"Kio, dammit."
"Whaaaaaaaaat?? What have I done now, Sou-chan?" The green-haired artist looked up from the watercolour painting he was brushing over on the floor.
"They're 15, and you gave them..." Soubi slapped a hand to his own forehead in frustration at his friend.
"A choice between KY jelly or durex condoms. They really wanted something to use, so..."
"So basically you gave them the choice whether to go and fuck eachother or rape some poor innocent girls."
"Kinda...." Kio blushed in embarrassment.
"And what did they choose??"
"...the jelly..."
Soubi sighed and closed his sketchbook. He had been sketching from a photograph of Ritsuka, black hair flying across his face, innocent dark eyes glinting at the camera, pale skin holding up beautifully against the vivid blue sky behind him. But this photograph...was very, very difficult to copy. Soubi was amazing at drawing people, he'd even given Shinonome-san a sketch of her, Yayoi-kun, and Yuiko-chan for her birthday. She almost fainted when he placed that ripped out piece of paper in her hands, he could have sworn.
"Sou-chan? Where are you going?" Kio exclaimed, humiliated.
"I'm going to see Ritsuka." Soubi said bluntly.
"What? Why? You spent a whole week with him in Spain. Spain! I don't know how you got the money for that."
"Kio, you're getting annoying, and Ritsuka needs me right now."
"Don't be so full of yourself, Soubi." Kio spat, patience snapping. "I bet the poor kid would rather be alone than have a deranged paedophile crawl around after him."
Soubi's eyes widened in surprise. "Kio..."
"Get lost." Kio spat.
Soubi did so. He didn't know what Kio was thinking as he closed the door. Maybe he had plans for the two of them, he thought. He would probably have proposed the two of them got to a museum, or the movies, or something. But Soubi only said sorry to one person; Ritsuka.
'Ritsuka...you're old enough. Getting tired of those ears, I'm guessing. Your classmates have lost theirs, what about you?'
Soubi smirked to himself and headed towards Ritsuka's.