Okay so this was written last week before I even knew how TCT was going to end, I was pressured into writing a sequel lol, but I wanted to anyway because I just couldn't end the fighting in TCT, but this will make it all better I hope. And Tomatoes, I'll try to fit a little of what you want in the following chapter…enjoy all!

"Alex are you SURE you don't want to head off to dinner with us"

"Yes mom, I'm a hundred percent sure I don't want to have the same Friday dinner with you dad and the boys, until the owner has to tell us to leave for being too loud, I'm good here, you have fun though, see you in thirty I bet," I was laying against my bookshelf in the corner of my room, its cherry red wood getting polished by my silky hair, I was on the floor for one purpose and that was to hide the spell books from Justin. Just because I lost my powers, well I technically gave them up, doesn't mean I still can't play jokes on them every now and then.

"Well, fine, we're taking Connie with us this Friday as well," she spoke as if I cared. I nodded before standing to my feet, I was in my boy shorts and a long t-shirt, I mean who wants to do anything after a long week of school? I'm not doing anything because doing nothing is the hardest work there is because there can always be something to do and you have to force yourself not to do it.

"Mitchie isn't going this Friday either," my mom pressed her shoulder against the archway staring at me, I knew she wanted to see my reaction, but what was I suppose to do, freak out because she mentioned my ex's name? I think not. I turned away from her, pulling teddy bears off my bookshelf and replacing them one by one with books.

"Well Mitchie will be staying here with you until we come back"

"WHAT!" I'm pretty sure whoever remained in the house, or whoever just entered, Mitchie, heard my voice.

"Alex calm down its just for a few hours"

"Mom you can't do this to me"

"I'm not doing anything to you, Connie doesn't want Mitchie at home alone….. and I agree, the two of you can keep each other company"

"Oh sure what fun," I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms, my mom smiled before staring out the door.

"Alex, just please, talk to the girl, entertain her, she'll be your guest until then"

"Sorry but guests are invites only, thank you, come again," I crawled onto my bed as my mom dug into her purse. I watched as she pulled out a small amount of money.

"Order pizza, and you can keep the rest….BUT, you have to stay downstairs with Mitchie," she held the money out in front of her for a few seconds as I made my way towards her.

'Fine, but I'm not going to like it, but for you, and just for right now, I'll talk to her"

"That's all I ask," my mom ran her fingers through my hair quickly, kissed my forehead and made her way down the spiral steps leaving me standing at the top of them pondering on what to do next. Mitchie and I haven't been together in four months, we haven't really been as close in that time either, and for the past few days I've been feeling guilty about avoiding her. I ignore the way I look and make my way one step at a time onto the first floor. Mitchie is propped up in one of our bar stools, pushing herself from one side to the next as my mom hand her something, I hear paper crinkle and watch as she slides something slowly into her mouth. Whoa, anyway. I make my presence on the floor known by flicking on the television and sitting on the couch in front of it. I hear my mom's shoes clack before she hands me the telephone.

"Okay girls, I'm leaving, be back soon," and with that she was out the door and my heart was racing. I ignored the sudden overwhelming feeling that ran through me and changed the channels a few times before a gust of wind picked up the hairs on the back of my neck, and I slowly turned to face Mitchie. She had her eyes on me, she didn't turn away when I stared at her.

"Problem?" I ask a bit harshly as she shook her head "no" and goes back to what she was doing. I never wanted to hurt her, but she was the one who ripped me apart in this breakup, and now that I was finally over the first stage, which there were a hundred of, she came back and knocked me down to one of the lowest levels. I went back to my fake programming, it was to stall, so I could see what she was doing but that was an entire failed mission, because I couldn't see the kitchen from where the couch was unless I faced her.

"I'm hungry can you order the pizza?" her first words to me in a very long time. I roll my eyes, but of course she can't see me do so because of the way I'm facing, I just kick my feet onto the coffee table and grab the gross walnuts I hate and begin popping them into my mouth.

"You order it, I'm eating whatever these are called," I snicker a bit, the aroma of the walnuts seeping through my nose, I hated it, but I was in a battle against Mitchie.

"Fine, I'll call, do you want the usual?"

"Don't act as if you know me," I snapped at her, a sigh echoing behind me.

