Title: Truth

Author: Ryuuto

Series: Hetalia

Characters: America, England, Prussia, France, Russia

Pairings: America/England, RussiAmerica, FrUS, PrussiAmerica

Rating: K

Warnings: BL, usage of human names, fluff, drabble

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Summary: Four simple truths about America. Number 34 of my 100 Themes Challenge.

1. He was proud of America.

It was only on calm, clear, beautiful nights that Arthur took a moment to reflect on Alfred's upbringing. Despite their heated arguments, despite how often the Brit called him an idiot, Arthur had to admit that he was proud of the man Alfred had become. The potential the American had, the confidence that made his movements graceful and fluid, the natural way he captured everyone's attention, how infernally contagious his 100-watt smile could be; all of it made Arthur proud of the American. He also admitted to being attracted to the young nation, but could anyone blame him? It was a shame, really, that Arthur could never seem to bring himself to admit such truths to Alfred.

2. America was beautiful.

Francis made it a point to be up in time to watch the sunrise, no matter what. He would sit on the eastern balcony of his home, enjoying a lovely French breakfast and a glass of wine, content in the quiet simplicity of the morning. His indigo eyes would glaze over, his thoughts straying over to a certain loud-mouthed blond. He couldn't help but compare Alfred to the sun, so beautiful and hot and just as far out of reach. It wasn't just the American's body that was beautiful, but his personality and smiles made everything brighter, made insignificant things stand out like no other. Francis smiled and lifted his wine glass to toast the simple truth that Alfred was truly a beautiful man.

3. He was a person to be treasured.

Ivan always ate his lunch at noon alone. He would sit as close to the window as he could without it being a bother, simply watching the swirling snow of his cold land. His thoughts would constantly wander into the past, to a time when he and Alfred had been close, and so very much in love. Ivan truly missed those days and wished, with a passion so strong it could have melted the entirety of the frozen wastelands of Russia, that he could have those beautiful, sun-filled days back. He smiled, but it was not the usual, coldly innocent and distant smile that was a constant upon his face. No, it was a soft, sad smile that upturned the Russian's pale lips. He would go through Hell and back in chains to at least be that beloved brother, friend, comrade to Alfred again. Truly, the American was a man to be treasured, for he brought sunshine wherever he went.

4. America was wild and untamable.

No matter what he was doing, Gilbert would stop and turn to the west, gazing at the setting sun. The cockiness would fade from his being, his ruby eyes intense with thought. Gilbert's mind always seemed to wander to the far west, to the place where a reckless, spirited American lived. He clearly remembered the power subtly displayed in Alfred's gait, the passion in that loud, commanding voice, and, most importantly, the wild, untamable, free spirit in Alfred's blue eyes. In those aspects, Gilbert mused, Alfred hadn't changed a bit since he had met the boy during the American Revolution. He saw and recognized the Nation's strong will, causing the Prussian to unwittingly respect the American. Yet, Gilbert also knew he felt more than just respect for Alfred, but he ignored those feelings for the moment. Instead, the Prussian grinned at the simple truth: Alfred was a pretty awesome guy.