Hello one and all to my new story.

SUMMARY: Damn Kumoi and his stupid missions. Kanda was an antisocial butterfly. How the hell was he supposed to teach a bunch of snot nose brats when he couldn't even handle a Moyashi? What the hell is Hog-wart anyway? Yullen

Update-This is the revised version of this chapter. Read and Review :D

Disclaimer: I don't owned anything but my notebooks of dreams.

Warning-slash, profanity, violence, etc. some OOCness Don't like it, don't read. But if you really must, then allow me to torture your soul with my fangirliness.

Act One: "Damn him and his fucking mission!"

"Goddamn him and his fucked up missions!" Kanda was walking down the street of Diagon Alley, silently promising himself a nice target when he comes home. Kumoi would rue the day he gave Kanda his current mission. The Japanese man gave a frightening glare to anyone who dared looked at him; some even try to dare make an eye contact.

'Damn him and his stupid sister complex!' Kanda thought grimly. He knew Lenalee was able to do this fucked up mission since her last one was about a month ago and she barely even got a scratch. He should know, he was the one who protected her from the stupid akumas. He had gotten a few broken ribs, a deep cut, which left a weird mark, on his left hand, a few burns (on the same arm as well) and a bruise to his right cheek.

All Lenalee had to do for the rest of the month, though she highly disapproves, was do a few paperwork, serve Kumoi some coffee and, well, nothing else.

Compared to Kanda's month, she'd been treated like a princess. He'd been on at least ten missions, all including a few level threes akuma and an annoying rabbit namely known as Lavi.

The worst part was when he met a witch on his seventh mission.

Even though she was only a child, she managed to put a spell, or curse, as Kanda likes to call it, on him. Now, whenever he was pissed off, an extra pair of ears would pop on top of his dark locks and a black tail would pop from his nice behind. If anything, why the hell did he have to be a cat? The kitty ears and tail started to annoy him every time they came up. Why couldn't he had been a, I don't know, a wolf or something? That fitted his character more than a little kitty.

Good thing he was alone on the mission, or else somebody might have found out. Before he came home, mission succeeded, he bought a pair of headbands. No matter how girly, or embarrassing, it was, this would be no comparison if Kumoi or that stupid rabbit found out.

He was teased by the idiotic duo when he got home, gotten a flushed looked from Lenalee, saying something about him being so cute, almost like a girl and some other shit he really didn't want to hear. Good thing Allen wasn't back from his own mission yet. Kanda wasn't in the mood to hear the stupid beansprout's mouth going on and on and on about his new hair ornament.

Kanda was still throwing curse looks at the unlucky by-passers. A few girls were giggling at him, which made it obvious they were talking about him. A few boys actually looked back at him as they passed him. Kanda was well prepared to take Mugen and put him to good use.

Dammit! If these were the kids that went to 'Hog-wart' then that would mean he's also obliged to teach them. To hell with this school! Or at least he wished. He was sent on a mission to act as a teacher for some Dark Defense Arts or something and investigate the weird reports of a possible that a Innocence, no, more like four Innocence were hiding in that school and it's crucial that he find them before the Earl learns about them.

The painful thought of teaching a bunch of brats brought the twenty years old to a more agitated state. He had a whole year to find then Innocence, but that also meant a whole year teaching a few ungrateful brats who still need their 'Mommy's' to blow their noses. He was starting to get piss, he clenched the small bag, the one with his clothes, some soba, bandages, etc. and he almost let himself go. Kanda held onto his headband, making sure it stays down. His tail was a different matter. He had to stop at an empty alley and try to keep it down.

Useless attention was not needed.

After settling his ungrateful tail, he walked back to the alley. His black boots made no noise as always, only his hair swaying gently behind him. Even with the loose black pants, fitted black muscle shirt and dark and heavy black cloak, he barely made any sound. Besides, how could you tell, every damn person on this shopping district was chatting their mouths off. Oh how Kanda wished that could truly happen. Maybe he could do that to Kumoi, Lavi and maybe even Allen. He really didn't care about Lenalee. She really didn't bother him as much as the stupid triplet did.

He stopped before a raggedy looking shop, reading the worn down sign. Flourish and Blotts. This was the stupid book store Kanda was supposed to get some books from. Or, at least he hoped so. Kanda was usually good with his sense of direction and been able to do most orders given to him, but this was his first time coming in contact with a bunch of wizards and witches, saved the little girl who cursed him with the cute ears and tail.

