An: Many thanks for your reviews and well-wishes. As always, for more info on me, updates and everything in-between, check my profile or PM me.

This chapter goes out to Kitkats_and_snickers for her sound reasoning! You have my portrayals of the characters down to a t, and figured out correctly who the next 'conquest' of Harry's would be! (Much thanks for you review, probably in the top ten favorite reviews I've ever received!) Note: all my line-breaks seem to have been removed.) I haven't gone back and replaced them yet and will be playing around with new ones. Sorry about the inconvenience. Damn ff.

POLL up on my profile.

Short chapter. Sorry. Warning: Mature content near the end of the chapter.

Chapter Seven: The First Day

The guests slowly trickled out, much to Draco's relief. The Headmaster left after arranging for Potter to attend lessons twice a week. Draco felt a thrill of...something at the thought of all the power Potter now held- a mage. Mage's were famous for their magical feats- they could easily do things lower grade wizards had no hope of accomplishing. Even Draco, a grade six himself, could not begin to comprehend the power Potter now held.

It was breathtaking.

Granger and her mum made themselves at home on the couch as Potter and Mr. Granger disappeared into Potter's private room- which Weasley had been in only yesterday. Fighting down a blush, Draco sneered at Granger for appearances sake and went back into his room. It was, at least, a comfortable space, decorated in blues and silvers, much like his own room at home.

Looking around, Draco felt a twinge of homesickness. He would never return home- he would never reclaim many of his personal belongings. He was as good as disowned, and would be as soon as Father heard of this.

Draco shivered and climbed into the comfortable armchair, resting his head against the plush back. He wrapped himself in a lonely hug, wondering what his life would be like from now on- living with four other people, none of whom he knew particularly well. It was hard to even think of. He just felt so lonely. Draco wrapped his arms around himself tighter, barely resisting the urge to dig out Mr. Dragon from where he was hidden at the bottom of Draco's school trunk, which was resting at the end of his four-poster.

Just as it had before, a knock came on the door. Draco uncurled and sat up more properly in the chair and called, "Come in!"

Potter came in, clutching a book and a stack of parchment.

"Hey Draco," Potter greeted. Draco narrowed his eyes, if Potter started spouting sentimental crap again...Draco ruthlessly pushed away the very large part of him that wanted a hug...he was going to hex the prat. "Albus left me with some homework. This is Runes, which I know you took-- I was wondering if you might help me get started?"

Oh. Well that was alright.

"Sure, Potter." Draco answered.

"Great!" Potter plopped ungracefully into the other armchair and propped open his book, "So I guess it starts with...."

At least this way he wouldn't be alone.


A brief two hours after the last of 'their' guests had removed themselves from the shared rooms, Potter appeared to call Severus in for lunch. Severus snarled at the boy, who ignored him.

Unhappily Severus made his way to the table. He detested his new living arrangements. If there was one thing Severus detested above all others it was the invasion of his privacy. Not only did that arrogant toe-rag Potter have access to all his memories and emotions, he had to live the brat and all the other tag-alongs.

As soon as he sat down, Severus started the barrage of insults- if he was forced to live here, he would at least make everybody else as miserable as he.

It was only just, after all.


Charlie held back a flinch as another disparaging comment came his way. There was only so many times a guy could have his intelligence insulted over the course of a single meal, for Merlin's sake. Eventually, lunch ended and Snape (the fucker) disappeared back into his room. The other bondmates also returned to their rooms, once again leaving Charlie and Harry alone- Charlie could deal with that. Though a little uncomfortable with the fact that he had what was probably the best sex he had ever had with his baby brother's best mate, Charlie was nothing if not adaptable.

Harry sighed and collapsed into one of the now empty arm chairs.

"Sorry about Professor Snape, Charlie." Harry said softly.

"S'alright," Charlie answered, surprised by the apology, "It s'not you saying it, and it's not like I haven't heard it all."

Harry sighed heavily, "You shouldn't have to listen to that kind of crap in your own home. I wish--" Harry sighed yet again and fell silent.

Uncomfortably, Charlie offered, "Up for another game of snap?"

Harry agreed and they sat down on the floor and were soon laughing and talking like old friends. Charlie found that Harry was patient, witty and bold. He was easy to get on with, and by the time dinner rolled around, Charlie felt like he and Harry had been friends for ages. Relaxed, Charlie joined everyone at their table for dinner.

The meal, as all their meals had been so far, was uncomfortably silent. No one seemed to know what to say when they were all together, though Harry had spent nearly two hours with Malfoy earlier, and didn't seem to have any trouble talking to the blond-haired prat (or at least, that's what Ron called him) then.