"So are you even going to eat?"

"That's a stupid question"

"Alex yes or no?"

"Does it matter?" I liked being stubborn, it was her fault anyway.

"Fine," I heard her move out of the chair, the steel scrapping against the floor before her soft steps pounded against my ears. She was now in front of the television before she took refuge in the empty cushion next to me. "I'll order and give you the usual," she ran her fingers through her medium length hair, letting it slide through her fingers and back down towards her shoulders passing it by a few inches. I continued to eat the walnuts as she began reaching towards me. I cupped the bowl in my hand as just the thought of her fingers landing against my skin sent chills up my spine.

"What are you doing?" I shook out as she pulled back.

"Getting the phone," she smiled proudly holding up the object before laying against the couch. She was touching my arm, what gave her the right to touch me after what she did? I turned to her as she made the order of two small pizzas one with extra mushrooms and one with extra sausages and pepperoni. I watched as her lips curved into perfect shapes, words flowing out amazingly playing a rhythm. I didn't snap out of it until she hung up the phone and stared into my eyes. I swear if we weren't apart I would have been pushed her down on this couch doing things I know I shouldn't be doing in my parents living room.

"You hate walnuts," she told me staring into the bowl before slapping my hand and taking it. I didn't know what to say, was I suppose to yell at her for hitting me?

"I use to, but there are a lot of things about me that I like now which I didn't like before," I retrieved the bowl and dug my hand deep into the thing, taking a fistful before popping a few into my mouth, and I guess I was getting use to the smell and taste because they weren't really making me gag anymore.

"Really, I doubt this is one of them," she hit me again removing the bowl before placing it on the floor next to her. Now was I suppose to yell? Now was I suppose to say something back? Then she took the remote from my hand and began changing the channel before stopping on a show we used to watch together.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Watching television"

"Mitchie you can't just come in here…," I fell onto her lap, sliding my hand under her leg, grabbing the walnuts one last time before pulling up, "and tell me what to do, and you WILL NOT be changing MY t.v.," I quickly snatched the remote from her hand and pushed myself away from her towards the other end of the couch. That brief moment of pushing away from her made my heart tighten, my arm was now cold and burning a bit from what use to be a sweet warm touch.

"Oh I'm sorry, but striking up a conversation with you has become hopeless," she faced me, one leg under her and the other one hanging down onto the floor, her fingers pulling at the ends of her short skirt.

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Because you said there is nothing to talk about?"

"No because I really don't care what you have to say"


"DON'T," I would have went back and forth with her all day but once she said my name so sweetly I couldn't let her continue just because hearing my name like that made me feel weak.

"I just wanted to ask why you don't want talk to me, we haven't spoke in forever and that's your fault"

"My fault is it? Who was the one who broke up with who Mitchie?" I shook my head, I couldn't eat the things in my hand anymore, so I just held them in my lap as she rose her eyebrow.

"This isn't about us having a relationship, I thought we were still friends, and that we'd always be friends"

"I don't want to talk anymore"


"STOP SAYING MY NAME!" I demanded before she bit her bottom lip and crossed her arms. I could see something in her spark but I didn't know what it was.

"You're impossible you know that? Why can't you just act like a responsible person and talk to me. I told you my reasons for ending our relationship, I couldn't do it, the stress was killing me"

"Yeah, well us being apart is killing me," I couldn't believe I just said that. She closed her eyes before turning away. The house echoed with the words we recently exchanged, and when she refaced me I saw the tears that sat in her eyes.

"It was for the best…. for both of us"

"Says you. I wasn't asked once about anything and you didn't even give me a chance to answer or say anything you ended it the way you wanted to, so I'm ending this conversation right now, the way I want to" I stood up from where I was and walked towards the spiral steps.

"Alex come on please just talk to me,"

"There is nothing that I want to talk to you about," I made my way up the steps and back into my room, slamming my door and falling against my bed, I couldn't even make it onto the mattress, I fell into tears that never wanted to stop.


I was against my bed, my face washed and tears getting pushed back down to where they belonged. Mitchie was still downstairs, she hadn't said anything to me since our conversation ten minutes ago. I was laying against the foot end of my bed, my arms crossed and me scowling at no one in particular. I heard a knock and I didn't say anything I knew it was Mitchie, unless my mom and dad broke their own record for getting tossed out of a restaurant from twenty minutes to ten.

