DISCLAIMER: I don't own kamen rider or Negima. Thank you and enjoy.


It was always quiet at library island. It was the biggest treasure trove of books in Mahora campus but nobody ever seemed to visit the remote place in favor of the closer ones, unless the required material was extremely rare. Miyazaki Nodoka thought to herself that the quiet was very peaceful and that she could enjoy the vast collection held within the infinite shelves of the building without restriction. Being a librarian there was very rewarding in its own way. One thing she always found odd was the other librarian. She saw him a lot during her shifts. As far as her knowledge extended, only members of the library exploration club were allowed to be librarians there but the other one who was always keeping her company didn't seem in anyway familiar. She knew most if not all of the members by face after all.

The other librarian was a boy. He could have been an assigned keeper from one of the other schools since the island was not exclusive to Mahora all girl's school. The blue-haired librarian had once asked her senpai for information on who he was, but all she ever got was his name. Kadoya Tsukasa was his name, two years older than she was as he had just entered his second year of high school. Nodoka noted his interaction with people around him was very little, if at all the bare minimum. She had also interacted with him before as well but only in their capacity as fellow librarians. His speech was always formal to the point of patronizing. She remembered some of the senpai calling him a creep, that must have been the reason.

Nodoka couldn't quite put it into words, but she felt that there was something else in that tone of his. "Maybe he's a bit lonely?", she mused one Friday afternoon. Her shift at the library was almost done anyway. With that thought in mind, she approached the quiet boy in his place at a librarian's desk adjacent to her own.

"How may I help you Miyazaki-san?", he snapped up from the leather bound booklet within his hands. Nodoka was surprised by his perception. The air of arrogance around him never ceased to amaze her. Even if there was nothing to be arrogant about, he seemed to exude a natural sense of pride in his existence over all others.

"Uh…", Nodoka felt a bit unsure about her plan of action now at his abrupt interception. She was naturally shy and whatever confidence she built up for her to initiate contact with this young man were slowly waning. "I…um… was wondering… i-if… uh…", she stuttered.

Tsukasa sighed as he placed his book to the side. He folded his hands together in order to get comfortable in this odd confrontation of sorts. "I'm sorry but I am busy with certain matters.", he replied the question that was never asked.

"Huh?", Nodoka bumbled.

Tsukasa raised an eyebrow. "I was under the impression that you were going to ask me out right? In that case I would have to kindly refuse you invitation.", he clarified.

"Ah!", the shy librarian threw her hands up in denial. "No, I didn't mean to ask you out—well I kind of did but… Oh!", the girl fumbled about. She felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment, she couldn't even look at him. When she found the courage to take a peek, she saw him watching her patiently. He was giving her space? No, she doubted it. The small smirk that were forming at the corners of his mouth betrayed his amusement and fueled her embarrassed state further. She covered her face with her hands.

The look semi-neutral look on Tsukasa's face softened, she was definitely not like the brute that he knew all too well. "I'm sorry, if I came off a bit too mean.", the young man called to the girl. She gave him a curious glance. "Please continue.", he smiled.

Nodoka took a few moments to regain her composure before she spoke once more, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me and my friends for a bit in Mahora town. After our shift.".

The real invitation took Tsukasa a moment to process. "You wish to ask me to join you and your female friends? For a shopping trip?", he asked with delicacy.

"Eh?", Nodoka covered her face with embarrassment. She hadn't thought of it that way. She wanted to apologize for her thoughtlessness but the words that came out were, "How did you know my friends were all female?".

He smiled one of amusement, "I guessed. Your uniform does tell me that you hail from an all-girl's school.".

"Oh!", Nodoka felt oddly unintelligent from overlooking that tidbit. "I guess I should apologize Tsukasa-san.", she quickly covered up. "I tried to ask you without considering you situation or feelings."

Tsukasa looked at the young woman before him with her head down. "It's okay. It's just I have things to attend to. Have fun with your friends", he ushered her off.

"Um… ye-yes", Nodoka went on her way to finish the rest of her shift.

The young man still in his seat took up the book he had placed down before. These days all he had were confessions. It was pretty rare for someone to befriend him. He remembered a time where he was with people who smiled with him and whom he derived joy at their expense. "Friends huh? Thanks Miyazaki-san.".

Nodoka could still feel her heart racing from the nerve fraying act she had just put up. Still, it wouldn't be long till she calmed down. Her personal work station always ensured that. It was stacked high with mountains upon mountains of books. Books she cherished with all her heart.

