Well, this story was meant to be a D. Fiction but ended up like this one… so just consider it an AU fiction or something, though in later parts the connection with the series will be revealed. Never mind, just enjoy it^^


(1st POV, still unknown)

The last night, I remember mother cooked up my favorite cake… she said she wasn't hungry, so I ate them all up. I was very happy, knowing that we weren't the most prosperous of all families… I see her smile, and when I finished eating the chocolate cake she neared and hugged me.

I froze.

Why, mother? Why behind the smiling face, your tears were flowing like a flood?


The next day, I didn't see my own little room when I was awake. Instead it is this kind of altar you would see in the luxurious churches those of the wealthy go to. So covered in gold and other precious metals… I found myself craving for it, wanting to take the lustrous minerals home and sell them, so that we could live a little bit more like those of the upper position… I tried to sit up. But my arm met a hard and cold chain, preventing any moves I could make. When I finally realized it, I could faintly hear screams, children of my age, calling for their mothers. Their wailing reached my head as I tried to ignore it. No, no! This isn't my house, a wooden one with not more than a bunch of hay covered with a sheet of fabric for us to sleep. This… where is this? My body and all other children rowed up in the room were chained on a steel platform. The screams drew nearer and nearer, and this whole room seemed to wail with each of the spirits leaving their bodies behind. The mirror-polished ceiling reflected all other kids, and all of them were boys of the age of five to seven. Some of them were already dead and the others were whimpering in fear, waiting for their turn to approach. What exactly is this place? Why is there a mass murder going up here? And why do they target children of our age? The biggest question of all was… where is mother? I can hear it, and I can also see it. The boy next to me began screaming for his parents, for his life… the steps drew nearer and nearer, bringing a tapping voice to my ears. I could see it now. What they were doing. One of the blue-uniformed men held a purple orb which seemed to distort the air around him. I gulped at what happened next. The man gritted his teeth as if regretting the whole process, but continued to press the orb into the boy's arm, which made the orb to pass freely through his skin.

Here it comes… I thought as I tighten my eyes, not daring to see what was going to happen.

"Object infiltrated. Starting synchronization with the vessel…" I heard the machine-like voice rang and the boy began screaming in pain.

"5%....8%...11%" the counting stopped when he let a final scream and finally it was a complete silence.

"An error occurred. The vessel is no longer functioning. Terminating process…" at that time I opened my eyes and the boy next to me was already dead with his eyes wide open. I managed a whimper. They tried to put this thing into a human being… and as the process of thought spun around me the orb resurfaced the same way as it had entered the body. And now the men finally came to me. Death was as if hovering above me. Taking a breath to thank god for the last time, I called weakly. "Mother…"

"Oh, your mother?" one of them said with a tormenting voice which pretty much pissed me off. "She is not here. She had sold you to us… and with a pretty price as well."

I could feel my eyes widen in shock. There's no way… there's no way that my mother could actually sell me!

"Liar…" my bravery could only manage to support me in making a small whisper, nothing more than it.

"Whatever, I'm tired of taking care of you worthless children" the tall, short-haired blonde man said coldly. "Initiate the process"

The brown-haired man who held the orb gulped as who seemed to be his senior ordered him. Regretfully he touched the orb's cold surface to mine as a hole in my left hand opened up and swallowed the object.

"Object infiltrated. Starting synchronization with the vessel…" the voice said again as I feel the orb sending living flames into my body. It's hot… it's hot! I yelled in pain as the heat became more immense. I could hear nothing at that time. Only the pain and the thought 'I don't want to die' yet remained. Faintly in my head I can see my mother smiling for me. I tried to chase after the illusion, but the next thing I saw she hugged someone… not me, but someone else…

Who is that?


(3rd POV)

"30%....41%...49%..." the orb made the sound as the officers were engulfed in a panic.

"Sir, this is the first time the synchronization rate had ever passed beyond the limit of 30%!" one of them, a woman with short black hair and a light blue lab coat reported to the blond man with cold features who seemed to be their superior.

After hundreds of years have passed, Azumano City had already been taken over by raging war and above its ruins; a new metropolitan called the 'Hedon District' was built…

"Very well, continue with the operation" the man answered not even shifting his eyes to look at the lab worker who continued to monitor the boy's pulse and blood pressure.

"Live… please live…!" the other officer who had implanted the orb into the children prayed with all his might, hoping for the child's survival. He clenched his hands so tightly nearly ripping the gloves with his nails.

And in the depth of mines, covered with the old, chipped ruins a statue of ultimate beauty was found along with two crystals, emitting radiance to humans who saw it.

"Sir, the synchronization percentage increased with awesome velocity! Do you think it is best not to terminate the operation?" another officer asked, but no respond was given from the commander.

"89%...95%...100%." the extreme combination of rough twitching of major muscles and painful screams stopped as the maximum digit was reached. "Synchronization complete." The next thing was silence. The child had definitely lost his consciousness. All living humans except the little kid chained down there gulped in anticipation. And what will happen next?

The two crystals were found in a silver box, neither scratched nor broken instead of the pressure they took in the underground.

In the box, this was written:

"To our heirs, we present to you these orbs.

They possess greater power than one can imagine.

