This is the second to the last chapter but, you will know who wins today :D

I am sorry for the long wait but, this is a long chapter. Thank you to all who have reviewed so far, it's almost 100, it REALLY means a lot to me.


Neko in Distress

Saturday, Party time.

"Happy Halloween!" People greeted her as Amu entered the gym. It was currently 7:15, she was fifteen minutes late! Although, it didn't seem like Ikuto has arrived yet. The gym was flooded with people, all dressed like a picture from a fairy tale or a scene from a scary movie. It didn't matter to Amu though, it took her at least one hour to get ready and she wasn't about to get out staged by some random people.

Amu's hair was in a small pony tail, glitter lightly sprinkled on it. Her make-up was purple eye shadow with dark eyeliner. She was wearing red lipstick, and the pink blush highlighted her high cheek bones. Her pixie costume shinned when the light hit her as the wings sparkled when she moved around the dance floor, to find one person- Ikuto.

On her way around, she found Nagi twirling a smiling Rima around the dance floor; Utau's my heart full song was playing full blast on the speakers, which were controlled by Kukai. Tadase wore a prince costume complete with a medium sized crown while, Yaya was jumping up and down at random people, serving them food and drinks.

Suddenly, Amu felt the spot light away from her. There she saw Ikuto, who had just made his entrance as Elvis? Yes, it was definitely an Elvis costume. He looked weird in his costume, Amu almost felt sorry enough not embarrass him, almost.

Ikuto's hair still remained the same; it was his costume that was distracting; although, he appeared to be completely content with his costume. The light hit the tiny shiny sequins on his costume, which made the light bounce off his face, highlighting his flawless features. Amu felt like an idiot trying to embarrass him.

She shook her head, now wasn't the time to have second thoughts. He was looking right at her; like he was hunting and his eyes were set on his prey. He began advancing to her, his stride confident, cocky and arrogant. Poor Ikuto, he still had no idea that Amu had stolen his boxers.

"Hi Ikuto," Amu said casually at lost of something witty to say. Ikuto smirked.

"Evening Amu," he started, it was just a casual conversation. "I am actually quite surprise you're here, looking forward to my victory aren't you?" He had to keep up the superior air he always had. The actual challenge was keeping his eyes on her face. This costume wasn't like Amu. He thought she would be something kick ass. Not girly, dark, and very attractive.

"Oh, we'll see about that." Amu declared and stood tip-toed to match his high. The song changed.

"Let's dance." Ikuto muttered as he led them to the dance floor.

"You dance?" Amu asked, skeptic. Their bodies danced in perfect rhythm of the music.

"Don't you?" He asked her, teasingly. Amu didn't respond and just kept dancing. He twirled her a few times but, mainly they just kept their bodies together. The song ended, he twirled her away from him.

"Hello Amu-chan, Ikuto-ni-san." Tadase greeted politely as he passed by. Amu flashed him a smile while Ikuto just nodded. "I see you have already danced with Amu, what good thing. May I have the next dance with Amu?"

Amu didn't wait for Ikuto's response.

"Sure, I'll dance with you." And with that Tadase led Amu to the dance floor, leaving Ikuto all alone.

Ikuto watched as Tadase darted off with Amu like it was no big deal. And it really shouldn't be. It's not like they came together, so he didn't really have a claim on her. He couldn't have her dance with only him, no matter how he liked that idea. But damn why was he jealous? Jealous of Tadase, who was like a brother to him?

Why didn't Amu say no? She should've stayed with him. He was selfish and he knew it, but he didn't care.

He wanted Amu all too himself.

Rima watched, satisfied as Tadase and Amu danced. She was pleased to see that Ikuto was trying to glare a hole behind Tadase's back. He was jealous.

Rima wanted to laugh.

This was all Tadase's idea of course. If there was one person who knew how to tick Ikuto off, it would be Tadase. It was like killing two birds with one stone, making Ikuto jealous and giving Amu time to give Tadase the signal. Genius.

She watched as Amu danced with Tadase, she almost looked like she was taunting Ikuto.

Well, that's girl power.

"You look really nice, Amu-chan." Tadase complimented her, as he twirled her around. She smiled at him and mumbled a thank you.

"Is it time yet?" Tadase asked. Amu looked around and spotted Ikuto, who was standing in the middle of the dance floor looking pissed. She let out a small laugh. "Not yet, let Ikuto have his fun first." They continued dancing.