"The pizza is here," Mitchie spoke through the door, I rolled my eyes and began moving my feet in a tapping motion but she still came in. I stared at her as she carried everything in my room and sat it next to me, her stuff included. I didn't let my eyes leave her. "I really want to talk"

"And I don't"

"We're going to talk Alex"

"Oh really, well because you said we were going to talk," she moved away from the pizza and crawled into my lap, she sat against me, staring into my eyes. I didn't know what to do, I was burning all over, my legs and everything in between killing me right now and yet I was highly pissed.

"Please Alex….Please," I swallowed hard at her words before I pulled my hands from their place crossed around me and held onto Mitchie's waist, pushing the girl off of me slowly as she sat on the hardwood floor.

"Okay, fine, talk," I said quickly, not giving her time to put words between them.

"Its been four months since we took a break from our relationship and.."

"A break? I clearly remember you saying "I can't do this anymore Alex, none of it, its tearing me apart and I can't do it, I just can't" and then you walked away leaving me confused, hurt and broken," I watched as she nodded.

"And I'm sorry, but every time I wanted to talk about it you've pushed me away and I don't remember saying all of that but you've been pushing me away just like downstairs,"

"Because what am I suppose to do Mitchie? You hurt me, and I don't work well with not getting what I want"

"Alex I never once said that we couldn't be together, not once, I just couldn't stand everything that was happening, the thing with my mom and dad, hurting you, I just..I couldn't do it anymore"

"So instead of hurting me once, you felt like months should make me numb right?" I pulled my pizza from its tray and began picking at the mushrooms.

"You know that's not true"

"Do I? Because the last time I checked I'm still the girl hurting here," I shoved a mushroom into my mouth as Mitchie placed her hand on my thigh, letting her fingers lay against tender spots. I tensed up as I stared at her.

"I never meant to hurt you Alex, and who say's I'm not hurting, but I had to let things get better…. you know, for the both of us"

"Well nothing is getting better, things still hurt, and there is a lot I still don't understand and I don't think I ever will," I removed her hand from my leg by shaking and pushing away, I was barley listening to her anyway.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as I watched her move around the floor. I was done talking, I didn't want to talk anymore.

"I am too," that was the last thing I said before I laid on my bed and closed my eyes, I could hear her breathing, it wasn't loud but I heard it. She tapped the pizza box a few times before I listened to her move. The bed caved in at the bottom so I sat up to stare at her, she was standing up and getting her things before walking out. I didn't stop her, I didn't have to, I re-closed my eyes and took a deep breath, life should NEVER be this complicated.


I awoke to the sun beaming in my face, warming my cheeks and caressing my stomach. I reached for my phone but I guess I didn't notice I was at the edge of the bed because I rolled off onto the floor and landed on my arm.

"AHHHH," I screamed hoping up rubbing my skin like a mad woman as my mom and Max ran into my room, I guess I slept with my door open because it wasn't locked, nor did I hear anything turn.

"Alex what's wrong?" my mom asked reaching for me as I pulled away, finally fully aware of everything.

"Nothing, I fell onto the floor"

"Psh, like that's something new," Max laughed before walking back into the hall and out of sight.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah mom I'm fine, just a little bruised…or a lot of bruised," I cried out as my mom examined me before giving me the okay.

"Mitchie told me you girls didn't do anything but argue last night"

"Ugh…mmmoooommm," I whined as if I was a three year old.

"Alex why can't you just talk to the girl"

"I did talk to her and I'm done talking"

"Maybe you should have told her how you feel"

"Mom I already told her I was hurt…and broken, what more do you want me to say?"

"Alex you still love her, just stop being stubborn and talk to her"

"Why? Really mom what's the point in any of it?"

"You don't mean that"

"Yes…yes I do. I talk. She listens and nothing gets resolved, it's a long irritating process," I walk over to my closet and begin pushing clothes aside, searching for anything to wear.