Use it well, and it will grant thee with power;

But use it wrong and it will bring thy destruction.

Find the right vessels for these orbs, one heir of light and one heir of darkness,

And the past shall rewind"


Ichigo-Usagi Wizu Presents

A Fan-Fiction of

D. © Yukiru Sugisaki

~Melody of Souls- Desire and Rejection~

Chapter1: Landing


"It's getting late…" A girl with orange shoulder-length hair tied in ponytail murmured as she wiped out the frozen dew of her window. It was winter again in the Hedon District and as usual, the snow wouldn't give any mercy to the passersby forgetting to put a pair of ice-proof boots. The girl herself was waiting for her parents to return from the empire's laboratory located at the Hedon District itself, and was cheerfully cooking up meals for that night's dinner. It was her mother's birthday anyway, so she had to make up something special, no? With the TV spreading news to her ears as she mixed up the ingredients for a cake's batter, she heard something… something not very pleasant to hear.

"And now we will interrupt the commercials for shocking news. A great explosion was set off from the District Prison's underground, consuming half of the government office and the whole genetic laboratory section. A death victim of 137 and hurt of 54 are to be predicted, and all the laboratory workers and the prison officers were found dead"

A resounding clang was heard as the teenager unconsciously dropped her whisk to the floor. No, it's impossible… there's no way they could die…

A rough knock was heard on her front door, before the door was slammed open by another girl wearing a thick jacket and an instable breath because of running. She entered the house and found her best friend crying in deep sadness. In instinct she hugged her friend who also hugged the pink-haired girl back, still crying.

"I…I hope this was all a dream, Lily…" the girl hugged her friend and staining her jacket with warm tears.

"I do, too…" the girl named Lily hugged her tighter in sympathy. "I'm sad for you too, Mika…"

----------------------------------At night…. ----------------------------------

Mika considered throwing away the meals she couldn't eat that night. They were for her parents anyway… she didn't deserve to eat them, or so her mind said. But she hadn't eaten any of them and decided to wait until her favorite film ended. But it was futile, all the efforts to get away for the death of her parents. Usually every night they would come back home and then give her a great hug. But it disappeared like mist in the morning… nothing was left except their clothes and things left in their room. Her eyes became unfocused from the TV and she decided to have a dinner anyway so to avoid the food to getting very cold that it will harden. She warmed up the meals again in a microwave and turned off the television, and then she heard a very loud squawking voice from outside. Most probably it was the crows out there. She opened the door and welcoming the incredibly cold night wind, she noticed that a flock of crows were gathering around, pecking and squawking. Mika was sent into a great shock when she saw a tiny human hand from among a great amount of black feathers and quickly swished a broom at the avian creatures, causing them to squawk and then flew off, leaving an unconscious and heavily tattered little boy laying down on the cold street. She quickly brought him inside and applied disinfectants before wrapping bandages over the big gash that was on his back. Not long after that the boy woke up slowly in reaction of the warmth of the fireplace.

"…" the boy was silence, trying to predict what exactly the place is. The green-eyed girl immediately picked up the porridge she had been making, and offered it up to the boy, who actually cowered up in fear. She looked at the little child's tear-filled blue eyes, and decided to make a gentler approach.

"Nothing's going to hurt you here…" she said, trying to get his attention. This boy maybe had gone past too much for his age. There were scars all over her body which maybe was because of the crows, and his body was so thin it reminded her of the skeleton they had put in school. The boy nodded and slowly he swallowed the melted rice, and his smile widens as he tasted the warmth and the flavor in his mouth.

"It's so…" the boy said in a slightly tattered pronouncement, "Warm… It's warm… Mother, why did you leave me? If you were angry about the cake, I would have given it to you!" then he curled up his body on the sofa as he cried. "I was scared… mother…" the boy cried and it bought Mika's sympathy. The boy had almost the same fate as her… lost without anybody to rely on… wait, maybe even worse. He was only a child, and with no friends whatsoever. And would she had left him out cold on the streets; this boy would have turned into crows' feast. She reached out to hug the boy after putting the porridge bowl on the table, and said.

"If I may, I want to be someone to accompany you…"

"Uh…" the boy turned his head to look at the girl's teary eyes. "Will you promise to never leave me?"

"I swear"

"Pinky swear" the two orphans hooked up their pinky fingers together and released it, a triumphant expression in each of their face. "Now, you can call me Mika…" the girl's eyes were lit up after the promise which had actually cheered them up. "And what's your name?"

"I'm called Sean… sister Mika" Mika's face suddenly turned a deep red and she pinched the boy's cheek lightly. "And since when am I your big sister?"

"Tee-hee, since now" he answered and without any alert jumped to the sofa to have a good night's sleep near the fireplace. And he hadn't even finished his meal yet… she finally was the one who had to finish it. Having a new family after losing one… God, if this is what you have wanted, thank you for leaving this little angel by my side…

A/n: Yippee, that's a chapter done! My thanks to Fireflower19, who actually supported me in writing this fiction! I'm so glad! And I know some of you guys are too lazy to review a story, but you can always give the button below a click if you feel like it. I know I'm one of the worst writers around but… if this little brat can grow from your nice feedback wouldn't it be nice?