Charlie opened him mouth a couple times to try and start a conversation, but couldn't ever seem to come up with anything to say. The other bondmates appeared to be fine with eating in silence and disappearing into their rooms after the communal meal.

After they had all gone, and the mess from the meal had vanished, Harry cleaned up the common room, slipping into his room to put away a stack of books and parchment.
When Harry returned to the common room, Charlie planned to ask for another game of snap; instead, Harry leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Good night, Charlie. I'll see you in the morning."

"G'night, Harry." Charlie murmured.

Harry grinned at him, walked over to Remus' door and knocked.

Charlie blushed at the implications, feeling rather inexplicably jealous.


Retreating in discomfort to his personal room after dinner, Remus opened up one of the novels that had been sitting on his shelf and cracked it open. It was a familiar book, one he had first read in his early twenties and often revisited when he was in need of comfort. Sometime last night an old trunk of his had appeared in the room. When he had unpacked, he had discovered a note from his grandfather, wishing him luck.

Remus had smiled- his grandfather had always packed a note in his trunk whenever he left for Hogwarts each year.

Losing himself in the familiar pages, Remus was startled when a knock interrupted him.

"Come in," He called. Harry's messy head peeked in and the rest of him followed, shutting the door firmly behind him.

"Hi Remus."

"Hello, Harry." Remus greeted Harry as he set his book aside. "How can I help you?"

Harry flushed, which instantly had Remus nervous.

"Um-- I need...." He trailed of leadingly. Remus swallowed tightly. "I didn't think I would have needed it so soon, or I would have said something yesterday. Guess I overestimated."

"Oh-- oh, um..." Remus fiddled with his book, then the cuffs of his sleeves, looking anywhere but Harry. He was about to lose his virginity to his best friend's son. It was utterly pathetic and humiliating. His face was burning and he couldn't seem to think straight.

Suddenly Harry was in front of him and gently tugging him up, gently pushing him onto the bed. Remus sat heavily, still flushing. Harry stood on front of him and gently lifted one of Remus' hands. Carefully, as though handling the crown jewels, Harry lifted Remus' hand to his face.

"What are you--"

"Shh...just relax, Remus." Harry gently kissed the knuckle of his first finger, then his second. He traced the contours of Remus' palm with gentle finger-tips, all the while kissing the top of his hand ever so gently.

"Harry- what," Remus asked again.

"Shh...." Harry said again, flipping Remus' hand so it lay palm up and carefully showing it the same attention he had the top. Remus' heart was thudding in his chest, his thoughts were pleasantly muddled. Harry was watching him with half-lidded eyes, a smile touching the corners of his lips as he set down Remus' left hand and started on his right. Harry crept a little closer and gently kissed the underside of Remus wrist, deftly undoing his cuff and rolling it up. Still with that mind-blowing care Harry kissed up his arm, giving special attention to the many self-inflicted bite marks and scars. Remus had no time to worry about Harry's reaction to those though, as his thoughts were swirling with the beginnings of pleasure. This was oddly like a fantasy he had had a long time ago....when he was still a teenager at Hogwarts...mmmm

Harry kissed up as far as Remus' rolled up sleeve would allow him and again returned to the other hand and arm, turning it carefully over with his Quidditch callused palms, kissing softly, examining Remus' fore-arm as though he had never seen a fore-arm before. Harry shuffled closer, straddling Remus' thighs loosely, which brought back the discomfort, but only for a moment because now Harry was kissing farther up his arm, on top of his sleeve, gently, ever so gently, lapping at the shirt with tongue and suddenly Harry's hot, wet tongue and soft lips were on his neck...oh...

Clumsily their lips met, the kiss awkward and gentle and fierce all at the same time, their tongue twining and Harry pulling Remus' tongue into his own mouth....Remus brought shaking arms up around Harry's neck while Harry's hands settled on Remus ribs, then creeping to his collarbone, brushing over his pert nipples through the cloth of his shirt, running his thumb along Remus' scruffy jaw and still they were kissing....

