Hello, and greetings. All we will say before you begin is that this story is rated M for a reason. There are dark themes and situations that are definitely not for everyone, and if you feel uncomfortable at any time, you should go. Our vision of Sylar and Claire is not necessarily a pretty one, but its one that is right for them.
Mel and Chuck.
May 2011
"I enjoy watching you try not to rise to my bait. Even more so when you know I'd love to hear you scream," he murmured as he forced me to cut myself again with my own knife. If I were a normal person, my arms would be ravaged by long cuts. But the days when I wished for normalcy were long gone. Now my only wish was for Sylar to die at my hands.
It seemed like it might never happen.
"Oh Claire," he whispered right in my ear as he directed my hand to set the knife on the floor and kick it away from me, "I really do think we're going to get along. I know you disagree. But I can be patient."
With a sure smile, he caressed my face and turned to sit back on the couch. I had no doubt he could wait forever until he got what he wanted, but I wasn't going to change my mind, and I sure as hell wasn't going to make anything easy for him.
"I'm going to kill you." I ground out the words through my clenched teeth, "You bastard."
"Tsk, tsk. Language, Claire. What would Daddy think? Or Mommy?" He smirked as he touched on my sore spot.
"Don't talk about my family to me. Don't you ever mention them again," I whispered fiercely. I tried to blink back my tears, but my eyelids were in his thrall. Instead, he allowed my eyes to overflow, watching me with the patient forbearance of an indulgent parent.
"Shh. You'll forgive me for that someday," he told me as he watched me cry, trapped in my own body. With a flick of his fingers I was forced to sit on the couch, uncomfortably close to him.
He put an arm around me, just as casual as can be. His other hand moved in front of my face, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I wanted so badly to reach out and break his arm.
"Hush now," his voice a warm hum, vibrating through me, "Sleep."
And I did.