"You know, Ikuto-ni-san is really lucky to have a girl like you. I hope he treats you nicely, or else he's going to get it from me and the other guardians." Tadase said playfully, as a friendly gesture. Amu didn't respond at first and took time to let the words sink in.

"Thank you."

Tadase twirled her the last time, which gave Amu another opportunity to spot Ikuto. Apparently, he was off the dance floor and was now sitting around a table with a few of his 'friends'. Perfect, he was distracted, which will give Tadase enough time to sneak out without anyone noticing.



"Let the games begin."

Ikuto was glaring at nothing in particular. He was also not in the mood to deal with a girl, who he didn't know. A girl who sat beside him anyway.

"Why so pissed, handsome?" the girl asked in a flirtatious voice. She was dressed in a witch costume, with thick make-up and strong perfume. Ikuto ignored her.

"None of your business." He hoped that she would get the message; it was getting extremely hard for him to try to be nice.

"Come on, I am Mitsukai, maybe I can help you feel better?" The girl asked. Her perfume was overwhelming Ikuto's senses. He snapped.

"Would you just leave me alone!" Ikuto demanded, glaring at her. Mitsukai's eyes widened as tears flooded her eyes; she ran away quietly. Ikuto was happy that she was gone, no more perfume clogging his brain. Although, he probably should apologize to her; unlike the other girls, at least she didn't jump at him.

Ikuto shook all the distraction off his brain. Now wasn't the time to go soft.

"Look who's having fun insulting the innocent." Amu remarked from behind. He turned around and was met by Amu's face.

"Seriously, you shouldn't have been so hard on her." Amu said glaring but, her voice was marked with sarcasm. "I am ready to show you what I have accomplished, we can go look after the party-"

"Let's go now." He challenged with a smirk. "I don't like parties anyway."

Amu blinked and narrowed her eyes; he was never a good loser. What was he planning? He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door and into the cold night.

He must still think that Amu didn't get his boxers.

Oh, he was in for a surprise.

The outside of the school was well lit; there was a small garden with all kinds of flowers and trees, a statue of a man and of course the flag pole. Ikuto led Amu in front of the flag pole but…

The flag pole was empty.

Realization hit Ikuto, a smirk tugged on his lips.

"Looks like I win Amu-chan." He murmured lowly in her ear. His voice was dripping with pride, arrogance, pleasure and a hint of disappointment. Then it hit Amu, he wanted her to win! It was obvious from the beginning when he quoted "I will admit that I regretted not accepting your confession and will be your personal slave/boyfriend for as long as you like." He didn't want to man up and accept her feelings so, instead he thought of a way to challenge her. Too bad, Amu even considered jumping in the lake for him. Too bad.

"Well, in that case I sorry Ikuto." She yelled as she gripped a rope tied on the flagpole. Ikuto didn't have time to react; the boxers jolted its way to the top of the flagpole.

And there it was.

The neon orange pair of boxers was hanged on top of the flagpole, it was noticeable alright. There were pink kittens pattering on the orange boxers, making it almost unbearable to look at. That is, if you didn't know it was Ikuto's. On the bottom part of the boxers were the words 'Grandma loves you!' sown into it.

"Oh my gosh." Was the only words in Ikuto's mind, the other thoughts had somehow vanished. He was humiliated, just like what he did to Amu. Boy, did he mess up.

Amu on the other hand was smiling ear to ear. Probably proud of what she had accomplished. She deserved, Ikuto thought.

For a moment there, he let all the embarrassment fade away upon seeing Amu's smile brighten. So he was embarrassed for once in his life, it's not like anyone else will know.


Ikuto's eyes widened in horror as a stamped of people came running to them. Without thinking, he grabbed Amu's hand and dragged them both out of the way. But, the most people weren't after the boxers, they were after them! So he did the only thing her could do, he brought them on a tree.

The mob of people, who didn't notice Amu's and Ikuto's disappearance, kept running towards the other direction.

What fools.

Amu, who been in shock the whole time, glared at Ikuto.

"Why did you bring us on top of a tree?" She asked, obviously annoyed with the fact that her victory moment was over.

"You really wanted to get crushed by a mob of crazy people?" He asked, teasingly. Amu thought for a moment and mutually sighed in defeat.

"I still win, right?" she asked, although her question seemed more like a statement. She yearned for him to tell her that she had won it, to feel a full sense of fulfillment. Ikuto sighed and gave her a smile.

"Yes, that means I won! I won our bet! I am the winner." She paraded too the world. Ikuto sweat dropped.

"Of course, just don't tell anyone, okay? And also no gloating or I'll be even more pissed-" he was cut off by Amu, kissing him.

