This is my first Mighty Boosh fic. Hooray! I love the series, even though it's short, and have tried to mix Booshy humor in with the suspenseful adventure (if you can call it that). I sincerely hope you all enjoy reading this.

Disclaimer: I don not own The Mighty Boosh. If I did, I would pay Noel in candy and kisses and Julian in squishy hugs. x3


He was gone.

It was a bright, sunny morning in Dolston, a rare occasion and a welcomed one at that. Howard Moon awoke early to start his day, checking on his best friend, Vince Noir, or as Howard liked to call him, The Sleeping Prince, as he stood to make his way to the bathroom. He did a double take, noticing said friend's absence from his bed. He must be using the toilet; it was the only logical explanation. He walked slowly so as not to cause the floorboards creak and wake up his flat mates. The door to the bathroom was closed. 'Aha. There you are,' he thought triumphantly. But after five minutes passed without a sound, Howard started to worry. He wrapped on the door lightly. "Vince?"

No answer.

Howard became even more worried. He wrapped harder, speaking up. "Vince, are you alright in there?" After hearing nothing in return, he couldn't take it anymore; he took hold of the knob and turned, opening the door carefully. The lights were off and Vince was nowhere to be seen. He walked in the room. "Vince, if you're trying to scare me it's not gonna work!" he spoke, quite unconvincingly. He was scared and it was obvious from his voice. There was a creak behind him and he turned, expecting to see Vince under a sequined sheet with holes in it for eyes, making spooky noises. What he saw was an irritated looking Naboo.

"What's going on? We're trying to sleep," he quipped.

"Vince is gone," he stated.

"Gone? You've checked the other rooms, downstairs?"

Howard floundered. "Well, no… But he never gets up before noon unless it's to use the toilet."

"Check everywhere before you begin to panic. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack," he said, turning to walk back to his room.

Alone again, Howard began to look for Vince. He checked all the rooms in the upstairs and even went to check the shop to see, if by some miracle, he was setting up shop early. Again, no Vince. Finally it became too much and he rushed up to Naboo's room. "Naboo, help!"

"For the love of the moon, what now?"

"Vince is gone!"

"Yeah, we've been over this. Check everywhere."

He was about to shut the door in Howard's face when the troubled man blocked it with his body. "I did," he stated desperately. "I checked upstairs and down!"

Naboo's brow furrowed. "Did you call his mobile phone?"

Howard's eyes lit up like a bulb was going off in his mind. He pulled out his mobile and pressed speed dial 1. At the other end, all that could be heard was an incessant beeping of a dead line. He looked up at Naboo, scared. "Nothing."

"Alright, let's call our friends, maybe he went off with one of them."

"But he wouldn't go of without telling me," Howard protested.

"Oh, really? What about the time he left the flat and came back the next evening with love bites on his ankles? Or the time he took my carpet out for a joy ride and came home with two drunk women, a bloke, and a penguin?"

"That…that was different."

Naboo simply rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen counter to retrieve his address book.

Three hours later, it was 9 a.m. and the people they'd called hadn't been of any help. None had seen head or tail of Vince since the days prior. Now Naboo was starting to worry as well and Bollo was wandering around the flat, looking for his beloved friend.

Where could he have gone? He couldn't have gotten far; he didn't even have a driver's license. Naboo, having decided they'd waited long enough, left on his magic carpet while Howard drove around the area and Bollo waited home in case Vince came back. It was a long and desperate search. By the afternoon, the others were extremely worried and Howard was panicked. Not knowing what else to do, the "man of action" drove to the last place he thought Vince would be: The Forest of Death.


Getting out of the van, Howard began the long task of searching through the forest. He looked in bushes, the nooks of tress, even through the reeds in various ponds, lakes, and rivers. By the end of three hours, he was tired, hungry, and in desperate need of a bath. But more than that, he was worried; worried he wouldn't find Vince and that the electro boy would have to spend the night shivering in the forest or some decrepit alleyway, alone. Howard knew Vince would be scared, and the thought of his little friend, cowering, terrified without him, encouraged the older man to continue his search. It wasn't until half an hour later that he came upon someone he thought could help. That someone was Bryan Ferry, who came charging at him whilst he was staring at a gecko. The tuxedoed wild man took him down easily and shouted at him to release his reptilian friend.

