A/N: I'm thinking that im going to have Bella and Alice being friends first before Edward takes over Bella's life, anyone strongly disagree, let me know. I'm pretty much just writing this as i think of something, so theres not going to be any update schedule. there'll be a new chapter up when i think the one im working on is done. Please R&R, gives me motivation.


I Konw What You Are

Chapter 4: Confrontation



I spent the rest of the afternoon shifting through visions. It seems I can only see Bella if shes with someone else I'm searching for. Searching my future, I find her in her truck after school, my family is waiting for me by the volvo watching us. If I search for her I see nothing. This is really confusing me. Why would she trust to talk with me so easily? Maybe we could be friends, I mean she already knows what we are. I wonder if she likes to play chess, only Edward plays with me since he can read my mind and see my visions. Neither of us would have an advantage with her. I smiled, I wonder if she likes shopping. Maybe she'll let me give her a make over. I really hope she'd like to be friends, we could have so much fun, I'd be free to be me around her.

The bell sounded and I had difficulty restraining myself to human speeds as I made my way to the volvo. My family arrived shortly after, minus Edward. I had a vision of Edward returning from hunting soon. I better talk with Bella before he arrives. I get the feeling she doesnt trust him.

"Oi Al, Whereis Eddie?", Emmet said annoyed.

"I saw him returning in about 10 minutes, I need to go talk to Bella, I'll meet you when he's here."

"Huh, whos Bella?" Emmet asked scratching the back of his head.

I turned and headed towards Bella's truck, "Just wait here, won't be long".



I was one of the first to reach the parking lot and I climbed into my truck to wait for Alice. I'm glad she was friendly, I'd hate to be having this discussion with the jerk. Looking up, I saw Alice arrive at their volvo, followed by the others. Shit one's missing, where's Edward?. Searching around the carpark, I came up empty. A tapping on the passenger window made me jump and clunk my head on my door.

"Sorry, didnt mean to startle you, may I get in?", Alices voice sounded cheery, though she did look sorry, I wasn't sure of what to make of it. Reaching over I unlocked the door for her. "Thanks, you alright?". I gave her nod, for now i mentally added. "So where do we start?", Alice asked looking to me.

I pulled out my notebook again, and started writing. "You're the one that wanted to talk"

"How about we do this question for question?", Sounds good to me, I nodded. "Right then, so how exactly did you know what we are after just one seeing us once?"

Easy. "My mother is in a relationship with a vampire, I actually moved to Forks because my mum decided she wanted to be one too. If things went to plan, she's going through the changes right now. Phil explained to me that it's the most painful thing imaginable and a new born vampire is incredibly dangerous to be around. Moving here to visit dad seemed like a good idea, untill I ran into a family of vampires. That and Edward kinda gave it away. My turn now". I took a moment to think of how to word my question while Alice read over my answer. "This might sound kinda dumb, but are you 'vegetarian'?" I blushed as I showed Alice my question.

She giggled as she read it, making me blush more. "Yes we only drink animal blood, I didn't know any other vampires used our terminology for that, the only ones that I know who do would be the Denali's". Wait the Denali's, Phil's mentioned them a few times, I'm sure of it. I'll have to ask him later. "Okay its my turn again, Bella..." Alice paused and I turned to look at her. "..do you want.. to be friends?" All of a sudden her eyes glazed over and she frowned. "Sorry I gotta go, Edward is going to be here in a second and I'll be left behind if I'm not in the car. Think about what I just asked you and let me know later ok? Here's my mobile number, call me ok? Wait um sorry, text me?". I gave her a nod and she went back over the volvo, as Edward entered the parking lot.

I watched them leave, i released the breath i didnt realise i was holding and made my way to the office to drop off the form that my teachers had to sign.



The ride home was thankfully question free, we could all sense Edward's mood, we didn't need Jasper's gift to realise something was eating at him. I started thinking about waht life would be like with Bella around, Edward must have been listening in, he looked at me in the rear view mirror and glared. What's your problem? Bella is a nice, and is no threat to us. I think we're going to be friends, you better not mess this up for me. Edward growled and looked away. I've never seen him like this, normally he just keeps to himself.

The moment we reached home, he was out of the car and locked in his room. I called for the others to meet me in the dining room as soon as Carlisle was home, we needed to talk about this new development.



I stowed the groceries away and went up to my room. I needed to think. Can I really be friends with Alice? She seems friendly enough. Her eyes were a golden colour. Phil has told me that gold means 'vegetarian' and red means 'carnivore'. Black means that they're thirsty and there's no way to tell what eating habits they have and to get as far away as possible. The phone rang and brought me out of my thoughts. Um, do I pick up or let it ring out? I went to the kitchen to see the caller ID, work? Does that mean Charlie is calling from the station? I picked it up and waited. "Um Hello? Bella are you there?" I rolled my eyes, of course I'm here it wouldnt have answered itself, I pressed a button on the phone to make it beep, "Sorry to use the phone Bells, but my mobile has gone flat and I wanted to let you know I won't be home until late tonight. Push another button if you want me to order you a pizza, or did you go shopping like I suggested?". Why do people ask me things over the phone when they know I cant reply. I just hanged up. Shouldn't have answered it in the first place.

