Hello, this is my first fan fiction so please be nice, constructive criticism I can take!

The amazing world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling.

So anyone you recognise, hers not mine. If you want to borrow anyone else just ask. Anyway enjoy:

"Lizzy", "LIZZY", Lizzy Potter's lovely dream about flying over the pacific on a brand new cleansweep was brought to an abrupt end when her, older cousin Fabien jumped onto her bed.

"Your mum wants you to get up now" Fabien's identical twin Gideon said in a sing-song voice.

"What are you two doing in my room!" said Lizzy groggily, sitting up.

"Were going to the beach today, remember ickle cous`", Fabien said with a grin, sliding of the bed. Lizzy scowled at the pair of them

"10 months, 10 months. I am 10 months younger than you" she said in a voice dripping with venom.

"Time is wisdom young witch" Gideon stated. "Anyway, Auntie Dorea wants you dressed, cause` James friends are coming over".

Lizzys face brightened, "Do you think they would like to come to the beach with us". Her cousins exchanged a glance"What?"

"Well..." Gideon started.

"James has been looking forward to his friends coming over since he got back from Hogwarts a week ago" Fabien said bluntly "and he isn't going to want us tagging along".

The words stung, "Shut up you idiot, what do you know? Your making it sound like Jamie doesn't like us anymore" Lizzy said, arms crossed.

"I don't think Jamie..." Gideon began

"Our mum told us not to follow James around, and anyway he goes to Hogwarts now, he's got better people to hang out with than his little sister" Fabien shouted, clearly outraged at being called an idiot for repeating what his mother had told him.

"Get out now!" screamed Lizzy.

Fabien stormed out but Gideon lingered "What about the beach?" Lizzy glared at him, "Oh come on, and I know he struck a nerve but is James ignoring you really worth a fight".

"He isn't ignoring me" Lizzy said thickly.

Gideon sighed, "If you change your mind we'll be at the beach". He left the room.

Lizzy moved over to her wardrobe wiping a solitary tear of her cheek. She hated fighting with her cousins; they were her best friends, apart from Jamie. But they were wrong though, Jamie wasn't ignoring her. He had played quidditch with her and their dad, and gone surfing with her and the twins.

" Yeah" said a voice in the back of her head "but he hasn't really played with you or talked to you".

As these words ate into her assurance she pulled a blue dress over her head. "He isn't ignoring me" she said to herself picking up a hair brush and pulling it through her black hair.

There was a knock at the door.

Lizzy went downstairs to see four boys standing in the kitchen.

Her older brother Jamie who was grinning and messy haired as always.

A well built boy with long elegant black hair and blue piercing eyes.

A rounded boy, barley taller than her, with mousey hair and watery grey eyes.

And standing nearest the door was a tall gangly boy with warm brown eyes and light brown curls. The latter smiled at her as she walked in, a toothy genuine smile.

"Who's this" said the black haired boy eying her in surprise.

"Oh" said Jamie "Guys this is my little sister Elizabeth".

"You didn't say you had a sister, James" the round boy said excitedly.

"Peter" exclaimed the tall boy nearest Lizzy.

She looked over to Jamie for some reassurance, he looked very uncomfortable.

"Anyway" the black haired boy said to her, though still looking disdainfully at Peter. "I am the amazing Sirius Black, this" indicating towards the tall boy who smiled at her again "is Remus Lupin and that idiot" pointing toward Peter who was staring at the floor "is Peter Pettigrew".

Lizzy opened her mouth to greet them, when her mother voice sounded from the study. "Elizabeth, come here please".

She turned to James, "We were going anyway" he said gesturing towards the door.

She turned and left the room hurrying upstairs, wondering what she could possibly have done. Her mother was waiting in the study, red hair tied in a neat and elegant bun.

"Yes, mum?" Her mother didn't speak, but instead walked over fiddled with her daughters' hair, patting it down.

