"Hey, dude!" Jason slapped Nate on the back and the said 'dude' jumped what seemed like a mile in the air. Jason backed up, a look of worry evident on his face. Nate arched his back, pretending to stretch and looked over at his bandmate, biting his lip. "Whoa, you seem... jumpy." Jason bit back a laugh at his choice of words but Nate hadn't noticed as he continued walking along as though nothing had happened.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine? Are you insinuating that I'm weird? I'm fine!" Nate exclaimed to his friend, glaring as Jason looked on, concerned. Nate blinked, silence taking over the air before Nate started to walk much faster. Jason opened his mouth, about to talk. Or, if you wanted for him to be specific, asked if he was indeed okay. "I mean, the fact that I had a dream about that crazy chick named Caitlyn is totally irrelevant to my health. I'm totally fine!"

"...A dream, huh?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't have a dream!" Nate's eyes got incredibly wide and he gritted his teeth, nervousness showing up. Jason raised a single eyebrow before walking away. He shoved his hands in his pocket and rolled his eyes as he speedwalked away, his eyebrows raised in a 'did that really just happen' look.

Nate watched him go before he himself started towards the mess hall. He kept his teeth over his lip, anxiety taking over his veins. He didn't know why he was so jumpy today. He felt like he had just committed a crime. Which, in the unhappy boy's mind, he did. Dreaming a romantic fantasy about the enemy? That's a big no. And he did it. And IF she decided to ruin his life some more today, he knew he would crack and tell her just what he wanted to be private. Somehow, the crazy dancer had that effect on him.

Footsteps rushed towards him and Nate turned around, expecting Shane or Mitchie or, hell, even Tess. But the chick who tackled him into the dirt was not his best friend, his best friend's girl or, hell, even his best friend's girl's number one enemy. No, it was the root of all evil.

Caitlyn Gellar.

The musician fell on his back, groaning as his hands to his forehead which he was sure had a bruise. Caitlyn beamed down at him, straddling his stomach with his knees on each side of his hips. Her hair fell into a little into her face and he bit his lip harder, the sudden, persuasive urge to brush the strands behind her was reluctant to leave, unfortunately for Nathaniel.

"Hey!" She beamed even brighter and Nate comically sighed, annoyance soaking his words. A giggle threatened to come out of the dancer's throat but she held it back.

"Is there a reason why you're straddling my stomach or you just can't resist me?" She blushed a light pink and laughed with her hands pressuring on his chest, burning his skin through the thing, white fabric.

"You wish."

"Oh, you'd think." He replied blankly, smirking ever so slightly. He felt his anxiety wash away and in came... serenity. Maybe because the person he was scared of was actually here? Or something else... Something that he'll probably figure out when it's too late. But that, my dear readers, is in another chapter, another scene.

She stared at him for a small percentage of time, something unreadable in her gray eyes. Nate stared back, trying not to show his serenity. The last thing he needed was Caitlyn thinking she made Nate comfortable and peaceful.

"Ahem." They broke out of their trances and looked over Caitlyn's shoulder at Tess who smirked as though she just founded the biggest scandal ever. Caitlyn gasped, getting off of Nate and smoothed down her shorts and her hair. Nate put his elbows behind him, lifting his torso up. Tess smirked even wider. "What were you two doing?"


"Something." Nate replied with a bored look at the same time Caitlyn replied with one of her best glares at her once-enemy.

"So is it a nothing or a something?"


"Nothing." They had switched words this time and Caitlyn was growing more and more nervous. Tess winked and walked away, a plan producing in her head. As soon as the blonde walked away from their line of sight, Caitlyn stomped on Nate's hands. He yelped, holding it.

"What the fu-"

"You know exactly! Tess is the gossip queen, you idiot! We'll be dating by the end of breakfast." Nate blinked, obviously not effected by it. She had tricked him two(or was it one?) day(s) ago and now she had the nerve to stomp on his hand and straddle him? She was crazy.

"You're crazy, you know that right?" He told her, glaring softly as he sat up some more, cradling his sprained hand.

"I'm crazy and you're naive." She said, referring to the stunt she pulled a few days ago. Nate glared harder and stood up, dusting off his clothes. "You look jumpy. You sleep alright?" She asked casually, smoothing her hair some more. Nate tensed up and took in a breath.

"I slept fine. and yourself?" Caitlyn sucked in a breath, shivering at the thought of her dream.

"Great. Like a baby." Nate nodded, and started to walk into the mess hall. "Bye Nate."

"Bye Cait." He replied, shutting the door behind him. She felt her heart soar but she kept it hidden, not showing her giddiness at her nickname. She did not like that conceited, cynical rockstar.

But you can only lie to yourself for so long before the truth floods in, washing away the unconvincing.

And that is exactly what happens.

(But that's in another chapter.)

I'm finally starting this up again. Well, this and Mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this and ignore my contrast in writing.

Review. :D