Amu was no longer thinking. She had started moving those pale pink lips and he couldn't help but to feel them, taste them, and everything in between. Her lips were cold, soft, and responsive, while Ikuto's mouth was hot and demanding. The kiss was long, sweet and passionate. Both have really been looking forward to it.

Ikuto wrapped his arms around Amu's tin waist, pulling them closer. There body heat was increasing, but neither of them minded. When they pulled back, the same look was in the others' eyes. They loved each other without saying it.

Meanwhile, the remaining guardians plus Kukai and Utau were hanging by the lake. Kukai examined the lake, looking for any sign of Amu being thrown inside. He found none.

Ikuto lost, darn it. That meant he lost. Stupid Nagi, betting on Ikuto losing. He heard Nagi laughing quietly behind him. He dug into his pocket and held out a ten dollar bill between his index and middle finger. Nagi grabbed it, still chuckling. Kukai sighed, he'd never hear the end of this one. He was never betting with Nagi again unless he knew he'd win.

Nagi gave winked at Rima, while he placed the bill inside his pocket.

"Oh, I am definitely going to kill that Ikuto. He owes me ten bucks, after this. Seriously, what kind of man looses a bet to a girl? He is so going to literally pay for this-" he continued his speech.

Kukai, being a year older than the guardian, has certainly grown smarter and more mature. But unfortunately, he was still unaware that he was being very, very annoying to the others around him.

Like for example, Rina had a visible throbbing vein n the side of her temple; while Nagi was standing beside her trying to calm her down. Tadase had long left with a sheepish grin; while Yaya had just walked away, mumbling about how annoying he could be.

Utau pressed her fingers onto the railings, her eyebrows burrowed as she thought of a solution.

A solution presented itself, but she was hesitant about using it. After all, they weren't officially dating, and it might be seen as improper. It was only when Kukai decided to repeat his speech that she decided to throw caution into the wind.

Since he had momentarily stopped to breath, she didn't have to wait. She just leaned over and kissed him on the lips, shocking him into silence. It was a light kiss, and she didn't linger, instead breaking it after a few moments and returning to her ramen, blushing as she felt her astonished companions' eyes on her.

"Utau," Rima spoke first, "did you just, kiss Nagi? Not trusting her mouth, Utau nodded shyly.

Both girls started to giggle and high five each other. At that moment, Nagi realized something wrong.

"Souma-kun? Wake up." Nagi snapped his fingers at the brunet. But he didn't move, instead he fell flat on the ground.

"He's out cold." Rima proclaimed, as she gently shook his shoulder. Nagi, decided to test Kukai once again. He dipped his hand into the ice cold lake water and gently scooped a handful and motioned the girls too back away. Once they were far enough, he splashed that water all over Kukai's face.

And he didn't even flinch.

"Does that mean the party is over?" Utau asked, nervously tugging her skirt.

"Looks like it, but you have to help us bring him back to his apartment." Rima said.

"Sure, why not."

With a nod of approval from Nagi, Rima grabbed one of Kukai's arms and hoisted it over her shoulder, while Nagi grabbed the other one. Together they began the task of dragging him back to his apartment, Utau following somewhat uncertainly behind them.

From a far, Amu and Ikuto watched them with amused expressions on their faces. The boxers were still currently being fuzzed about, with that fangirls and fanboys.

"Who knew that Utau would gain enough confidence to make the first move?" Amu asked, holding a laugh back.

"She's a Tsukiyomi, what do you expect? We lead everything." Ikuto said proudly.

"Really now? You have been flirting with me for nearly five years and I still made the first move." Before Ikuto could react, Amu kissed him swiftly, right on the mouth. When she withdrew her face she giggled.

"Maybe only female Tsukiyomis who make the first moves."

"You're right," he smirked, and then added, " Considering you will be one in a few years."


Little did they know, I few years would come by quicker then they thought.


Finally, I am done:D. This is the longest chapter I have written. I hope you enjoyed reading it even though it's not perfect. Remember-


So reviews are still accepted. I am dedicating the next chapter to EVERYONE who has reviewed at least twice, so please review :) you know you want to.

I might also start a sequel, depends on you though.

To all those who wanted Ikuto to win, I am sorry but I still wish you enjoyed this chapter.

Please also check out my other oneshot: At the End of the Day. And please review it too, please.

And I you are bored here's my devientart account and comment

http "yaaay-b-random"

Thank you to all those who have read this, I LOVE YOU ALL!