A/N: This is my first True Blood fanfic! So be as cruel as you can be with the feedback, I need to know if I'm truly doing a good job or not(: Oh, and unfortunately I do not own True Blood. Sad, right? All I own is my character and the changes I make to the story's plots(: So without further ado, I present Chapter 1 of Complications!
Lying on this bed was driving me insane. Since last night I've had to stay in this dread hole I call my room because Sophie-Anne had a 'visitor'. Why had she even asked this stranger to spend the night? She knows perfectly well that I can't be imprisoned for longer than one night. But two? Really? At this point, I honestly don't care if I'm exposed to any damn scary-hairy vampire.
I pulled on my blood red pumps, the shortest shorts I owned, and a skanky red tank top in order to piss off her majesty. Before leaving the room, I went in my bathroom and stuffed my bed sheets down the toilet causing it to overflow. Opening my bedroom door, I walked straight into Damian, one of the guards.
"Miss Galvan, where do you think you're going?"
"On my way to expose myself to the rest of the vampire community," I drawled.
"Not funny. Get back in that room and stay there until Her Majesty's business has been attended to."
"But I need to go to the restroom!" I whined.
"You have one conjoining your bedroom," he stated with a look of disgust.
"It's plugged up! Can you go fix it, please?" I said putting on my best puppy-dog face. He sighed and headed to my bathroom. Once alone in the hall, I ran to the day room where I knew Sophie-Anne was. What I found there made my eyebrows rise to the heavens. Sophie-Anne was lying on top of a very handsome blonde vampire, not the same dark-haired one I had gotten a glimpse of last night.
"I'm holding you responsible," I heard her say to the blondie. Before I could comprehend what the hell was going on, her mouth was on his. Jealousy raged through me. Why on earth was I reacting this way to one of Sophie-Anne's make-out scenes? Sure, the vampire looked like the sexiest god ever, but so what? I shouldn't care who Sophie was fucking. No matter how sexy. Once the stranger's fangs were out, Sophie-Anne continued, "There they are. Aren't yours lovely? You may be the strongest, oldest vampire in my Queendom, but if I wanted, I could own your fangs as earrings. Understand?"
"I will take care of Bill Compton," Simply listening to his voice made me weak in the knees! My presence was still unknown and he continued, "Personally."
Before they could do some more tongue wrestling, I knew I had to interrupt.
"Sophie-Anne! Care to introduce me?" Once hearing my voice, Sophie-Anne stood up with vampire speed and sent me a death glare.
"Alesana, I thought I told you to stay in your room."
"You did," I nodded once, "But I'm not very good at following orders."
"Your Majesty, who is this human?" the blonde vampire asked, curiosity taking over him. I grinned at Sophie-Anne while she deliberated on what to say. My eyes wandered over to the vampire and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his beautiful blue orbs. I wanted to run my hands through his hair to see if I could get a reaction to seep through his stone cold face.
"Eric, I do not have to explain anything to you," Sophie-Anne said flashing her angry eyes from me to Eric and back again.
I walked over to them and by that time, Damian was at my side.
"Your majesty, I apologize. I was tricked," Damian explained dropping his gaze to the floor.
"You fucking idiot! Take her back!" Sophie-Anne growled. I knew she was more mad at the guard than at me. She could never be angry enough at me to growl. Seeing as how Damian had grabbed my arm, I snapped my head up to him and drained all the energy in his body. This was a technique I was quite good at.
Damian sank to his knees and yelled, "Stop that!"
I glanced at Eric and saw surprise and curiosity take over his beautiful features, even though they were only there for a second.
Grinning at my ability to be the cause for Eric's bewildered expression, I said, "I'll stop if I get to stay."
"Very well! We're playing Yahtzee. Eric, you're up," Sophie-Anne said agitated. I glanced over at the table where Sophie's two favorite humans sat watching us with intense curiosity. After giving Damian his energy back and letting him leave, I strolled over to the table and sat in between Hadley and Ludis. Hadley was one of my favorites, seeing as to how even though she was a fangbanger, she kept some of her pride.
Eric took the dice cup and once shaking it a bit, let the dice fall on the table. Lucky him, he scored a total of 5 points. I chuckled which caused him to glance up at me. Instead of being threatened by the look that said 'Keep laughing and I'll rip your throat out', I simply continued grinning.
"You suck at this," Sophie-Anne acknowledged.
"Yes... Well, I'm not very familiar with the game," he said tearing his gaze off of me and looking at Sophie-Anne, "But if there's nothing more you can tell me on how to deal with the maenad, I really must be going."
My face lighted up with excitement. "A maenad?! Really? Oh, I want to meet her!"
Everyone just gawked at me. Feeling as though I had grown an extra head I added, "Or I can help kill her... if you'd like. I don't see the point though, I mean; Orgies, sex, violence, partying. Why would you want to take that away?"
"She does have a point you know," Sophie-Anne said.
"How would you know what a maenad is... Or how to kill one, for that matter?" Eric asked, curiosity taking the better of him again. He knew asking so many questions about me would upset Sophie-Anne, which is why he was trying to refrain from doing so.
"I've dealt with one a couple of years back." By a couple of years, I meant about 1,500. You see, other than the whole energy absorption, I was capable of past life regression. My body's only 23, but my memories are about 2,300 years old. I've had blonde hair, red hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, and any other features you could think of. But in this life, I have long black wavy hair and green eyes.
"That is enough Alesana!" Sophie-Anne warned me.
"But I want to help, I'm bored of staying here imprisoned with idiotic guards!"
"And how exactly will you be able to help?" Eric asked.
"I'm not sure. Usually I just go along with whatever comes to mind." I glanced at Sophie-Anne and I saw her roll her eyes.
"Very well. Take her, Eric." she said. Standing up, I started walking towards the exit but stopped immediately seeing Eric was still standing in front of Sophie-Anne.
"And protect her with your life or you will die, Northman." she threatened him.
"Certainly, my queen."
REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! &I might just make the story better than how I already have it planned out;)