Chapter 1

"What if we could fight Galbatorix away from Uru'baen then he would not be near his hoard of Eldunari?" Eragon said in a bored tone.

"But, what if he has some Eldunari on him in a pack or something. And how do we know if he would be able to sense them we would have to lure him far away." Arya said at the same time staring at the ceiling.

Eragon sighed "Well how about…you and the Du Vrangr Gata search with your minds and find the Eldunari and then block there minds from Galbatorix?"

"That wouldn't work, first, the Du Vrangr Gata can't know about the Eldunari, and second, Galbatorix would then attack our minds once he found out the Eldunari were being blocked from him." Arya said.

"How about I put a dress on and attack the castle that might throw them off because they would be laughing to hard." Eragon said jokingly.

Arya punched him in the arm. "Get serious Eragon this isn't a game."

"Ow. Ow. Fine." Eragon said grabbing his arm.

Sadly thats your best idea yet. Saphira teased Eragon.

Eragon, Arya, and Saphira had been trying to think of a way to separate Galbatorix from his Eldunari for the past week. Roran had even shown up a couple of days but Eragon was getting tired of sitting in the same tent and doing the same thing every day.

He needed a break before he lost his mind so he stood up and stretched popping his back a couple of times.

Arya raised an eyebrow. "I'm taking a break." Said Eragon. "Oh…okay meet back here in an hour."

Eragon chuckled. "I'm taking a break for a couple of days I can't stand this."

Arya frowned then said "Eragon, trying to find a way to beat Galbatorix is more

Important then you getting time to yourself." "Aye but isn't my sanity kind of important too?"

Arya frowned again. "This isn't that bad." "You've taken a few days to yourself though so you can't argue with me I've been doing this from sunup to sundown for a week." Eragon groaned

"Fine I guess your right, but make it quick we don't have much time." Arya muttered. Eragon then walked to Nasuada's tent meeting Angela on the way there.

"Goodbye Eragon it was nice knowing you" Angela said with a smile on her face.

Eragon raised his eyebrows. "You're leaving the Varden?"

"No you are, isn't that why you're going to Nasuada?" Angela said.

"Aye, but I'm coming back its not like I'm leaving forever." Eragon said confused he wasn't even going to ask how she knew he was leaving.

"I don't know about that I fell like I'm never going to see you again oh well I must be off don't eat pickled cabbage." Angela said over her shoulder.

Saphira, do you know what she was talking about? Eragon asked a little confused.

No little one but I'm afraid we won't find out until it's too late. Saphira said.

I guess I shouldn't work my self up over it then. Eragon muttered.

That would be wise. Saphira chuckled.

At that moment Eragon made it to the tent and waited for the guards to announce his arrival. Eragon heard Nasuada yell "Come in." so he walked in.

"Eragon have you found a way to defeat Galbatorix yet?" she asked with a calm face.

"No not yet my lady, I'm taking two days off to relax, it's quite tedious to do the same thing 24/7 especially when it has something to do with the mind. I came to see if you had a mission that I could do." Eragon said

"Hmm…no Eragon I don't have a mission for you it would hardly help you if you're trying to relax just do what you like for the next two days I will make sure no one bothers you." Nasuada said

"Thank you my lady but I think Saphira and I will go to the Hadarac Desert, if that is okay with you." Eragon said politely.

"That is fine just hurry back." Nasuada said while leaning her head back on the chair and closed her eyes.

"Thank you my lady." Eragon said and left the tent.

SAPHIRA! Eragon yelled with his mind.

Ill be right there little one. Saphira said.

As soon as Saphira landed Eragon jumped onto her back. Are you ready to go?

Yes now let's go! Saphira said enthusiastically.

By the time that they got a little bit into the desert it was sunset so they made camp by a two-story tall rock that was leaning to one side so they could sleep under it and if it rained not get wet.

Saphira what are we going to do if we can't find a way to beat the king? Eragon muttered.

Don't think like that we will find a way. Saphira said trying to comfort Eragon.

But its two really strong riders against us and I don't think I could kill Murtagh. Eragon said.

I'm sorry but I can not help you there hopefully he will be able to change his true name and come to fight with us. Saphira sighed.

At that moment Eragon saw a sparkle in the corner of his eye. He got up and went to look at it.

What are you doing little one? Saphira asked.

I thought I saw something… Eragon said confused and then he saw the sparkle again and it came from a diamond looking rock buried next to the two-story rock.

Eragon went over and tried to did it up but found it was much bigger then he first thought.

Saphira this is about as big…a dragon egg! Eragon thought excitedly.

Can you tell if it's male or female? Saphira asked wagging her tail with excitement.

Aye, one second… that's strange it's like the egg is empty… no dragon inside it even feels lighter now that I think about it. Eragon said confused. He rubbed his right hand over the egg and ass soon as his gedwey ignasia touched the egg felt fire in his veins and then he blacked out.

Saphira's P.O.V.

Eragon…ERAGON!? Saphira yelled but no response came. She started to get scared what had happened to her rider one second he was standing there with an empty dragon egg the next there's no Eragon and there's a normal dragon egg on the ground.

What should I do should I look for Eragon or go get help first… but if I get help first he could get farther away if he was taken by some magic… but if someone with magic I probably can't kill… I will go back to the Varden with the egg. Saphira said.

this is my first fanfic so plz review and tell me if im doing ok i think i got the characters right except arya i think but your imput would be nice R&R