"Excuse me.", a male voice called with a most suave tone. This made the blue-haired librarian jump in her seat. She was so caught up in her own little world that she forgot about everything else.

"Oh sorry!", Nodoka squeaked. "Can I help you?", she asked him.

"Yes", he smiled. "I'm looking for a book that is related to this treasure of mine.", he placed an oddly designed digital camera on her desk.

"Oh?", Nodoka wondered. She picked up the object and observed it closely, trying to find a clue as to which electronics magazine should she start with. It was reminiscent of the newest models with full touch screen back but the oddest thing was the lack of a battery slot, instead there were side slots that suggested a carrying belt. There was no manufacturer name either. She looked up from her examination of the device, "I'll see what I can—"

The young man had already gone. She knew he was odd. There was something not normal about him. Still, for her to say normal would be ironic, she was a magician now after all. Yes, mage as in the ones who shoot fire balls and such. Accurately speaking, she was a mage-in-training. Still, that man was weird even by her standards. It was not something she could explain, it felt almost like he didn't belong at all.

Nodoka glanced at her clock and realized that it was already the end of her shift. The reliever would come any moment. She quickly made to stuff the camera in her bag but pressed down on one of its edges on accident, popping open the memory slot. A piece of paper came flying out. The timid girl was afraid it might've been important or something so she scrambled for it. With it in her hands, her eyes could not help but being attracted to the smooth printed characters written on it. "A book number?", she thought to herself. It was written in the same system as the cataloging of the explored section of library island. She was tempted to search the book out but another look at her table clock told her she might run late.

Nodoka reached for her bag. She felt the camera in her hands and the scrap of paper mindfully scrunched up in between the cold metal and warm flesh. She walked away from her desk with purposeful steps.

Tsukasa's shift from the library had just ended. A leisurely stroll towards his dorm room was how Tsukasa usually marked the end of his days and the start of his nights. It cut through the secluded area of Mahora near sakura lane where there had been strange attacks the year prior. In his hands was the same book from awhile ago. It discussed the possibility and mechanics of alternate and parallel worlds.

"Reading up on interdimensional physics?", an elder man's voice taunted at the young man. Tsukasa closed his book, turning around as he released a sigh of frustration. The speaker looked the young man square in the eye, "Decade. No, Tsukasa".

"Narutaki", Tsukasa began his irritated speech. "What the hell are you doing here?", he asked with barely kept calm.

The elder man stepped forward as his trench coat swayed with each movement. His spectacled gaze never left Tsukasa's clear ones. "As you know, the last rider war had devastating effects."

"How could I forget?", the young man grunted.

"Yes, you were the victor after all.", Narutaki frowned at the memory of that event. "Still, you decided to avert the worlds' destruction by destroying yourself instead. A noble gesture.", the elder man began to walk past Tsukasa. "For that I must humbly thank you.", he barely mumbled. "Still! ", he stepped away, "There is another threat. Somehow in the stream of the dimensional continuum another decade was created, one who supports dai-shocker and the amalgamation of the worlds.".

"And what does all this have to do with me?", Tsukasa questioned.

"That man will travel through the worlds and destroy everything he comes in contact with, much like you did in the past. He will cause another amalgamation and everything will end. This world upon which you exist now will become nothing.", Narutaki explained.

Tsukasa gripped his book hardly in his hand. "So you want me to fight? You're off your rocker.", the young man challenged. "The decade belt and the ride-booker, everything was destroyed as I was. I no longer have the power to fight dai-shocker or this new decade.".

Narutaki smiled, "Do not worry Kadoya Tsukasa. Preparations have already been made. As we speak, the one holding your new power must be being assaulted by one of the new decade's henchmen as we speak.".

"You dirty—"

Tsukasa took a threatening step forward but Narutaki matched him, pushing against the younger man's shoulder. "You best be going. If you survive long enough, I will tell you of how you came to be in this world.".

The young man's eyes widened. The man knew something he didn't. The only reason he was studying paranormal dimension theories was to solve that very riddle. He was about to ask another question but was cut off as a barrier that took the shape of liquid silver engulfed himself and Narutaki. The next moment, the elder of the two had already disappeared.

"Narutaki you bastard.", Tsukasa ran a hand through his short brown hair in annoyance. He stalked away from the park in search of the one holding his new system. He had absolutely no leads on where the holder could be but if that weasel from another dimension was right then all he had to do was follow the screams.

Blue hair dangled over similarly hued irises, appreciating the piece of literature before them. "Nodoka!", a voice had called to the owner of the deep blue eyes.

