She held my hand so willingly, allowing me to gently lead her into the starlit room. Yukito-san, she had said. Watashi… watashi… A pause, and then, Yukito-san, daisuki desu.

I had known for some time of her feelings for me. But I knew that the person she loved most was not meant to be me.

I love you too, I had told her. And I meant it. But, the person you love most isn't me. I tried to explain to her, Sakura-chan, you love your father a lot, right?


And me? I continued.

Daisuki desu…

And the feelings you have for me and your father are the same, aren't they? Another pause.

They are. I detected a note of hesitation in her voice. You knew the whole time, didn't you Yukito-san? I smiled. It had been a incredible two years, knowing that she loved me most. But all good things must come to an end.

I was glad you considered me part of the family.

Yukito-san… There's someone you love too, isn't there? I had expected her to wonder. I had wanted to tell her, but I couldn't. She wasn't mine to take. But I was caught off guard by her next question.

It's Onii-chan, isn't it? Touya-kun?

Hai, it's him. I'm not sure what I would ever do without him. I heard the words leave my mouth, but I knew I could never believe them. I could never feel for him the way I felt for her…

Onii-chan seems mean at times, but he's really very nice. She seemed to have gotten over her feelings for me already. It pained me.

I know, but, even though he's my ichiban, I cringed inwardly as I spewed out the lie, I don't know how he feels.

I'm sure he feels the same way! She replied automatically. He likes you at least as much as I do. But if he's ever mean to you, call me, and I'll give him a piece of my mind! I couldn't help myself. With a sudden burst of joy, joy that she still cared, I gently lifted my hand to her cheek.

Arigato, Sakura-chan, I smiled. Her skin felt warm against my palm, and my sadness returned as I remembered. She would never be mine. I know you'll find him, the one you love most. I knew she would, I knew who he was. And I know he'll love you the most too. He did, and soon she would love him too. Tell me when you find him. Tell me when you find him, because then I will know, I can finally tell when my days of happiness are over. When I've finally lost my last chance. And, I continued if he's ever mean to you, I'll give him a piece of my mind.

Suddenly, a sharp noise pierced the silence. I , I found myself drifting off in my dream world. I saw myself, floating in a cream-colored sky. As I looked around me, I saw a cherry tree in the distance. As I drew closer, I made out two figures, that of a young boy and girl. Pulling closer still, I could see her, my cherry blossom, sitting with him. Her ichiban. His face was clouded, but even as I could not see him, I knew who it was. When she realized it herself, he too would become clear. I reached out to her. Sakura…

As abruptly as I had entered, I was pulled out of my dream and found myself waving goodbye to the three elementary students as they headed home from the festival. I stared as I watched Sakura disappear in the horizon.

Sakura-chan. I whispered to myself. You are... I wiped away a tear that had crept its way down my cheek. She was gone. I had given her up forever.

You are my ichiban.