Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

A/N: Okay so this is my first ever NCIS FanFiction that has been written by the one and only slightly weird self. I only write Bones Fiction as I'm in love with the show, (and it's my little comfort zone) but after co-writing a NCIS story with another author known as Preppi101, I've decided to indulge my plot bunny, with another television series. I surely, hopelessly, wish you enjoy reading this Fiction as much as I loved writing it.

Anyways have fun reading *Sighs*

Monday the thirteen, Ziva found herself driving to work late, she was never the one to arrive late to work. She had already received three calls from Abby and one from Tony. She however ignored them all. Reaching the stop sign she sighed as the green light turned to amber and then to the dreaded red.

"Come on!" she shouted at the light. Her thoughts drifted back to the vivid dream she had during her deep sleep, the reason she was late.

She still remembered, how real his hands felt as they explored her body. She remembered how she could almost taste his mouth. She shook her head, as she tried to demolish the image of lips on her own, his lips on her neck, his lips on...

'BEEP! BEEP!' the sound of the car behind her brought her back to reality, she gazed at the green light and pressed down on the accelerator. 'How am I going to work with him today?' she said out loud.

Arriving at the NCIS building she parked her car in her usual spot and rushed inside. She ran through several secretaries, captured a few agents attention. She was rushing so fast that she did not see her fellow agent walking towards her and...BANG!!! They collided. She started apologizing when she noticed who she collided with. "Hi. I...I...I'm sorry Tony" she blushed.

"Ziva! If you want me this much, all you have to do is say" he joked, his body over hers from the collusion. "Oh yeah" she grinned back.

He moved his face closer to hers and whispered "Just say the words "he winked. "I would like for you to get off of me, you're crashing me" She whispered her voice shaky.

"Oh...yeah sure. I'm sorry. Gibbs has been looking for you" he said, as he slid off of her. He sat beside her, still laying body.

"Why?" she asked, not really registering that he was her boss and she had a job to do.

"A body has been found in a river, Gibbs wants us there, I tried calling, actually, and you never picked up" he looked at her. Her face seemed to be turning into a shade of red. "Why are you late, did you get lucky last night?" he laughed. She blushed furthermore.

"No" she simply answered. "I did! I met this gorgeous girl at this bar, can't remember her name but she had the hottest little..." "Okay, I don't need the details" Ziva interrupted, feeling a pledge of jealousy. He grinned in response.

Abby immerged from her lab and gasped at the two NCIS agents on the floor, she observed Tony's sitting position next to Ziva's laying position and rushed towards her friends. "Is everything okay? Why are you on the floor? Ziva why are you late?" she asked rapidly not taking the time for a short breath.

"Abby I'm fine, were fine, I accidently bumped into him" Ziva reassured. Abby smiled, a child like smile. "Sure. Why are you late?" Abby and Tony asked.

"I overslept, I was..." she stopped midway through her speech. Dreaming about you... She thought.

"You were what?" Tony smiled. Ziva bit her bottom lip in anticipation, and avoided their gaze, especially Tony's. Her face blushed. The sudden colour change to Ziva's cheeks went unnoticed by Abby but not by Tony, whose lips had started to curl into a smile.

Just as she was about to speak, either to tell the truth or to change the conversation her words was left unsaid when Gibbs burst out, calling their names. "Follow me" Gibbs ordered them, not even bothering to ask why two of his agents were sitting on the floor.

"Yes Boss" Tony replied and swiftly stood up.

As they began to walk through the NCIS headquarters Tony pulled Ziva to the side and whispered. "Just so you know, I find it extremely sexy when a woman has sex dreams especially when I'm in them" he grinned mischievously.

"Who said I was having sexual dreams...about you?" she whispered back, her face betrayed her voice as the blush reddened.

"Your face does" his grin widened. She rolled her eyes.

"How do you know so much about me?" she murmured.

"I just do baby"

"Don't call me baby" she buzzed.

He smiled and lowered his lips towards her, and stopped when they were merely inches apart. "What would you like me to call you?" he said in an almost humming tone. Just as she was about to conduct to his question, Gibbs interrupted them once more by shouting their names, louder than before.

"Sorry Boss" they said in union and rushed towards the exit.

The game is on! Ziva through as they exchanged a flirtatious look.

He winked at her and implied a mischievous kiss, by pursing his lips together onto the air.

'Game's on' he mouthed at her. She smiled. "Will see" she said.

"Will see what?" Abby asked, with confusion.

"Nothing Abby, I was just thinking out loud" she lied and received a small chuckle from Tony.

To be continued....

Things will get a little flirtier and cockier on the next chapter, as the couple undergo a series of flirty and oh so cocky techniques to get the other to admit their undeniable feelings for one another. Will they make it or break it?

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x I love you guys x