"What is it Yue-chan?", replied Nodoka.

"If you read any more then they might start to charge you. We're in a bookstore, not a library after all.", reminded the diminutive Yue.

"Ah I forgot", the timid librarian blushed. Her circle of friends that accompanied her were actually only her room mates. Saotome Haruna and Ayase Yue. She had felt the need to buy some new books recently after feeling that the thousandth time of reading midsummer night's dream was one time too many. Her roommates offered to accompany her but Haruna, the ever busy artist, was stuck with a nearing deadline. Right now, it was only the two of them Nodoka and Yue.

Yue tipped her head to the side to get a better view of Nodoka. "You okay? You look somewhat out of it.", Yue asked with concern.

Nodoka immediately raised her arms in front of her like a ward from accusations. "No it's nothing!". Actually, she was still thinking of the object resting at the bottom of her bag and that strange man that handed it to her. She may have been a timid girl but she had to admit, that guy was kind of cute. Her blush deepened at the thought.

"Are you sure you're okay Nodoka?", Yue raised the librarian's long fringe as she touched their foreheads. "You don't seem to be running a fever, though you are kind of warm.".

"Re-really, it's nothing!", Nodoka tried to keep Yue's interrogation about her health at bay. It was then a scream was heard. The two looked out the large store window to find some sort of insectoid monster ripping through the town. It was taking hold of anyone within arm's reach and tossing them into random directions. The people were in a panic.

The two girls nodded in agreement as they ran out with training wands that both kept in hiding. "Practe Bigi Nari! Ardescat!", Nodoka called out. It was the basic flame spell but the mage in training had already called upon it enough times that her proficiency made it into a huge spray of inferno.

"Foa Zo Cratica Socratica! Fulguris albicanus!", called Yue. A ray of white lightning and violent winds smashed into the monster, sending it smashing into a building while it was distracted by the fire.

The monster walked out from the crumbling remains of the wall it had been magically propelled into. It's skin red from the heat of the attacks. It turned even redder as its body began to increase in temperature.

"What's happening?", Nodoka paniced at the sight.

"I don't know but we have to hit it before it finishes what it's doing. Foa Zo Cratica Socratica! Sagitta Magica Series Lucis!", Yue wailed.

"Practe Bigi Nari! Sagitta Magica Series Lucis!", Nodoka called out as well.

The spells flew right into the monster, blasting much rubble in the radius. Luckily, there were no people nearby to be hurt from the collateral damage after the combined efforts of thirty magical arrows of light. But it didn't seem quite enough though as the monster stood as it had before. It's skin began to melt and peel off. The already grotesque carapace gave way to even more frightening features. Its fore-arms had mandibles that leaked of poison liquid. The face itself had similar features. On it's back were spider legs that moved as another 4 extra pairs of arms. All of it's compound eyes stared at the girls before it called out. Space rippled as multiple green skinned insectoids that looked like cocoons leapt into the battle.

"Kya!", Yue screamed as one of the monsters came from behind and dragged her away.

"Yue-chan!", Nodoka screamed out for her friend. Another worm tried to carry her off as well until the sound of blows being dealt sounded and the claws around her arms felt no more.

"Are you alright Miyazaki-san?", came a familiar voice.

"Kadoya-san?", she spoke in wonder.

"If you're well enough to speak then you're well enough to run. Go!", he commanded as he kicked at a charging monster. He cursed as his first kick only stunned the monster and he had to kick it once more to send it away. "One after another, you worms never change.", he commented as more new pupae worms came onto the scene. He charged one and sent it sprawling with a stunning punch and jumping knee. He could only concentrate at one at a time in his state and did not notice another worm attacking an opening on his side.

"Practe Bigi Nari Ardescat!"

A torrent of flames engulfed the worm before it blew up in green fire. Tsukasa looked at the source. "Miyazaki-san?", He said in wonder.

She nearly nodded in reply as she launched another spell at an incoming monster. Tsukasa moved as he kept the monsters at bay with only his fists and whatever strength he could muster. He needed to find the system that Narutaki spoke of but he couldn't just leave Nodoka like this.

From afar, the newly evolved spider worm watched as his minions battled to a stalemate. If he didn't connect this world with his master's then it would be quite a problem but for that to happen would require a very important event, like the murder of one of its denizens by one from their world. At this rate, nothing would ever happen. He decided to move on his own accord. The girl making fire was the most problematic so she would die first.

