neck was to long and her head was too big.

When she looked at Angela she was small like she had shrunk. Arya went to ask Angela what was wrong but a growl came out of her mouth instead. She was scared for a moment before she started to remember what had happened.

"You will have to talk with your mind from now on remember?" Angela asked.

Yes I remember, it's just that this is a little disorienting that's all. Arya said.

"Yes I can understand. It'll wear off in a little bit, but before you start getting adjusted to the new body why don't you take a look at yourself?" Angela said smiling.

When she looked at herself she almost gasped. She had Forest green scales and pale green wing membranes. Her claws and the spikes along her back were a midnight black. She was the exact same size as Saphira too. She suddenly felt like she could destroy all of Galbatorix's army and not even break a sweat.

Thank you Angela, I don't know how I can repay you. Arya said.

"You can repay me by helping me at a later date." Angela said with a smile.

Simply call me when I am needed and I will help you in whatever way I can. But now I must be off any last tips? Arya said.

"No because Eragon is fully grown, I thought he would have taken longer but I was wrong, tell him I said hi. Oh and I already told Nasuada you'd be turned into a dragon so everyone around camp knows, don't worry about being attacked." Angela said before walking away.

Sorry i didnt update sooner i had writers block. yes i know this chap is a short like the other ones im trying to work on that but i dont want all the info to run together so i chose to keep this chapter just Arya being turned into a dragon and not her first encounter with Eragon, thats the next chapter. ill try to get the next chap done before tonight.

P.S. Plz review even if its just to flame me, im haveing a panic attack not noing what you ppl think

P.S.S. i have no idea what a beta reader does and i have no idea how to get one if someone could help me with that it would be very nice of you