"I'll invite her over today then, it'll give you girls more time to talk in a confined area, I'll be here and so will your dad, you can be sure no arguing will happen and something will get resolved, feelings, attitudes towards one another…"

"Mom don't get involved, this has nothing to do with you"

"You're a part of me Alex so it has a lot to do with me"

"Mom stay out of it, the more you and everyone else try to force us to talk the further all of you are pushing us away"

"You listen to me Alexis Marie Russo" my mom closed my room door as I turned to her with two shirts in my grip. "You two girls have defied many odds and I will not have either one of you breaking up because of something so stupid, her father is out of the picture, she did that for you, and now I want you to do something for her"

"Mom I'm telling you.." I began raising my voice.

"You WILL talk to her, end of discussion"

"You can't make me, I'll leave right now mom, I will"

"And go where Alex?"

"It doesn't matter"

"Are you afraid of getting things resolved"

"Oh god," I felt tears coming to my eyes I stared into my closet, " mom you have no idea how I feel. I love Mitchie, I do and I always will, but what she did to me…..she hurt me sooo bad, and I just can't talk about it…its not the kind of girl I am, Mitchie knows that and you and everyone else will just have to accept it, she had no right to break me like she did..," I took a quick breath before closing myself in my closet, pulling the shirts I just had up to my face and letting tears fall fast. My mom twisted the knob and I don't know why someone placed a lock on the inside of a closet, but I thanked them for doing so.


After my little episode in the closet I went to school, it was one of the last days of class so I took my time getting there. No one was outside and I came to accept that, I always ran late to school. Mr. Laritate was waiting for me at his usual spot, I waved to him and he lead me to his office.

"One of these days Miss. Russo," he began. I hated his rants, some days I could get out of them and on others he'd stop talking before he even got to the point.

"Excuse me, Mr. Laritate," a voice that I've came to know so well, the voice I hated and wish didn't exist anymore rung high in the office.

"Yes Claire," he asked as she waved a flyer in the air and he clapped his hands. "Oh goodie, Alex stay put buckaroo, " and with that he followed the girl to wherever she was heading. I sighed, turning towards the large windows and watching birds fly down to the garden. The bell rung for passing period before the next class would begin. I kindly excused myself from the office and went to my locker. God how I wish I had Harper right now, she was the greatest best friend in the entire world, she's the most unusual person that has ever existed but I loved her for it. I open my steel door and reveal a few sheets of paper, one book and a closed twinkie, I smile and wonder how I ever made it this far in school, oh yes my charm, I laugh and pull the twinkie from its place, remove the wrapped and began picking at the yellow coating before I spotted Mitchie shifting through the crowd.

I can't take my eyes off of her, she's in a blue-jean jacket and skirt with a red top, her boots are jet black to her knees and her books are stacked in her hand. She passes by a few students with ease until one guy knocks into her pretty hard and she falls forward, catching herself, but her books hit the floor with a crash, papers spreading out and people walking around her. I ran over, bent down to grab a few things as Mitchie pulled up the others. The boy, whoever he was didn't even look back.

"Thank you so much, I was going to lose it if I…," she saw that it was me helping her, a smile, small and faint came to her lips as we both stood. "Thanks Alex," her smile grew, her lips still creating perfect shapes as I walked with her to her locker. "Twinkie day huh?" she asked giggling. I didn't say anything I just helped her set her books next to my locker before helping her open hers.

"Why do you have all of this stuff?"

"Oh, I decided to help with the yearbook, we only have a week left so I was like why not, you know," her bang shifted awkwardly as she moved before I nodded. She placed everything in its place one by one and when she was on the last book I grabbed her wrist, she slowly faced me confused as I walked into her. My heart was pounding hard and if I wasn't thinking at that moment I would have just placed my lips on hers and pray that everything would work out alright, but I wasn't going to do that.

"My mom said she's going to call you and ask for you to come over, tell her you can't," it didn't come out as a demand, I was pretty low key on telling Mitchie that.

"But what if I do want to come over?"

"Don't, I have to do homework and well, I can't have you dressed like that when I'm doing things," I moved away from the girl as she smiled. "Don't get any thoughts, I'm still pissed at you," I turned away and began walking towards my next class leaving Mitchie to whatever she was doing.

Oh so I think I'll give a little flashback about what happened that made Alex devastated and things like that but I haven't decided yet. Anyway hopefully another chapter is up soon before I do my homework, and woo Selena is doing a web chat tomorrow, I'm going to be there, as always.