Tsukasa dodged another worm's punch and pushed it along to send it smashing into its brethren. He was feeling the fatigue of fighting. "I'm pretty out of shape", he mumbled to himself. From his chaotic vision he saw the arachnid worm move forward. It opened its mandibles fiercely at its target. The young man followed the wrom's line of sight to Nodoka. He practically tackled her off her feet as webbing blew out of the monster's mouth.

The two were pretty jogged by the impact but the battle heightened senses they had kept them at focus. Tsukasa had a pretty good view of the webbing's miss. The post lamp it hit had melted right where the web hit.

Nodoka on the other hand was preoccupied with another issue. Her bag had been flung off from the impact and the contents of it strewed all over the streets they fought on. Her eyes immediately found the object the young man had given her and a book that had familiar library catalogue codes written on it. When she had them in her sights, she made a mad dash for them.

"Miyazaki-san!", Tsukasa caught up to her. "We have to go!", he grabbed her hand since she was still looking about for her things. She turned to him but his attention was no longer on her, it was on the objects in her hands.

He grabbed the digital camera in her hand. It was plain white with odd black highlights. The sides of the lens area marked with blue and red designs. "This is…", he recalled something in his memory. He looked to her. "Where's the book?", he demanded.

"The what?", she asked him as if he was delirious.

"Where's the book?", he demanded once again, painfully taking hold of her shoulders.

She raised her other hand which held a small green leather bound book. Tsukasa snatched it out from her dainty hand. He turned his back on her to confront the worms. He paused a bit and told her. "I'm sorry but please, for now run. I'll be okay here on out.".

Nodoka watched disbelievingly as he faced the army of watching worms. "You can't possibly beat them all alone.", she said.

Tsukasa held the camera up. "Watch me.", he said. He placed the camera at the center of his waist. The camera instantly responded as a belt extended from both sides of the camera and latched together on his back. The book in his hand seemed to quiver and fade away. He pulled out a flash card with a symbol of a bar code like mask on. He jammed it in the memory slot and closed the shutter. "Henshin", he declared, slamming his hand on the picture button. The camera began to whir and click to life.

"KAMEN RIDE: D-D-D-CIDE!", the belt bellowed. Tsukasa distorted and faded into various shadows leaving a silhouette of static of himself. The shadows converged once more and from them came forth an armored person. Black card like slabs seemed to embed themselves into his helm, lighting up his violet eyes. White colored most of his suit with bits of black here and there. Designs that are reminiscent of modern angled art graced both of his arms. The left was blue while the right was a shade near pink.

The worms couldn't quite process what had just happened. What they did know was that this new being was an enemy and had to be dealt with. They charged forth with full intent of overwhelming this new foe.

Tsukasa merely watched as he took his D-album, the device from which he retrieved the memory card and switched it to a sword mode called Sword-cide. He rubbed together the bands on his wrists. The worms coming at him were ripped to shreds as he ran past them quickly at sub-sonic speeds, slashing at each one he crossed.

The arachnid worm called more of his brethren after witnessing the destruction of the others. The young man in the armor sighed as he ran his finger over the edge of his sword, "It seems I'll have to stop this at the source.". He pulled out another memory from his D-album, this time it had the symbol of a kabuto-mushi on it with the word ZECT written over. He slipped it into the memory slot and closed the slot head. He pressed on the picture button.

"KAMEN RIDE: K-K-KABUTO!", the belt announced with a bomming stutter.

Tsukasa's belt released the hologram of another belt and he walked right into it. When his body hit the image, the image became real and latched onto his waist. The young man smiled behind his mask. A mechanical insect descended from the skies and landed in his waiting hands. "Henshin.", he declared again. He slid the Kabuto zecter in place and teal colored scales covered his whole body, forming into a very bulky armored being. He then tugged on the mechanical beetle's horn, loosening all the armor on his body. "Cast off", he announced pulling on the horn.

"CAST OFF!", a voice different from the last one came from the belt. The armor blasted off and whatever worm that was unfortunate enough to be hit by the speeding chunks of metal were immediately sent to oblivion. The horn on the helmet's mask flipped up and divided the single visor into two insect like eyes. After setting in place the machine sounded again, "CHANGE BEETLE!".

Tsukasa locked eyes with the arachnid worm as he held out his arm in invitation and said, "Shall we begin?". The worm screeched and disappeared from view. Tsukasa smiled as he announced, "Clock up.". He slapped his hand against the left pad of his belt. The belt's voice echoed the command as the young man entered the world of light speed.