"I haven't got him!" Howard shouted back in his defense.

"You expect me to believe that?" Bryan asked. "I saw you staring at Gary, you pervert!"

"Gary?" He looked at the little spotted gecko, who waved. "What a curious little creature…" he said, spacing out for a bit before shaking his head rapidly. "That's beside the point! Where's Vince?!"

"Vince?" Bryan Ferry seemed to calm down at the sound of his surrogate son's name. "How should I know? Last we spoke, he was looking for his sloth friend on the outskirts of the forest."

Howard sighed exasperatedly. "That's me."

The wild man looked at my face more carefully. "Slothy!" he cried cheerfully, hopping off of Howard and offering him his hand, which the tweed man gladly took. "What are you doing out here on your own? And what was it you were saying about Vince?"

"He's missing," Howard explained. "I thought he might be here, but I guess not." He sighed and turned to walk in what he assumed was the way out of the forest.

"Vince was here."

Howard turned around quickly. "He was? Where?"

"Some strange winged beings dragged him off. I tried to stop them, but it was two against one and they were powerful. They knocked me out, and when I came to, Vince was gone."

Howards hopes deflated and his worry increased. "Which way did they go?"

"There, towards the ruins." Bryan said, pointing upwards.

A huge mountain with stone buildings could be seen from where they stood. Even at a distance, Howard could tell these ruins were quite large: he'd need help getting there. He pulled out his mobile and pressed speed dial 2. It rung a few times before Naboo answered. "Hello?"

"Naboo! I need your help."

"Have you found Vince?"

"No, but I know the direction he went. It would take me too long to go by foot; I need your carpet. I'm in the Forest of Death."

"Alright, I'll be right there."

There was a small click and the line cut off.

"It's my fault," the normally cheerful wild man said sadly. "If I were stronger, I could have gotten him back."

Howard placed a hand firmly on Bryan Ferry's shoulder. "It's not your fault. You said yourself those beings are powerful. I doubt you could have done anything to stop them. But we will get Vince back, I'll make sure of it."

Bryan's robust smile came back full force. "You're a good man, Slothy. I can see why Vince likes you so much."

Howard blushed at the compliment.

An hour later, Naboo came flying down on his magic carpet, Bollo riding behind him.

"Hop on, you two," he said, signaling for them to get on.

Howard and Bryan both climbed aboard, the wild man sitting next to Bollo with an intrigued smile and Howard placing himself next to Naboo. They took off and flew towards the mountains, following Bryan's directions. As Howard had known, the ruins were huge. Many stone buildings, centered around what looked to be a temple. They landed and stepped off the carpet. Naboo rolled it up tight and instructed Bollo to carry it in case it was needed again. The tiny shaman took out a blue and gold lighter and lit it, leading the way into the dark temple. I was cold and damp, and water dripped from the ceiling. Vines covered the walls, ceiling and parts of the floor, making it hard to navigate without tripping. As they ventured deeper into the cave-like structure, Bollo began to shift uneasily. "I got a bad feeling about this…"

Within minutes, the small group was standing in a large room with a stone alter and a huge stone archway. Within the archway, a bright blue vortex swirled. They all gaped in amazement at the sight. Naboo looked around the room, looking for some sort of clue. In front of the archway he saw a large white feather with a black tip. He picked it up to inspect it.

"This is where I first found Vince," Bryan whispered.

The shaman snapped his head to look at him. "What?"

"I found him here years ago, when he was just a boy. He was crouched down behind this alter, wearing strange, silvery clothing. There was a small pile of feathers, like that," he pointed at the one in Naboo's hand, "only smaller, gathered around his feet. He seemed so lost, so scared; I couldn't help but take him with me."

Naboo's brow furrowed as he looked back towards the portal. He seemed to be weighing options in his mind. After a few moments of silence, Howard stepped forward.

"We have to go after him," he said, voice full of certainty.

The others nodded and Howard straightened up, taking the lead as they walked through the light. Naboo sighed and muttered, "Now I've got a bad feeling," as he followed them into the portal.


There's chapter one. It's not very long, but I hope you all liked it.

Now I have to ask, should the following chapters contain Vince's whole childhood, or should I make that into another story and only delve briefly into his past for this one? Tell me in a review or private message. Thanks for reading.