He looked at the list he crumpled when Kumoi had first informed him of the mission. All it had were basic stuff; nothing was given a certain name to it. He frowned even more as he entered the shop.

He looked back at the list again, not bothering to notice the ogling girls at him.

'All books on Defense Against Dark Arts



Something for my lovely Lenalee! Make it nice, a necklace or something!'

The list went on and on and on about his stupid Lenalee, not that he had anything against her. She was just...there.

Anyway, he looked up the thousands of books on the hundreds of shelves. Dammit, considering he wasn't really a wizard and this was his first time here, he didn't know where the hell those fucking books were. To hell with the idea of asking for help as well. The last time Kanda asked for help (more like directions) he gained another pair of ears and a bushy tail.

Kanda looked back at his list and crossed off robes. Considering the amount of time he would need to find the books he required, he wouldn't have time to get everything he needed. He really didn't like going to some place and having to go back again because he couldn't get everything the first time.

His clothes were fine the way they were and he really doesn't feel like wearing a stupid dress. He was, as much as he would refuse to admit it, girly looking enough as it is. He hated being called as girl. In fact, if he had a choice of making out with the stupid Moyashi or being turned to a girl, he would choice Allen no matter how gross the mental image he was getting.

After a few minutes of running up and down the creaky stairs, Kanda finally found out that the books, ALL of the Defense Against Dark Arts books were scattered around the whole shop. God, just how lucky was he. Just for a note, he was being sarcastic.

For about an hour later, the sun was starting to set and Kanda finally managed to find all the damn books. Damn Kumoi would pay for giving him a stupid job like this. The rabbit would have been useful for times like these. Stupid Lavi had bad timing, when Kanda didn't want to see him, he was there. When Kanda actually wanted him there, which is almost never, he wasn't.

Since he decided that he no longer needed the robes, he only had two things left. Well, he did have a whole year, so Lenalee's present can wait, leaving him with only one thing left. Wooden sticks called wands. 'Again with the fucking sticks.' He recalled when Kumoi first came in his room, no matter how grim he became, and suddenly gave Kanda a wand and to wave it. At the farthest end of the hall, way away from Kanda's own room, a loud crash or screams could be heard from the unfortunate Finders.

Not aware of those facts, Kumoi kept giving Kanda those sticks and telling to wave it. By the time they were almost done with the whole box, Kanda was almost reaching his limit and his ears and tail almost popped out, which they then did after Kanda had threaten Kumoi to get out of his room with Mugen.

"Where the hell to now?" Kanda asked himself while quickly dropping of the books back at the hotel he was currently staying at. The clerk's eyes widen as he saw the pile of books Kanda had carried in. He was now looking for a stupid shop called Olivander's. He was supposed to get his 'wand' there.

"T'ch." He stopped in front of an old looking shop. In big letters, the sign spelled out 'OLIVANDER'S'. Okay, so here he was. He entered the shop, coughing lightly as the dust from the top of the door fell on him. He patted the top on his head, hating the feeling of dust in his hair.

"Oh! A customer! Please wait!" The voice of an old man was heard from the back doors. It swung open, revealing an old man. He looked a little dusty, short and wrinkly.

"Um.. I'm here to buy a wand." Kanda was an ass, but he was also kind to old people like these ones. He bowed politely, his graceful movement observed by the old man.

The old man waved to him to stop. "Oh dear, it's okay. There's no need to do that! But what a polite child you are!" He smiled at him. Usually, kids nowadays were rude and annoying.

Kanda raised his head back up. He really wanted to go and get this damn mission over with. "Excuse me sir, but if you don't mind, I would like to receive my wand as soon as possible."

"Oh, yes, please hold on!" Olivander knew which wand was for this kid. He ran to the back, trashing his office to find 'that' wand. He didn't even have to measure this kid. He just had a feeling that wand was meant for that kid. Olivander stopped on his tracks. But the man looked around fifteen or so. Why doesn't he have a wand yet? Usually, all wizarding kids receive their wands around the age of eleven or twelve.

Oh well, he would have to ask him after he finds that wand. Now, just where did he put it again?

Kanda was getting peeved. The damned old man went to the back of the shop and had been there for fifteen minutes already.