And without thought Remus ran his hands down Harry's side, slipping them beneath the shirt and feeling the warm skin, and Harry was undoing his shirt buttons, and it was all so warm and good....Remus pushed Harry's shirt further up, and Harry helped him pull it off...and Harry had scars too, but they were beautiful, hardly marring the tan skin at all. Harry's hand pushed Remus' shirt off his shoulders, and suddenly Remus lost the mood. He was uncomfortable again. He had always been scrawny and scarred and though tan, it was a tan that suggested he should be tanner. He blushed and looked away. Harry leaned down and kissed the most recent scar, the narrow one made by the ivory knife in the bonding. A shiver raced through Remus' body, a bolt of pleasure following it. Harry, just as he had with Remus' hands and arms, kissed and licked his way along Remus' collarbone, not saying a word. Harry's arms crept around Remus neck and hesitantly, oh so hesitantly, Remus rested his hands on Harry's slim hip and went back to his curious exploration of Harry's chest. As he explored with his hands, Harry explored with his mouth.

Suddenly the moist cavern closed around Remus' nipple. Remus moaned in pleasure. Embarrassed by wanton noise, Remus moved to withdraw, accidently brushing Harry's nipples as he did. Harry gasped and hummed in pleasure, leaning towards the touch.

"Mmm, touch me, Remus...hmmm, yeah..." Remus gently thumbed Harry's nipples and Harry returned to mouth Remus' other nipple, kissing and sucking and sending shock waves of pleasure through Remus' body. Harry pushed Remus back and climbed on top of him, and Remus could only watch with wide eyes, filled with the pleasure and curiosity of discovery. Harry went back to kissing Remus, and Remus happily obliged him. They ran their hands up and down the other's chest, moaning and humming in pleasure. Remus was filled with a startling, frantic need to see all of Harry, to have Harry touch him....he glanced up and met Harry's eyes and Harry murmured his name softly, lowering his hands to Remus crotch, deftly undoing the buttons. Clumsily Remus followed and they were kicking off their trousers and then their pants....

But Harry ignored Remus' leaking cock, going back to kissing and touching, eyes never leaving Remus'.

"Harry...mmm, touch me, please...." Remus asked urgently between gasps.

"O--okay, yeah...mmm, that's it Remy," Harry suddenly had a small pot and was dipping his fingers into the oil with in. One hand stroking Remus' quivering stomach, Harry lowered the other hand to Remus' bum, stroking the cheeks and then circling his entrance.

"Oh, Merlin, yeah...feels good, Harry, feels...."

Harry hummed agreement and then asked, "Ready?"

Remus tensed, but Harry's gently moving hands wouldn't let him get too stressed and soon Remus was nodding. A single finger pressed inside him, wiggling a little. It felt strange, neither good nor bad. Remus nodded to show he was ready for another. Gently, Harry inserted a second finger and then a third. It stung a little, but it wasn't too bad, Remus discovered. He whimpered at the loss when Harry's fingers withdrew, jerking his hips towards Harry, wanting some sort of touch...any sort of touch. Harry touched Remus' member with the hand that had just been inside him, while the other lowered and slicked Harry's cock. Harry groaned in pleasure.

"Lift your leg a little, yeah." And then slowly Harry entered him. It burned, but not in an outright terrible way...actually it was pretty good. And then Harry was in to the hilt and touching Remus, stroking him and panting heavily.

"Okay, go ahead, Harry." Remus said haltingly.

And then Harry was moving and it was amazing....he could even sort of forget the burn.

And then Harry hit his prostate and it was more than amazing.


Much later, Harry lay on his back, Remus' head pillowed on his chest, his soft, dog-like snores filling the room. He was warm and comfortable. Remus, Draco and Charlie were all asleep, and Severus was almost there, as well. Yet, despite the peace of his current situation, Harry felt like crying.

He wanted his first time to have been like Remus' was- with someone who knew him inside and was prepared to learn about him outside. Someone who would have shown him patience and love, who would have leaded but also been leaded.

Was it so much to ask for that?

Maybe so.

Harry knew he wouldn't be able to bottom for ages, and probably only with Remus and Severus. And that was okay, really, it was. It was just.... he didn't want to wait because of the bond.

He wanted everything to be reciprocal. He wanted what he had given Remus, and that would take time and effort on the part of his bondmates; effort that was really too much to ask of them. This wasn't to keep them alive, it was to keep him alive. He'd have to make some sacrifices- more sacrifices than they would probably. It was only fair.

Pushing those thoughts out of his head, Harry thought over his day. It had been good.

He'd gotten the meeting out of the way, and everybody's questions answered. He had spent a lovely two hours with Draco, where Draco had slowly relaxed and by the end of the impromptu tutoring session, Draco had been smiling and relaxed. Harry had spent equally fulfilling time with Charlie and Remus. Things were headed in a good direction.

Maybe he could do this after all.

And with that, Harry fell asleep.


There it is. Let me know what you think. Also POLL up on my profile. Please answer the POLL.