Here it is. How a Friday turned into a Sunday update I'll never know. This isn't the original epi, I had typed, because it got deleted, so I pulled this baby out all day Saturday.
I'm sad to see this story end. This is my baby. My first story that took about 10 months to write. I want to thank all my reviewers, because without your support, this story would have been nothing. I hoped you laughed, cried, and even had a moment to think, and even what in the hell am I reading? :)
As I said there will be a sequel, and that now has a set date of 10/1/10 so mark your calenders and add me to author alert, and don't forget to check out my other stories.
With a sad heart and smile, I would like to present to you the last chapter of The Way we Were. :) I enjoyed the ride, but just remember that this is a stop and the next ride will be a hell of a lot better.
xoxo Sylvia Cullen.
2 ½ years later….
"Damn it, Bella! Sit still." Alice growled, as she grabbed another strand of my hair harshly. She had already burnt me, six times already, and I wouldn't have been surprised if there weren't a patch of hair missing from my head.
"Ouch! You would move too, if it felt like someone was pulling out your hair. That shit hurts." I grimaced, and almost to prove my point, she grabbed another strand of my hair too tightly and I flinched once more, fearing that I was going to get burnt once more by the hot curling iron she held in her hands.
"Isabella Marie Swan!" she huffed, glaring at me as I glared back. She had no idea. It was easy for her and her short spiky hair. All she had to do was run her fingers through hers and she's all set. She doesn't have to sit through this torture of having nearly every strand on your hair pulled from your head.
"Mary Alice Cullen!" I huffed back, as she let out a startled breath. I smiled evilly. I knew how much she hated the use of her full name."I can't believe you pulled the "Mary!" she nearly screamed. "You know how much I hate that."
"Well, you called me Isabella." I retorted. Just like she hated being called Mary, I hated being called Isabella. Bella just fit me better."You let Edward call you Isabella." she said back, tapping one of her slipper clad feet. She had a point. It just sounded better when he said it.
"That's different; he's my boyfriend, who by the way I would like to see before I turn sixty. Besides, we have to be there at 1 to line up." I huffed. This was just crazy. We had been cooped up in Alice's room for about 5 hours now since 6 am and it was now almost eleven and we still weren't dressed. I had a headache, I was sleepy and starving, and then add a hyper active pixie to the mix; we were a couple of steps from the loony bin.
"You'll see him later. If I have to wait to see Jasper, you'll live to see Edward." she laughed, but I found it un-humorous. I missed him, and desperately just wanted to feel the youth of his lips against mine. She had it easy; she had seen her boyfriend already. I frowned at her.
"Aww turn that frown upside down and smile." I quirked an eyebrow at her, the frown still upon my face.
"Stop killing my high, and close your eyes." She glared, and I simply complied. There was no point in arguing if I just wanted to prolong this any further. I looked on as she grabbed various brushes, and assortments of make-up bouncing from place to place. I simply closed my eyes, and as I felt a brush drift across my features, I let my mind wander.
Today Alice and I were accomplishing a major milestone of our lives. We were finally graduating college. Not high school, elementary school, or any other form of recognition that happens in school, but college. To be honest, I didn't even think I would make it this far, but here I was in front of the mirror, enduring Alice's wrath so I could walk across the stage. And to think, I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the help of my family and friends.
The first six months after the accident I would say were the hardest for me. After a stay of five weeks in the hospital and an additional 2 weeks of bed rest, I had to endure the painful torture of physical therapy. I had hated the idea at first, figuring I could recuperate on my own, but soon realized that if I wanted complete use of my foot, I had to suck it up and go through it. It was necessary. I had two surgeries on my foot. The first to stabilize the bones, using rods, and the second to remove them once the bones in my foot had healed. When I first saw my foot after the first surgery, I nearly fainted. No one ever wants to see metal rods sticking out either side of their leg. I first had to get the green light to start therapy from my doctor once my ribs healed, and had my head checked. The doctors had said that my epileptic seizure occurred from stress, and that I couldn't let myself not to get too worked up. Easy thing to do right? Not in my case.
I hadn't made it through my first week of PT (physical therapy) when I wanted to give up. I was in agonizing pain. We had started strengthening exercises, that by the end of the day I would end up in tears. My therapist would push me continuously through my sweat and tears until I would collapse at the end of the day in pain. Although I had suffered only minor nerve damage from the surgery, I would still get an occasional sharp shooting pain from the ankle down.
That soon became my routine for the next three weeks. I would wake up, get dressed, go to therapy, sweat, cry, take a break, and sweat and cry again. It was an endless cycle, and I was soon reaching a breaking point. I was on the brink of breaking down, the stress of everything getting to me. I would have thrown in the towel if it weren't for Edward. He was the only person that truly kept me going, while he recovered himself. He had gotten his stitches taken out 3 ½ weeks after I was released. He was lucky it hadn't let that big of a scar, leaving a crescent like pink line against his skin.