If only this wasn't part of the mission, he would have already left. He heard a few crashes and a few yells of pain, but they all soon went away. How long was the fucking old man going to take to find a stupid wand?

He kept a note of his surroundings. The shop was filled with boxes and boxes of those stupid stick he was obliged to keep. The room was filled with dust, as if it had been abandoned for years. The shop looked as if it would have fallen to the ground if he was to release his Innocence right there and then.

All in all, it looked like another wizarding store. He just couldn't help the strange feeling he was getting. He felt a strange surge of energy pass through him each minute. It gave him the chills, which was quiet unusual since almost nothing can bother Kanda and his own thoughts. Each time, he felt a light tug at his chest. His heart stops, the top most of a second, and then continues to beat at its usual calm rhythm.

"Sorry! I've found it! I've found it!" The tiny old man suddenly appeared from his back doors. He was holding a wand out. It looked like any other stick that he'd seen before (curtsy to Kumoi) except a little thinner and a few centimeters longer. There was also a little glass marble at the end.

The old man rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry for taking so long, young man, but I believe this is the wand for you." He held the wand tightly with a silk handkerchief. Why, Kanda didn't know why, but he really didn't care. Suddenly, the old man's kind eyes became stern. "Now young man, I believe this is for you, but be careful, I might be wrong."

Kanda mentally rolled his eyes. Who cares? All he wanted was to get the stupid stick and finish this fucking mission as soon as possible. Of course, he wouldn't say that to the old man. He merely nodded his head yes.

He grabbed, with respect of course, the wand from the old man, not bothering to hold it with the silk. The fabric fell to the floor and before Kanda could pick it up, the older man stopped him. "No, no, it's okay young man! Just wave the wand!"

Olivander's POV

My eyes couldn't help but widen a fraction as I watched the young man hold the wand. I was right! This wand was meant for this foreign stranger! Oh dear, oh dear! The last one to try this wand, the young woman's arm was halfway burnt off. She was rushed to the nearest hospital and they managed to save her from blood lost, but to do so, they had to remove her whole arm.

Poor girl, it was her wand arm as well.

But right now, I couldn't help but feel excitement bubbling with in me. This boy was managing 'her' wand! I stopped the boy from picking up the fabric that fell to the floor and told him to wave it right away.

"Go on boy, give it a wave!" I didn't mean to hurry him, but I just couldn't wait. I watched his every move and the sigh he gave. Was it me or did he had an annoyed look on his feminine face for a second? Oh well, I watched as he sighed again and waved the wand. I waited.

Seconds passed, which felt a lot like hours. Nothing, nothing happened. I bet anyone could see the disappointment on my old, wrinkled face. "Oh, oh dear...I guess I was wrong." I tried to keep the sadness from my voice, but it still managed to come back. I guess I was hoping too much. I, with a huge bubble of disappointment, tried to grab the wand back from the boy.

I was so forgetful. Because of my moment of disappointment, I forgot that even I couldn't hold the wand without a cover like the silk handkerchief from before, that is, unless I wanted to burn my arms off. Before I could burn my arm, and still forgot about the silk, the boy moved the wand away from my wrinkled hands.

I looked at him in surprised. "Boy, that wand is not for you. You should give it back; I'll get another one for you."

He shook his head while I wondered for a second if he truly was meant to be a boy. He looked like those Japanese temptress, only without the traditional makeup and revealing kimonos. He had long silky raven locks that were tied back in a high ponytail and long curly eye lashes that girls would kill to have.

"No, it's okay." He gave me a blank look and I returned it. This boy wanted to keep a wand that didn't even work for him?

"Well, what are you waiting for, I want to pay for it now."

Oh! I rushed to the counter and to the register. I rushed back there so fast, thanks to the many years of making it into a habit of mine.

Before I realized that this wand did not work for the boy and I was supposed to get him another one, I have already sold it to him and he had left. I felt like bashing my head to the wall for my own stupidity. Wands that do not react to their wizards, and then were used for some spell usually backfires in the worst possible time.

For a supposedly wise old man, I felt pretty stupid. I couldn't feel the boy's presence anywhere nearby. Oh bloody scones! Oh well, I'm sure the boy would come back when the first spell he chants with that wand backfires.


End of Olivander's POV

Hey guys, so I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to follow the story. Read and review, I really love feedbacks. Till the next chapter, see you :D