I went back up to my room and flopped down onto my bed. This town is too quiet, I really don't want to be alone again like in Pheonix, perhaps I should take Alice up on that offer. I grabbed my hiptop and added Alice's number to my address book. I sat there staring at my phone for a few minutes before deciding I may as well let her know I accept her offer.

- Hey Alice, it's Bella : ) I could really use a friend while I am here in Forks -

It only took a minute for her to reply.

- Really? Thank you thank you, I was really hoping you'd say yes. XD What are you doing right now? -

Someone's a little hyper.

- I'm at home laying on my bed why? -

- Mind if I come over till you go to sleep? I can't stand Edward at the moment. : ( -

Crap, is it going to be safe? Well it would be nice to find out more about her and her family.

- I don't mean to sound rude, but what colour are you eyes atm? -

- They're a little dull but still golden, I won't need to hunt for a few days yet, im good -

I hope so.

- I guess you can come over for a little bit, do you know my address? -



We all sat around the dining table, sans Edward. We didnt need to sit, it was just a habit from imitating human actions, and since we dont use the table anyway we decided to use this for meetings. I spoke up, "Today I spoke with the new girl, her name's Bella. This next part is going to surprise you. She knows about us because her mother is in a relationship with a vampire. She is her in Forks staring with her father, Chief Swan, because her mother has decided to become one of us. Her step-father, I guess you can call him, is a 'vegetarian' too, she actually used that term."

"It's quite possible we've met him before, did she mention a name?" Carlisle spoke up.

"She said a Phil explained to her about vampires, so its quite possible it's him, anyone reconise the name?", Everyone shook their heads.

"Carlisle dear, would you like me to call the Denali's and ask if they know of him?", Esme had a thoughtful expression on her face. "Not many people use that terminology".

"Yes, that would be best, but we can do that later", Carlisle paused for a moment, "Alice, was there anything else you talked about?"

I looked down at the table, "Since she already knows what we are and doesnt really mind me around her, I asked if she wanted to be friends. It would nice to have a friend outside of the family."

Esme was beaming, "Why dont you bring her over so we can all meet her, I'm interested in hearing about the relationship her mother is in." She told us in her motherly voice.

Edward choose this moment to make an appearance, "NO, you can not bring her here."

"And why shouldn't I?", I practically yelled.

"She...", Edward paused shaking his head.

"Spit it out Edward, she already thinks you're a jerk for how you treated her, what's got you in such a foul mood." I snapped at him. "You're acting like Rose."

"Hey!", Rose said punching me in the arm.

Edward tried again, "She, she's my siren."

We all gasped. My cell went off.

- Hey Alice, it's Bella... -



A few minutes passed with no reply, I guess she ran out of credit or something. My stomach grumbled at me, reminding me that I haven't eaten since lunch at school. On my way downstairs, the door bell rang, and nearly made me fall the rest of the way down. Steading myself on the rail, I went to the lounge window and looked out into the yard. There's no car in the drive but mine, is it a prank? The door bell rang again.

"Bella, it's me, open up" Alice called out ringing the door bell again.

Crap, how close do they live, that was like 5 minutes since her last message. I reached the door and carefully opened it, to peek out. Alice was standing there tapping her foot, with her arms crossed across her chest.

"You know if I really want to eat you I could just kick the door down, you dont have to worry I'm not going to hurt you any," Alice said grinning ear to ear. I stepped back and opened the door before gestering her to follow me to the kitchen.

I grabbed a pad and pen off the counter. "I know you don't eat and stuff but do you mind helping me order pizza? I don't feel like cooking anything tonight."

Alice read this and started bouncing. "Sure, I've never ordered pizza before, what do you want and what's the number?"

I thought for a moment, "Just a medium cheese pizza will do. Charlie has it on speed dial, under pizza place."

"No problem. After this you are showing me your wardrobe." Alice said seriously.

"Uh. Why?", Eep, I have hardly anything in there right now, this is going to be embarrassing.

"I want to know what you like to wear, I'm kinda crazy about fashion. We should go shopping together on the weekend." At the last part Alice gave a squeel.

"Um, Ok, sounds like fun". Great this is going to be a long weekend, it will be annoying trying to walk and write while we're shopping. I wish she knew sign language.


A/N: I have a rough idea where I want this to go, the problem now it, getting it there. Also sorry this chater took so long, it took me a while on how i wanted the meeting to go, still not happy with but it will do. Once i get a few chapters up and going I most likely going to come back and rewrite most of them. I'll post an author's note if i do and which ones are changed. thanks for reading, please R&R.