Ok people. My second fan-fic and I want to see where it will go. It will be a harry potter fan-fic where many twists and turns will happen. So... you will just have to wait and see.

May I present to you the first chapter of Archangel.




"Thinking, writing, visions, and famous stuff"

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters. If I did I would not be living with my parents.

AN: I do own all plots and characters I make though.



Chapter 1


Voldymoldys' POD

I was walking down the streets, watching the muggle children scream with joy and running around with sugar highs. "Disgusting" I thought with a snarl, but I didn't have time to blast the little brats. I had a job to do.

I looked down the street and saw my target, the Potter house hold. I smiled a sick, twisted grin at the thought of what I was about to do. I knew, thanks to my spies, that the Potter parents left to the traitorous Blacks' house for a Halloween party. I stopped at the front gates to cast some anti- floo, portkey, and apperation wards around the house so no one could escape me.

As I passed through the gates, I felt the first of many wards shatter. "Fools" I thought "No mere wards can stop the might that is I, Lord Voldomort." I heard screaming of the nanny inside. She was trying to escape, but the wards I put up are far to powerful for someone as weak as her. I finally reached the door and blasted it with a low level reducter curse. I see the woman clearly, she is a short, old woman and I realized something else about her, she was a Squib. I didn't even waist my time on the squib, a simple reducto at her head, and that was that.

I listened carefully for my pray, and heard it upstairs. I glided up the stairs and down a hall. I eventually found myself in a nursery in the company of the Potter twins. I knew one of them was going to be my down-fall so why not take them out when they are young? I looked at the two of them, Harry James Potter, the Potter heir, born on last stroke of midnight on July 31st, had black messy hair and bright emerald eyes, "The color of the killing curse." I thought in the back of my head. "I suppose the child might be cute if I hadn't ripped out my human emotions" I mused.

The other twin, Edward Sirius Potter, born at 12:01 August 1st, had brownish red colored hair that was an eye sore, mud colored eyes that were an ugly mix between green and brown, and a fat face that would make even a baby look fat.

I heard cracks of people apperating at the edge of my wards. I cursed, knowing I had to choose fast. I pointed my wand at the "cute" green eyed boy and said "Fare well Harry Potter, Avada Kedavra" I watched as the deadly green light traveled towards the young raven haired child, but when it hit, there was a blinding flash of white light and then pain, unbearable pain.

James' POV

I was talking to Sirius when I felt the wards snap. A feeling of dread and fear overcame me and I turned to my wife to see if she felt it to. Going by the terror filled eyes… that would be a yes. At this point I screamed at the top of my lungs "THE WARDS TO POTER COTTAGE HAVE FALLEN! WE NEED EVERYONE WHO CAN TO GO THERE NOW!" I looked at everyone's faces and knew they would be at my back.

I fled to the edge of the property with Lily on my left and Sirius on my right. When we got to the edge of the wards, we apperated away, hoping that we were not to late.

-----------------------One apperation trip to the potter home later --------------------------

The three of us apperated to the edge of the wards with everyone else appearing barely a second after us. We all rushed up to the remains of the door when a flash of green light, followed by an explosion of white light appeared in the nursery and an ear shattering scream pierced the night. Dread filled me as Lily and I raced up the stairs to the nursery.

Normal POV, in the nursery

After the light died down the results of the explosion were able to be seen. Scraps of wood were everywhere, the door was destroyed, toys were torn to shreds and the ceiling had caved into the room. A black cloak surrounded by a pile of ash laid in the center of the room. The young twins were fine except for a lightning shape scar, where Voldemorts' spell hit Harry, and Edward had a V shaped cut on his chest, right above his heart, that was made from a jagged piece of falling plaster.

Lily POV

When I ran through thru reminisce of the door the first thing was looked around for my babied. I saw, and heard, them over by the far wall. James and I rushed to the twins checking them over to make sure they were ok. Harry had a lightning shaped scar on his forehead and Edward had a V shaped cut on his chest right above his heart. Sirius let out a gasp and I whipped my head around to see that he was pointing at the floor. When I looked, I saw the inky black robes of Voldomort and his wand half covered in ash.I looked into James's eyes and saw fear, hope and excitement. I got up and the three of us walked downstairs into the living room where the rest of the order waited.

When we got there, we noticed the order gathered around a body, "Clarita" I gasped. She was the neighbor from across the street that watched the twins when we went out. Dumbledore spoke up and said "Yes, it seems that Voldomort" insert mass stupid shudder "got to her first. By the way, do you know what happened?"

I shook my head "No, only that Voldomort" insert mass stupid shudder "is a pile of ash upstairs and one of the twins must of stopped him."

"I see." Dumbledore said. "I will be back In a moment. I am going to go and check what happened." And he walked out of the room. We all sat there waiting, the tense atmosphere was so thick you could have cut it with a brick. After a five minute wait Dumbledore came back into the room and said in a grave tone "Voldomort" insert mass stupid shudder "is dead." At this point everyone started cheering except for James, Sirius, McGonagall, Dumbledore and I. then Dumbledore said in a grave tone "Lily, James, give me the two boys, I need to see which one was the one hit by the killing curse." At this point my heart just about froze in my chest.

"What do you MEAN the KILLING CURSE!" I hollered.

Dumbledore simply smiled and said "I need to check which one bounced the curse back at Voldomort" insert mass stupid shudder. I looked at James and he nodded, so we handed our boys over to him, hoping for an answer.

James and I watched as Dumbledore looked the twins. After a few minutes and said "Edward must have defeated him because he has a lot of magic in him while Harry has almost none. Edward also has a V shaped cut which stands for Voldomort" insert mass stupid shudder "over his heart, indicating his love must have protected him from Voldomorts" insert mass stupid shudder "attack." Albus stood up with Edward raised above his head while little Harry, the real savior was simply dropped onto a stack of pillows. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Edward Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived!"


Ok people, that was the first part of what happens.

INFO: there shall only be 3 horcruxes in this story. The diary, Nagini, and Harrys' scar.

Also, the title of the story will make sense in the next chapter, or the one after that.

I am going to eat an entire box of chocolate now. Bye for now,
