This story is a fantasy really I have ben having about the Secret Saturdays. It is about Zak's new trainer, Jaime who is helping him with his powers. I own none of the charecters from TSS except Jaime.
Zak sat in the meditation room waiting for his tutor to get there.
"Where is she? She should have been here by now" thought Zak as he got up and started to pace back and forth.
Fiskerton was sitting in the corner of the room watching Zak pace back and forth impatiently. Fiskerton then got up and tried to get Zak to sit back down.
"I know I am being impatient Fisk but she is sorta almost twenty minutes late now." said Zak as he glanced at the clock on the wall.
"fwe shubba bwa dwa" mumbled Fisk.
"What? I am not overreacting! She lives in the greenhouse. She has no reason to be this late." argued Zak as he sat back down.
Fisk mumbled to himself and went back to the corner of the room and sat down. Then the door open and in came a girl carrying a staff with a diamond encrusted atop it.
"Finally! You were supposed to be here half an hour ago." protested Zak as he stood up and walked over to the girl.
"Its not my fault that your parents and uncle wont stop questioning me about my powers." said the girl as she leaned her staff up against the wall.
The girl looked to be about the same age as Zak. Her name was Jaime. She wore camo pants and a white tank top. Her hair was black but had a white stripe right through the middle of here hair. Her eyes were a bright green. She had the same power as Zak did. She was also able to control cryptids. She also had one other power though. She had the power to morph into any cryptid that she touched by absorbing their DNA pattern.
"Are we going to get started now?" asked Zak anxiously.
Zak had been excited all day for his training with Jaime. Jaime was going to try and teach Zak how to morph like her. Jaime was Zak's private trainer because she is also a Kur guardian and guards him from any danger while she trains him.
"Yes just calm down a little bit Zak. For me to train you to morph as I do you are going to need to concentrate." said Jaime as she sat down.
Zak sat down in front of her."Okay what do I have to do then?" asked Zak as he started to squirm a little.
Suddenly Jaime started to change. She got on her hands and knees. Blue fur began to sprout all over her body. Her hands and feet turned it to giant paws. A snout began to sprout from where her nose was. She was morphing into a Blue Tiger.
"Whoa!That is so cool!" said Zak in awe of what he was seeing.
"Fwa baa wee hwa." said Fiskerton also in awe.
"Okay to morph Zak you are going to need to already have touched a cryptid. When you do this you are also acquiring a DNA pattern from them enabling you to morph into that cryptid afterwards." said Jaime as she got up and started to circle around Zak.
"Yeah I know that part already. You told me that when we first met. What I don't know is how to morph." said Zak as he started to feel a little uncomfortable being circled by a Blue Tiger with large fangs.
"I am just making sure that you remember Zak. Also don't worry I am not going to attack you. I may have the body of a Blue Tiger but I still have my own mind." said Jaime when she noticed Zak squirming a little again.
"Somehow that doesn't really help to reassure me much after I saw how vicious of a fighter you were back in Antarctica." said Zak.
Jaime had already been helping the Saturdays for a while before they found out Zak was Kur. She had helped Zak fight Argost and what they thought was Kur.
Jaime gave him an angry glare."I am not going to train you if you are going to be smart mouthing me the whole time." said Jaime angrily.
"Ooh dwo shwa bwe." said Fiskerton to Zak in a taunting tone.
"Same goes for you Fisk although you aren't the one being trained. I can just have you leave instead.
Fiskerton grumbled to himself while Zak gave him a victorious look.
"Sorry I will stop. Okay so what do I need to do first?" asked Zak.
Jaime sat back down in front of Zak. "First you need to clear you mind of all thoughts. Then you focus on what cryptid you want to morph into. Morph a Blue Tiger like I did. It is much easier." Explained Jaime.
Zak began to meditate until Fisk began to giggle a little. Then Zak started to giggle a little too. Jaime started to get a look of annoyance on her face.
"Okay that's it. Fisk, leave now!" ordered Jaime. Her eyes were blazing with annoyance and anger.
Fisk mumbled something to himself and then left the room.
"Well that was kinda mean. All we were doing was laughing." said Zak.
"I told you that you need to focus to morph. That means no laughing or anything." said Jaime.
Zak started to meditate again. A few minutes later blue fur began to sprout on his hands. Jaime noticed and had a look of surprise on her face.
"Well that was quicker than I thought it would take for you to start morphing." said Jaime surprised.
Zak opened his eyes and saw that he was beginning to turn into a Blue Tiger."Cool! I am doing it! I am morphing!" shouted Zak happily.
A minute later his morphing was complete. He had perfectly morphed a Blue Tiger.
"Well done Zak. I didn't think that you would actually perfectly morph your first time due to not doing this before but you proved me wrong." said Jaime as she began to morph back into a human.
"Thanks but how do I morph back now?" asked Zak as he watched Jaime morph back into a human.
"The same way you morphed into the Blue Tiger. Concentrate and focus on your human form." explained Jaime.
Zak began to morph back into his human form. A minute later he was hack to his human form.
"It worked. This is so awesome! Thank you soo much for teaching me how to morph!" exclaimed Zak as he hugged Jaime. He began to blush really hard when he noticed he hugged her. He stared down at the floor to try and hide it.
"Uh no problem. Anytime you want to practice morphing just ask me and I would be more than willing to help." said Jaime as she began to blush a little too when she noticed Zak was blushing.
It seems that Zak might have more feeling for Jaime than thinking of her as his trainer. More chapters will be added very soon. Please review.