Nodoka was already surprised when Tsukasa had took on those armored forms, but she almost became hysterical when he suddenly disappeared into thin air. Only moments later, all the surrounding pupae worms in the area exploded. She screamed in reaction to the emerald flames that lit up the air.

In the world of light speed, Tsukasa had just dispatched of the worms with the kunai-gun's kunai mode. He ran a finger over the blade as the last of them exploded. He noticed the Arachnid worm approaching the frozen Nodoka so he let loose his mizer bombers, little mechanical drones that resemble the kabuto zecter, from his ZECT mizer. They flit out of the four release ports quickly one after the other till there was a small cloud of them. They all reached the worm before it could reach the librarian and assaulted the monster.

The arachnid worm realized that swatting at the drones was futile so he jumped away from them, right into the waiting kick of Tsukasa in Kabuto's rider form. "Is that all you've got?", the young man asked the fallen creature with as much respect one had for dirt.

The beast replied with a blast of its acidic webbing from one of its arms. Tsukasa quickly pulled out his kunai and split the web in mid-air, careful to dodge the split semi-fluid in case it would stick to his armor. The beast sped away from its place on the floor. The armored youth sighed at the fact he had to chase that thing down. "This is just getting tiresome.", he grumbled.

He followed the worm in a blur of speed. Soon enough he had caught up on the skyway bridge and opened fire from his kunai-gun's gun form. The shots struck the monsters right in the back. It decided that enough was enough when it turned back on Tsukasa with all eight legs on its back extending. It walked on four of them while the upper four were used to keep the armored youth at bay.

Tsukasa parried every blow struck his way with skill. They were fightinf on top of cars though so his footing slipped, letting the creature strike him in the chest. He fell from the immense height as witnessed by the arachnid worm. The monster screeched as it pulled on two unmanned cars around it and flung them down at Tsukasa.

The masked Tsukasa saw the attack coming, as well as the unassuming people within. He cussed as he shot at the bridge support, chipping away at them only a little. Using the rubble as steps, he jumped up to the cars and relieved the passengers from their soon to be metal coffin. He placed them on the side walk of the skyway before turning his attention back to the confused worm who was still in mid-air. He took a leap as well with kunai-gun in axe mode. He smashed the monster into the ground with the weapon in his right hand. His left pressed a button on his belt.

The deep mechanical voice of the belt came to life saying, "ONE". Tsukasa slashed upwards, sending the monster flying as he pressed the next button on his belt. "TWO", the belt sounded. The monster screeched as it finally got back on its feet. The young man finally pressed the last button which prompted the belt to say, "THREE".

Arachnid worm charged as Tsukasa turned his back on it. "Rider kick.", were Tsukasa's whispered words as he pulled the horn switch to activated position. The belt echoed the same in mechanical gusto of "RIDER KICK!". He returned the horn to its normal position as charged tachyon energy coursed through the armor and into his leg. By the time the process finished, the monster was already at his back.

Moments from being struck down, Tsukasa spun with a lightning fast roundhouse kick that blasted straight through the worm, causing a big explosion of green flame.

Back with Nodoka, she had found Yue collapsed on the ground. At first she had paniced because of what injuries the girl might have obtained from the battle but they were no more serious than a few cuts and bruises that stained soft skin. Later she was relieved to realize that Yue's unconsciousness was only due to excessive use of higher tier spells in their arsenal.

"Are you all right?", Tsukasa's voice asked causing Nodoka to scream in surprise. "Is that any way to treat the one who saved you? Either way, the coast is clear. You should take that person to the closest hospital you can find."

"I've already called for help, they should be here any minute now.", she told him, noticing that he had undone the transformation on himself.

"I see. That's good.", he got up and began to walk away.

Nodoka called out to the young man, "Wait! Where are you going?"

He tilted his head back saying, "Home.".

"B-b-but aren't you going to help me?", Nodoka asked in dismay.

"You're a magician aren't you? I'm sure I shouldn't hang around if more of you people are going to pop-up.", he explained.

Nodoka struggled with herself for a bit to find a way to keep him there. He had defeated those monsters with relative ease compared to her and Yue. When he and the monster both disappeared she had no idea of what had happened. She quickly searched for her friend after all the pupae worms had suddenly blown up. She was sure Tsukasa had done all that as well. There were a lot of things she wanted to ask him but at least this one question she had to know the answer to. "Just who are you?", she asked.

Tsukasa was almost out of earshot before he stopped at the screamed query. He turned around to face her. "Just a passing by kamen rider, remember that.", he pointed at her in emphasis.