Then after a grueling 3 months of PT, I was deemed free to go, and like the doctors had predicted I had a slight limp but it was virtually unnoticeable unless you paid close attention.
Then there came the issue of school. The dean was appalled, and hoped that the scandal didn't reach the press, because the school didn't need that kind of publicity. Luckily, it didn't and the dean talked to all of professors giving me two months to finish any left over work from the semester and too take my exams. With the help of Edward and I Alice, I was able to finish out the semester averaging an A- in all of my classes.
Not only did I have to deal with the stress of PT and school, I had to do with the repercussions of that night. After the police hade gathered our statements, we were told that they were both charged, and if they go to trial that one of us might have to testify. Edward immediately stepped up and I was grateful, because to be honest, I really didn't want to relive that night. It was just too painful to think about. Even to this day I was still plagued by nightmares of Tanya pulling a gun upon Edward and I. Luckily for the both of us, more witnesses came forward from past incidents who were to afraid to report for the threat of their families being injured.
I was even more surprised to hear from Edward, that it was Renee who had tipped him off about my where abouts. Once she given her statement she disappeared. Last time I heard, she ran off with a Latino version of Fabio, and the two of them had ran off to Spain. But long story short, Leah and Jacob were sentenced fifty six years to life, without parole. To say I wasn't relieved would be the biggest understatement of the century. I even mentally threw my own little party when I heard the verdict. I was so happy. I could get back to life; the night mare was finally over. I could start my life again.
I was pulled from my thoughts, when I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head.
"What the fuck Alice." I winced. I wouldn't have been surprised if she held a handful of my hair in her hands.
"Get dressed. It's 12:15 already!" she screamed throwing me a garment bag. I just stared in awe at her. We were running late. This was a first for Alice, the queen of hating to be late to anyplace. The drive alone to the venue where the ceremony was being held would take 30 minutes, then to find a parking space, and then put on our caps and gown, and find our place in line.
"Don't just sit there! Get dressed!" she said, stripping in front of me. I just turned my head and blushed.
"It's too late for modesty, now come on!" she said, as I pulled out my own dress. It was a jade green silk dress that ended just above the knee, that had bows tied across my bust. I quickly threw it on careful not to wrinkle it as I glanced over to see Alice adjust her own strapless pink dress that ended above the knee that had a tie to the side of her bust. I looked around for shoes, when Alice threw me a pair of gold thronged sandals, as she quickly threw on a pair of peep toe heels. I could have opted for heels, but my ankle was hurting lately and I didn't want to risk busting my ass going across the stage. I barely had enough time to adjust my charm bracelet that Edward had given me, before Alice grabbed my hand pulling me downstairs. I was almost tripping in her haste to get out the door, grabbing the bags that held our caps and gowns in one hand and mine in the other. I was surprised I even had enough time to close the door to our apartment, before she pulled me towards her car. I hadn't even fastened my seatbelt, before she sped off towards the highway.
"Can you believe it!" she squealed, not taking her eyes off the road.
"I can't. It's finally our turn. This is it. They say in high school that we're finally adults, but this just brings it all home." I answered.
"It does. And the whole family's here to witness our big day!" she squealed again, and I had to smile at her enthusiasm. It was just contagious.
"This is a big change, isn't it?" I said resting my head against the window.
"It is, but isn't that what life's about changes?' she responded.
"I guess it is." I answered closing my eyes.
There had been so many changes. Rose and Emmett had postponed their wedding, much to my irritation, claiming that she wasn't going to have a wedding until her brother and sister were healed. They were married mid October, and honeymooned in Hawaii for two weeks. When they had returned, we all had decided it was best that they moved out to their own place, so they could have the privacy without the ears and eyes of their siblings. Emmett had waited till Rose had graduated to move to Ithaca so he could enroll in Cornell University's vet med program, while Rose started working as a publicist for events. Jasper was off, much to Alice's dismay, where he got the opportunity to intern at an office in Jersey. He came down to see Alice every other weekend. Then it wasn't too long after when Edward graduated. With everyone being out of the house, I had decided to sell the condo, where Alice and I moved into our own little comfy apartment about 30 minutes away. Esme and Carlisle had decided to move back to Forks when Carlisle got the opportunity to expand his research to Washington. I hadn't seen them in over 5 months.
I was again broken from my thoughts, when I heard Alice squeal.
"Come on we're here!" She said jumping out of the car with me in tow. Since we were already running behind, I wouldn't have the chance to see Edward beforehand. I missed him so much.