Inwardly Lizzy sighed, she loved her mother but she was just too neat! Lizzy found it frustrating, especially as she was constantly teased about being a miniature clone.

"Did I hear you bothering James and his friends?" her mother asked, eyebrows raised

Lizzy jerked away from her mother, "Why is everyone so certain Jamie doesn't care about me anymore? Why can't I talk to him and his friends? Why does going to Hogwarts change everything?" "Lizzys voice cracked.

Her mother pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair. "Oh Lizzy, of course James still cares about you, he's still your big brother, and Hogwarts doesn't change that. It's just that James is growing up and prefers the company of his classmates to his sister, he still..."

"NO" Lizzy pulled away, running from the room, downstairs, outside. She stopped breathing heavily. Telling herself that it was o.k., who cared if Jamie would rather spend with some strangers.

"You do" the voice from earlier said sadly. "No I don't" Lizzy growled to herself.

Then she smiled, she could all but see the twins making cuckoo signs at her.

She had the twins, and they'd be going to Hogwarts with her. With that reassuring thought she walked off into Tlidon.

The Potters lived in a small almost entirely muggle village on the Cornish coast, the other exception being the Prewetts. Lizzys Aunt Arctua, Uncle Defius and cousins. Her much older cousin Molly had got married to Arthur Weasley the previous year, and had a baby son called Bill. Lizzy was just walking past the playground corner where a large oak stood, when she heard it a bark like laugh directly above her.

"Wow James, your sister likes to draw". Her heart stopped, he couldn't have. "Mate, I can't sit down do you mind if I move this" He had!

"Sure just chuck it out of the window". A blue book flew suddenly out of nowhere landing in a patch of mud at her feet. Lizzy bent to retrieve it her blue eyes furiously blinking away tears.

Large Cornish waves crashed onto sandy beaches and the screams of delighted muggle children filled the air.

The sun was just beginning to set casting long shadows inland.

Atop a cliff, above noise and fun of the beach, Lizzy sat silently.

Clutched in her arms was the large book with a mud splattered cover.

Two orange blobs in the sea caught her gaze, her favourite cousins had been right about Jamie, she would have to apologise later. S

he had been stupid not to see it before, the change in her brother's attitude.

It must be part of going to Hogwarts; yes, Molly had done this too, she just hadn't noticed because she still had her Jamie.

Would she change this much too in two years time; would she ignore her parents? No longer adore little Bill? Still be friends with the twins?

She shook her head trying to clear it. Yes of course she would still be friends with the twins! Nothing could change that?

Then again James had promised the tree house was their special place and he had still taken those boys there!

And her sketchbook, he knew how much effort she had put into these drawings.

She started flicking through; An Easter, Jamie had chocolate all over his face and hands.

Christmas Day, the twins were wearing identical jumpers and Jamie holding was holding red socks.

Her parents kissing at New Year with a seven year old Jamie gagging in the background.

A copy of her parents wedding photo.

Molly getting ready to go out to dinner with Arthur.

The last picture caught her eye; it was of her and Jamie. Jamie had his arms around her and she was grinning, that was last summer before she waved goodbye to Jamie on that Scarlett train.

Tears sprung into her eyes as she tried to wipe them away, ashamed to do the babyish thing and cry, that was pathetic. She was better than that, who cared about James Potter and his stupid new friends? She didn't need Jamie, she had the twins!

"Lizzy" a tentative Gideon said breaking her bitter train of thought.

"Have you been crying?" Fabien asked, his expression changed from one of sulkiness to one full of concern.

"Of course I haven't" she said sharply. Her face softened into an ashamed look, "Sorry I called you an idiot" she muttered "I was just upset". Both boys' faces cracked into identical grins and she smiled back, they were her true friends. They would look after her when it mattered. "Quidditch" she suggested.

The twins exchanged a grin, and said in unison "You read my mind". Arm in arm the trio walked into the sunset.

Who needs an older brother anyway?

Like it? Hate it? Let me know please.

Bye, Bye