Ever since that night, it was like something changed between the two of us. We had already had an bond, but this was just something unbreakable. We still had so much baggage to sort through and we decided it was best to remain friends for the time being until we worked through our issues. That lasted all but a couple of months until Edward and I got a little too hot and heavy one night, where he promptly popped my cherry against my bedroom wall. After that we had decided to take things slow, and re-learn things about one another. When he graduated, I was heartbroken. He had got a once in a life time opportunity in Miami to work as an intern for a media publicist in the music department. I couldn't let him past that up even for me. After a three hour long talk, it was decided he would move to go follow his dream. I hadn't seen him since he left, except from the constant text messaging and webcam chats, but it was nothing compared to the actual thing. I missed everything about him. His scent, his touch, his smile. I felt lost without him here. I couldn't wait to see him, and wrap my arms around him and pepper his face with kisses. I was feeling slightly anxious. A year made a big difference no matter where you were. I just hope he still felt the same towards me and didn't let the L.A life get to him.
I shook my head at the thought. Giving Alice a quick kiss on the cheek and wave, we went our separate ways to find our place in line. Settling my cap against my head and securing my gown, I took a deep breath and settled myself behind my friend Hannah. I started bouncing on my feet, as the dean told us it was time. Taking a deep breath, I followed in line as we headed to the floor where graduates would sit. I looked around to see the stands filled loved ones supporting their loved ones. I tried to see where the others were, but all I was met with were flashes and horns, as we sat in our seats.
It wasn't long before, the dean and valedictorian spoke, before it was time to deliver the diplomas. When they called Alice's name she all but danced across the stage, as I screamed and cheered her on and heard the un-mistakable voice of Emmett and Esme screaming.
"That's my baby sister!" he boomed, the same time Esme screamed "That's my baby!"
The other names were a blur, until it was time for my row to stand. I was walking on needles, praying to god that I didn't fall going across the stage.
"Isabella Marie Swan." the dean said, as I walked across the stage hearing the screams of my family and friends and one voice in particular that me flush a million shades of red.
"That's my girlfriend!" Edward screamed from a blow horn, earning laughs from the audience and graduates. I quickly got off the stage, and headed back to my seat still flushing. It wasn't long before the dean passed out the remaining diplomas, and we threw our caps in the air, signaling that this was it. This was the real start to the rest of our lives. Alice immediately ran to me, the two of us a sobbing mess, as we grabbed our friends taking quick pictures, before the two of us went off to go find our family.
It wasn't long before I felt Alice release my hand and take off in a sprint, as I saw her crash into the arms around Jasper, wrapping her arms around him. I looked around frantically for any sight f him, but when I saw the unmistakable flash of bronze hair, I did the same as Alice and took off in a sprint, when he caught sight of me. I crashed into him; Edward stumbling a few steps back as I crashed my lips against his. His lips moved against mine, as I savored his taste, the reality of him being here making this moment all too real.
We broke apart as he pressed his forehead against mine, the two of us breathless, his green eyes peering down into my brown."Well I guess if I'm going to get that kind of welcome, I should stay away more often." he smiled crookedly at me.
"You better not." I grinned pressing my lips against his once more, when I heard a throat clear.
"Uh hello. There are others who would like to see Bella." Emmett huffed as we broke apart.
"Aww and I wouldn't want to disappoint my Emmy Bear now would I?" I teased as he grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug the others following after him as Edward hugged Alice.
"Come on, we have reservations for 5, so don't spend too much time making out." Esme winked at Edward and me. Blushing, she grabbed my cap and gown and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Edward grabbed my hand, and pulled me off towards his rental car.
"Where are we going?" I asked him, as he leant back against his car door, with me pressed against his chest.
"I don't know yet, but I would go anywhere with you." he smiled kissing my forehead.
"Anywhere?" I teased, rubbing my finger against his chest."You name the place, and I'll be there." he smirked, pressing a kiss against my neck.
"Even Miami" I smiled hoping he would catch on.
"Even Miami, but wait I'm already there." he said, leaning back a look of confusion upon his face.
"Not without me you aren't." I grinned, as his mask of confusion shifted to one of pure joy.
"You serious?" he grinned.
"Of course silly. You don't think, that I was going to leave you in Florida all alone, did you?" I laughed, but was cut off, as his lips crashed down on mine once more.
"God, I love you so much." he said, as we broke apart, my head resting against his chest, as I listened to the steady thumping of his heart. This was the two of us. The love, the hate, the laughter, the arguments. Without him there wouldn't be me. I was ready, and this was our time. We stood there for a couple more minutes, relishing each others touch, when he whispered into my ear.
"Are you ready love?" his husky voice said, the warmth from his breath sending chills down my neck.
"Ready for what Edward?" I whispered back breathless.
"The rest of our lives." he grinned, pressing his lips against mine, and I smiled knowing that with him, I was ready for anything.
~The End~